Lecture 30 - Neurotransmission Flashcards
Astrocyte function?
NT take up, regulate transmission, electrical conduction via gap junctions
Protoplasmic Astrocytes?
reside in layers 2-6, GFAP-positive processes form domains and do not intermingle, vast reach of affecting synapses
Fibrous Astrocytes?
found in white and grey matter, processes intermingle and do not form domains, support role rather than information and respond to brain injury
encase endothelial cells in brain capillaries maintaining BBB, theorised relation to Alzheimer’s and stroke
Neurotransmission drug targets?
enzymes, proteins, channels, uptake proteins, receptors, transducer proteins
resident macrophages, phagocytose debris, sulpt brain during development
Chemical neuroanatomy?
study of anatomical localisation of neurotransmitter locations and how these locations are relevant for drug targets
Monoamine NTs?
serotonin, noradrenaline, DA
AA derived?
GABA, glutamate, glycine
Other types of NTs?
Ach, neuropeptides
released by nerve and glial cells, slow pre and post synaptic responses
Neurotrophic Factors?
long-time scale, act on tyrosine-kinase type receptors to mediate growth and survival promoting effects e.g. BDNF, IGF-1
Fast working NTs?
ion channel: glycine, glutamate
Slow working NTs?
GPCR: DA, neuropeptides