Lecture 2: Introduction Flashcards
What is Psychology?
The scientific study of behaviour; where behaviour is broadly defined.
What is social psychology?
The scientific study of human social behaviour– the ‘how’s’ and ‘whys’ of human social behaviour
What is sport/exercise psychology?
the scientific study of human social behaviour in the sport/exercise context – the ‘how’s’ and ‘whys’ of human social behaviour in the sport/exercise context
What are the two general categories of sport/ex psych questions?
- What effect do psychology factors have on performance
in sport/exercise? - What effect does participation in sport/exercise have on the psychological make-up of the participant?
What is sport?
Sports are institutionalized (organisation/rules) competitive activities that involve vigorous physical exertion or use of relatively complex physical skills
What is competition?
A situation in which a comparison of an individual’s performance is made with some standard of excellence, in the presence of others who are aware of the criteria (standard) for comparison and can evaluate the comparison process
How is sport different to PA?
- Because of competition
- Being judged and scrutinized
- Pressure expectation (how do you perceive this?)
What aspects add to popularity of sports?
Participation, Spectators, Media, TV, Print media, Sports “business” – pro sports, equipment, clothing, shoes,…
What issues come with voluntary activity?
an issue of motivation, commitment
What issues come with competitive activity?
an issue of motivation, stress
What issues come with evaluative activity?
an issue of self-esteem, stress
What issues come with skill learning?
an issue of concentration, attention, self-confidence
What issues come with participating with and against other people?
an issue of cooperation, leadership, group dynamics
What issues come with rule bound activity?
an issue of fair play, cheating, morality, aggression…
What are psychoanalytic theories?
- “homo valen – a striving human” : unconscious, inner urges expressed as drives and emotions; esp. the libido, as it acts as a motivational force.
What is the equation for psychoanalytic theories?
B = f ( p )
B = behaviour F = function P = person
What are behavioural theories?
- “homo mechanicus – a relative human” : like a complex computer the individual is ‘programmed’ to react in a consistent manner to certain kinds of input from the social environment; minimal thought involved.
What is the equation for behavioural theories?
B = f ( E )
B = behaviour F = function E = environment (behaviour is a function of the environment/other human beings setting rules)
What are cognitive theories?
- “homo sapien – a thinking human”an individual ‘thinks’ about the social environment, but also brings their own motives, goals, beliefs and values to every situation.
: a complex interaction of the persons perception of the social environment leads to behaviour – emphasis is on perception.
What is the equation for cognitive theories?
B = f ( P x e )
Person AND behaviour explain the behaviour
What is Psych in Sport/PA?
competition, motivation, stress
What is psych for sport?
Mental Skills Training (MST)
What does User + software + hardware mean?
User = cognitive
Software = behaviour
Hardware = psych A
What is “looking versus seeing”?
How to perceive or make sense of the information, We all look at the same information, but we don’t always see the same answer