Lecture 17: Skeletal Muscles Upper Limb Flashcards
what muscle is shown in this anterior view? Describe origin, isnertion, fxn, innervation
- Lesser tubercle of humerus
origin: subscapular fossa
insertion: lesser tubercle humerus
fxn: prime mover for medial rotation of shoulder
nerve: Brachial plexus (subscapular nerve)
what muscle is prime mover for medial rotation of shoulder
- spine of scapula
- supraspinatus
- greater tubercle of humerus
- infraspinatus
origin/insertion/fxn/nerve of supraspinatus
origin: supraspinous fossa
insertion: greater tubercle humerus
fxn: prime mover for first 30 degree of abduction glenohumeral joint
nerve: subscapular nerve (brachial)
origin/insertion/fxn/nerve of infraspinatus
origin:infraspinous fossa
insertion: greater tubercle humerus
fxn: prime mover for lateral rotation shoulder
nerve: subscapular nerve (brachial)
origin/insertion/fxn/nerve of deltoid
origin: clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
insertion: bony elevation at midpoint lateral shaft humerus (deltoid tuberosity)
fxn: prime mover for abduction from 30-90 degrees
nerve: auxillary branch brahcial plexus
- deltoid
- claavicle
what muscle is prime mover for abduction shoulder joint first 30 degrees? btw 30-90 degrees?
first 30= supraspinatus
30-90= deltoid
prime mover for medial rotation shoulder?
prime mover for lateral rotation shoulder?
general fxn of posterior vs anterior compartment of arm
posterior= extensor compartment (extension elbow, radial nerve)
anterior= flexor compartment (flexion of shoulder, elbow. innervated by musculocutaneous)
what separates the posterior and anterior arm
intermuscular septum
= dense connective tissue
fxn/origin/insertion/nerve Biceps
fxn: flexion shoulder and elbow and PRIME mover for supination forearm
origin: long head-supraglenoid tubercle of scapula. short head- coracoid process of scapula
insertion: radial tuberosity
nerve: musculocutaneous
prime mover for supination?
origin/insertion/fxn/nerve for brachialis?
origin: shaft humerur
insert: ulnar tuberosity
fxn: flexion elbow (prime mover)
nerve: musculocutaneous
prime mover for elbow flexion
what muscle is this? label componenets
biceps brachii
1. long head
2. short head
what msucle?
what are the three branches of triceps brachii?
- lateral head
origin== lateral shaft humerus - long head
origin= infraglenoid scapula - medial head
origin= medial shaft humerus
insertion: olecranon fossa
fxn: prime mover extension elbow
nerve: radial
what is origin, insert, fxn, nerve triceps brachii?
- lateral head
origin== lateral shaft humerus - long head
origin= infraglenoid scapula - medial head
origin= medial shaft humerus
insertion: olecranon fossa
fxn: prime mover extension elbow
nerve: radial
prime mover extension elbow
triceps brachii
what msucle? label
triceps brachii
- lateral head
- long head
- medial head
- olecranon process of ulna
what are two compartments of forearm
anterior: flexor wrist, fingers
posterior: extensor wrist, fingers
origin/insertion/fxn/nerve Pronator teres
origin:medial epicondyle
insert: shaft radius
fxn: pronation forearm
nerve: median
origin/insertion/fxn/nerve flexor carpi radialis
origin: medial epicondyle
insert: 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones
fxn: flexion wrist/elbow
nerve: median nerve
what is flexor retinaculum
a fibrous connective tissue band that forms the anterior roof of the carpal tunnel
holds tendons in place
label/ what group is this?
- medial epicondyle
- pronator teres
- flexor carpi radialis
- flexor retinaculum
= anterior compartment of forearm mscules
what is the common flexor tendon?
tendon of medial epicondyle which is common origin of anterior forearm muscles
what is common extensor tendon
tendon of lateral epicondyule which is common origin of posterior forearm muscles
describe fxn/origin/insertion/innervation of flexor digitorum superficialis
intermediate layer
fxn: flex digits
origin: common flexor tendon
insertion: phalanges (4 tendons)
fxn: flexion wrist/digits (except distal phalanges). flexes MCP, PIP
innervation: median
label. what layer of forearm muscle is this?
top: flexor digitorum superficialis
bottom: tendon of FDS
describe fxn/origin/insertion/innervation of flexor digitorum profundus
origin: ulna
insert: distl phalanges of medial 4 digits
fxn: flex wrist, MCP, PIP, DIP (Prime mover)
nerve: ulnar/median
describe fxn/origin/insertion/innervation of flexor pollicis longus
origin: radius
insertion: distal phalanx thumb
fxn: prime mover flexion thumb
nerve: median
what is prime mover for wrist, MCP, PIP, DIP flexion?
flexor digitorum profundus
what is prime mover flexion thumb
flexor pollicis longus
label. what layer of forearm muscle is this
anterior, deep
top left: flexor pollicis longus
right: flexor digitorum profundus
bottom; tendon of FDP
what compartment of forearm muscle does brachioradialis belong to
describe fxn/origin/insertion/innervation of brachiradialis?
origin: humerus
insert: styloid process radius
crosses elbow anteriorly, therfore flexes elbow BUT considered posterior bc of innervation
nerve: radial
describe fxn/origin/insertion/innervation of extensor carpi ulnaris?
what compartment
posterior (superficial)
origin: lateral epicondyle
insert: 5th metacarpal bone
fxn: extensor of wrist and ulnar deviation
nerve: radial
describe fxn/origin/insertion/innervation of extensor digitorum?
what compartment
posterior (superficial)
fxn: extension digits **prime mover for extension wrist and all joints of digits
origin: common extensor tendon
insert: middle/distal phalanges of medial 4 digits
nerve: radial
prime mover extension wrist and digits
extensor digitorum
label. what compartment?
left= extensor carpi ulnaris
right= extensor digitorum
superficial layer posterior compartment
describe fxn/origin/insertion/nerve of supinator? what compartment is it
fxn: supinates forearm
origin: ulna
insert: shaft radius
nerve: radial
posterior, deep
describe fxn/origin/insertion/nerve of extensor pollicis longus? what compartment is it
fxn: extend thumb (prime mover)
origin: shaft ulna
insert: distal phalanx thumb
nerve: radial
what is prime mover extension thumb
extensor pollicis longus
label. what compartment?
top= supinator
bottom= extensor pollicis longus
deep layer, posterior compartment of forearm
describe thumb adduction and abduction. what plane is it in?
note: thumb is not in same plane as other fingers
describe thumb flexion/extension/ what plane?
what are the three groups hand muscles are divided into
describe thenar group
bulge at base of thumb
origin: carpal bones
insert: 1st metacarpal, middle & distal phalanges of thumb
fxn: flexion, abduction, opposition of thumb
nerve: median
describe hypothenar group
bulge base of 5th finger
origin: carpal bones
insert: 5th metacarpal and phalanges of 5th finger
fxn: flexion, abduction, opposition 5th finger
nerve: ulnar
describe lumbricals
4 muscles, part of central group
origin: tendons of FDP
insert: indirectly to middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5
fxn: flexion metacarpal phalangeal and extension of PIP/DIP
nerve; medial and ulnar
- thenar group
- hypothenar group
- lumbricals
what muscles are these? what group?
describe origin, insertion, fxn, nerve
left= palmar interossei
fxn: adduction digits “PAD”
right= dorsal interosseir
fxn: abduction digits “DAB”
origin: metacarpal bones
insert: indirectly to Middle and distal phalanges of digits
nerve: ulnar
which nerve supplies most of intrinsic muscles of hand?
describe axilla
transitional area btw head/neck/chest and upper limb
(axillary artery and vein and cords of the
brachial plexus pass thru)
what is cubital fossa
transitional area btw arm and forearm
The median and radial nerves as well as brachial artery
are the main contents of this fossa.
label. what are these?
- axilla
- cubital fossa
- carpal tunnel
=transitional areas
what is this
The carpal tunnel is a fibro-osseous tunnel made by the
carpal bones and the thickening of the deep fascia, the flexor
retinaculum, in front of the wrist joint
This tunnel
contains the tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor
digitorum profundus, and flexor pollicis longus muscles as well as
median nerve