what are the late systolic murmurs?
mitral valve prolapse
ischemic mitral regurgitation
MVP normally mid-systolic click; no murmur unless MR present
(Most common etiology for mitral valve prolapse is redundancy of valve tissue with respect to
the valve ring [“floppy” valve or Barlow’s syndrome])
Most common cause of a late systolic murmur; best heard with the diaphragm of the stethoscope, over
or just medial to the cardiac apex; usually preceded by single or multiple clicks
MVP with late systolic murmur is associated with mild mitral regurgitation and is not accompanied by an S3 or signs of pulmonary hypertension; LV function is normal
*Mitral valve prolapse
Papillary muscle displacement (previously known as papillary muscle dysfunction) in patients with
“ischemic mitral regurgitation” due to acute or chronic myocardial infarction or myocardial ischemia
*Ischemic mitral regurgitation