Essay Plans Flashcards
Social Psych Theories B = f ( P x E )
What are theories?
What are cognitive theories?
- Using beliefs, experiances and goals to interact with enviornment
What are psychoanalytical theories?
What are behavioural theories?
Why are cognitive theories preferred?
Looking vs. Seeing (Perception)
Arousal, Anxiety and Stress
What is arousal?
- Link Arousal to anxiety
What is anxiety?
- Trait, state, cognitive, somatic
- Facilitative or debilitative depending on perceived control
- Link to Stress
What is stress?
- Dependent on anxiety and self-esteem
How are the three related?
The Arousal Performance Relationship
What is arousal?
What is drive theory?
What is inverted U theory?
What is catastrophe theory?
Why is over arousal bad?
- Cognitive and somatic effects
Why is under arousal bad?
- Unengaged, unmotivated
How can coaches deal with this?
- Recognise individuals optimal levels
- Reduce importance of outcomes
- Reduce uncertainty
The Psychology of Becoming Active
Stages of Change Model
- Help at each stage
Theory of planned behaviour
- Stats
Intention-behaviour gap
- Autonomous vs. Controlled
- Has a motivational force
- Affective vs. Instrumental
- To change, change cognitive appraisal
- 0.71 correlation
- How do we build it?
Behaviour Modification
What is behaviour modification?
- Direct behaviour
- Alter peoples undesired motives
- Appropriate behaviours to be reinforced
- Motivational vs. Informational
- Why is feedback important?
- Positive vs. Negative
- What are effective reinforcers?
Assumption about behaviour (controlled by concequences)
- Perception
- Needs to be individualised
B = f (P x E)
Complex dynamic nature of human behaviour
Cognitive Theories
Interactionist Approach (Personality)
Interaction Model (Motivation)
Socio-ecological Framework
- Each layer interacts with personal factors to inlfuence behaviour
Main Theme of perception
- Looking versus seeing