Laying & Backyard poultry Flashcards
What to now about backyard laying hens?
- Ex-commercial rehomed hens, point-of-lay pullets via third party
- often beaks trimmed
- often well-vaccinated btu long term efficacy unknown
- Lice problem
- small breeders will not be vaccinated
- Peritonitis & salpingitis common
Layer lifecycle & nutriton?
- Similart to broilers
- Point of lay earlier at 16 weeks
- Peak lay 27-29 weeks
- Energy: ‘lean for lay’
- Ca: 6g Ca / egg to maintain shell quality and bone health
- Protein: chick quality - ab
In adults - what condition good?
- Chick layer pellets
- Access to grit at all times Ideally grit size >3mm - flint grit or oystershell (when laying)
- Reserve maize for cold wether, or illness, for extra energy
Home health monitoring?
- Chicken are prey species so often not shown
- Owners must be vigilant at home and monitor them regularly to identify early signs of illness
- Give chart to owners (early weight loss etc)
Signs of sickness?
- Unusual vosalisation
- Weight loss
- Reduced BCS
- Bhvr (hunched ruffling)
- Gair/mov/ bhvr
- Vent (dirty covered)
- Crop (distended or firm)
- Feathers
- Scales
- Comb & wattles
- Discharge
- Sneezing or coughing
- Body shape/ silhouette
- Faeces (loos eyellow etc)
- Eggs (reduced)
- Temp <38° or >42.5°C
History questions?
- Eating & drinking as normal?
- Levels of redmite? (look with torch on posts and crooks etc)
Describe bullying
- Provide plenty of feeders & drinkers (1/10birds +)
- Keep good distance between each feeder and drinkers
- Provide enough nest boxes (1 nest/ 4 birds. +1)
- Keep mites & lice under control and manage breeding damage quickly
- Provide lots fo space & interest
- Introduce new chickens / reintroduced hospitalised hens
- Provide good nutrition
- Conmfortable environment
What pathogens are free range birds commonly exposed to ?
- Mycoplasma gallisepticum
- Mycoplasma synoviae
- Infectious Bronchitis Virus
What Vaccinations to do?
- Marek’s (do it day old)
- Mycoplasma G & synoviae -> to reduce antimicrobial use
- Pasteurella multocida
- Erysipelothrix rhizopiae
- (ILT?)
- Salmonella enteritidis/ tymphimurium
What ommoon presentations & diseases in backyard layers?
- Resp dx
- Gi dx (crop dx, inappetant, lethargic ruffled up)
- EctoP
- Worms
- Egg related
- Lameness
- Mortality
What Resp DDX categories?
- Bacterial
- Viral
- Poor ventilation with excess dust
- Ammonia blindness
- Yeast & fungal infections
- Protozoal infections
What BAct infections cause resp digns?
- Mycoplasma G (infraOrbital swelling)
- Avibact paragallinarum
- E.coli
- Pasteurella multocida
- Staph é strep
Wha main viral causes to resp dx?
- Avian metapneumovirus
- Infectious bronchitis
- Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT)
What yeast and fungal infections ddx for resp dx?
- Candida albicans
- Aspergillus fumigatus
What protozoal infections cause resp signs?
Trichomonas gallinae
What Respiratory diagnostics can we do?
-OroP/choanal cleft swab for bacteriology
- Tracheal swabs for bacteriology or PCR
- Serology
- Bacteriology from tissue sample on PME
- Aspergillus PCR on blood sample
- Environmental assessment
- Fluroscein staining of the eye to rule out ulcers in cases of ocular swelling
Describe Mycoplasmosis
(most common cause fo resp dx in backyard birds)
- Presentaiton: Tracheal rales
- Bacterial infection, birds remain persistently infected
- Recurrent cls when stressed
- Ideally culture or PCR to confirm
Tx for Mycoplasmosis ?
Henri only gives Tylosin or Tialumin if have temperature , severely inappetant or crackels on auscultation, otherwise Tx symptomatically with decongestant (Bisolvon or Vix/Olbas and nurse)
Common abdo -associated cause of sickness in hens ?
- Peritonitis - inflammation of peritoneum usually E.Coli
- Salpingitis
- Histomoniasis/Blackhead
- Coccidiosis in young birds
- Fatty Liver Haemorrhagic Syndrome
- Clostridial diseases
- Marek’s dx