Feline Infectious Disease Flashcards
What common Protozoa in cats?
- Trichomonas
- Giardia
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Babesia & leishmania (outside UK)
What is common Fungal dx?
- Dermatophytosis
- Aspergillus
- Cryptococcus
- E.cuniculi
Bacterial causes of infectious dx in cats?
- Chlamydia felis
- E.Coli
- Pasteurella multocida
- Bordatella bronchiseptica
- Campy, slotridia, slamonella
- Staph/strep
- MycoB
Virus causes of infectious dx?
- Coronavirus
- FeLV
- Panleukopaenia
- Rabbies
What helminths do cats get?
What does Cat Flu Include?
Chlamydia felis ; Bordetella bronchiS ; Mycoplasma spp
common in kittens, secondary bact infections
CLs of Cat Flu?
- blepherospasm, nasal discharge, drooling (oral ulcers), open mouth
- HERPES = resp dx, skin dx, chronic nasal dx, ocular dx
Describe the FHV virus
DNA virus
Single serotype & little variation
Highly infectious
Transmission via oronasal route
Describe FCV virus
RNa virus
Single serotypes but variation between isolates
what can ‘cat flu’ be inactivated by?
What most common transmission cat flu?
comonly with contact of clinical case
less common asymptomatic carrier
not common with fomites
shedding with herpes?
carriers common - hiding in nerves (trigeminal)
intermittent shedding reactivation with stress
(infectious to other cats when shedding)
Response variation in herpes presentation?
- Chronic clinical signs
- depends on immune system
testing for herpes virus?
PCR (but doesnt prove is cause/ cross reaction with vaccination strains)
Describe calicivirus
- shedding intermittent
- lifelong carriers uncommon
- acute & chronic dx
- detect with PCR
Signs of Cilicivirus?
- Resp dx
- Oral lesions
- Limping syndromes
- Variants causing fatal systemic dx
- Chornic gingivostomatitis?
Chronic results of FHV?
Corneal diseases
Herpes dermatitis
Chronic rhinosinusitis
Laryngeal disease
NP stenosis
Tx for catflu?
Antivirals -> Famciclovir (££££)
Nutrition-> Feeding tubes
Nursing care
Vaccination & cat flu?
Doesn’t prevent infection
Doesn’t prevent carriers
Does reduce clinical disease
Does reduce shedding
Prevention of Cat flu?
- stress & overcrowding (stress = shedding & dx)
- Breeding environments (quarantine protocols, avoid queen withhistory of flu, remove carriers, regular vacc to maximise MDI)
- Catteries & clinics -> hygiene & separation of cats
Describe Feline Panleukopaenia
- sudden death
- GI signs
- congenital cerebellar damage
- <50% survive
- Outbreaks in unvaccinated cats
wha else to know about feline panleukopaenia?
- Infectious in environment fornmonths
- vaccines provide lasting immunity
- Can titre test