major characteristics of an AKI?
*prevented how?
elevation of BUN and creatinine
patient care
renal function tests?
urine output
- normal: 1000-2000 ml/d
- oliguria: <500 ml/d
- anuria: <50-100 ml/d
- hourly: 0.5 ml/kg/hr
BUN and creatinine
- normal BUN: 7-24 mg/dl
- normal creatinine: 0.6-1.5 mg/dl
Na in AKI is high or low in the serum?
low, so lots of Na in the urine
normal Na levels: 20 meq/L, in AKI >20 meq/L
FENa stands for, what is it?
fractional excretion of Na (FENa)
normal FENa is approx 1%
elements used in calculation of FENa is urine Na and Cr, serum Na and creatinine
how to differentiate prerenal azotemia and AKI by using FENa?
prerenal: FENa <1%
in AKI: FENa >1%
is this prerenal azotemia or AKI?
low FENa volume depletion hepatorenal syndrome contrast-induced nephropathy rhabdomyolysis
prerenal azotemia
is this prerenal azotemia or AKI?
FENa>1%, so a high FENa
limitation of FENa?
diuretic use within past 24 hours, greater than natriuresis
what are the lab results of in a hypovolemia?
urine specific gravity
urine Na
high BUN:Cr
high urine specific gravity
low urine Na
FENa <1%
main pathogenesis of AKI?
-prerenal azotemia
-acute tubular necrosis
post renal
-obstructive uropathy
renal artery stenosis is an example of what type of prerenal azotemia?
selective renal ischemia
acute tubular necrosis: surgical etiologies?
procedures requiring an aortic cross clamp
- AAA repair
- LE bypass procedure
cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass
- low perfusion
- blood cell products
acute tubular necrosis: nephrotoxins
NSAIDs ace inhibitors heme pigments antibiotics -vancomycin
do not prescribe ACE inhibitors to patients with…?
precautions with what meds?
bilateral RAS
ACE-Is and ARBs in a patient with marginal BP or volume status
possible causes of renal insufficiency?
blood pressure too low
ACE inhibitors
what drug can induce AKI?
trough levels?
> 10 mg/L but <20 mg/L
*even if patient has underlying kidney disease, loading doses are still needed
risk of AKI increased by what drugs?
Loop diuretics
IV contrast
s/s of rhabdomyolysis?
lower back
muscle weakness
low urine output
dark red or brown urine