Health management of the neonatal lamb Flashcards
Normal temp of Lamb?
HR & RR of lamb?
80-100 bpm HR
35-50 bpm RR
When do the biggest losses of lambs happen?
What losses at birth can we see?
- Stillbirth (dystocia or prolonged parturition)
- Asphyxia in membranes
- Severe congenital abnormalities
How do we reduce losses at lambing/birth?
- Replacement of ewes/ problematic ones
- US to identify multiples
- BCS and nutrition management
- availability of skilled labour at lambing
- Tup selection
- Ram harness/ identification of tupping time
What are some common diseases of the newborn (1-3 days old)
- Starvation and hypothermia
- Watery mouth
- Infectious disease causing weak lambs
- Disease causing poor production in ewe
What infectious dx causing weak lambs?
- Border dx
- Toxoplasmosis
- Enzootic abortion
- Salmonella
- Campylobacter fetus
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Pasteurella
Disease causing poor production in ewe?
- Johne’s
- MAedi visna
- Mastitis
What risk factors to starvation & hypothermia?
- Small weak lamb with low birth rate -> <3.5 kg UNDERWEIGHT !
- Low/ no milk supply
- Poor ewe nutrition
- inclement weather/ no shelter
CLs of starvation & hypothermia?
- Small weakly lambs
- Dull and depressed
- Lethargic
- Recumbent
- Not suckling
- Sub-normal temperature <37⁰
Detail colostrum management?
- 50ml/kg in first 4-6hrs
- Can check TP (>65g/L adequate passive transfer)
Hypothermic/ glycaemic lambs?
- Warming box 45°C
- 20% dextrose IP 10ml/kg
- Milk tubing 50ml/kg
prevention & management of death due to starvation & hypothermia?
- otherwise will get small lambs more prone to this death
Poor energy levels = poor lamb growth in utero + poor colostrum prod
How do we assess nutrition?
- Take BHB blood samples 4-6 weeks pre-lambing
- Assess protein levels
- Assess feed allocations/ weights and feed space
- Metabolic profiling
Detail resultus of BHB testing
- 15-20 total, split between twins and triplets
- Target <1.0 mmol/L
- > 1.6 mmol/L = severe energy deficient
Detail protein level assessment
- BUN for short term protein intake
- Albumin for longer term protein status
How can we minimise deaths at birth from this?
- Careful close monitoring of new lambs born
- Colostrum administration protocol?
- Replacement colostrum?
- Improving ewe nutrition from now on- increasing
concentrate feeding slowly - Freezing of colostrum for future
- Training of labour/personnel
What pathogenesis of watery mouth?
CLS of watery mouth?
- Dull, depressed, reluctant to suck
- Profuse salivation
- Abdominal distension +/- retained meconium
- Diarrhoea
Tx for watery mouth?
- Warm soapy water enema
- supportibe oral fluids 50ml/kg
- Oral aminoglycoside in mild cases
- Im amoxicillin in bacteremia cases -> aminoGs not absorbed through gut in these lambs
Prevention against watery mouth?
- HYGIENE especially lambing pens
- Ensure adequate and timely colostrum
ingestion - Oral AB should not be use as
how do infectious diseases cause weak lambs?
Not always directly causing losses
Cause weak lambs → less likely to get adequate colostrum intake → susceptible to
Describe border dx?
What common diseases of lambs <2 weeks?
Common dx lambs 2-4 weeks?
Common dx lambs >6weks?
What is the main seen umbilical pathology ?
Describe Omphalitis
- Infection may be present with a distended, hot and painful
navel +/- discharge - +/- pyrexia
- The infection may extend internally affecting the umbilical
structures and liver.