Last ditch Flashcards
diastasic recti
separation of the rectus muscles with a visible bulge along the midline
functional respiratory unit that consists of broncials, alveolar ducts, alveoli sacs and alveoli
Atelectatic crackles
short popping srackling sounds that sound like fine crackles but do not last beyond a few breaths
a complete or partial collapse of the entire lung or area (lobe) of the lung. It occurs when the tiny air sacs (alveoli) within the lung become deflated or possibly filled with alveolar flui
condition in which fluid collects in spaces within your abdomen. You’ll hear dullness in the sides and tympani on the middles (instead of the normal scattered dullness)
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
total volume that’s exhaled
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1): volume exhaled in the first second
Pleural Rub
creaking/grating sounds (walking on fresh snow), coughing won’t alter. 2 inflamed surfaces slide by each other
Hepatojugular Reflux
position in supine, hold breath, but hand on side side of upper quad, then push firm and watch for level of jugular pulsation for 30sec. Empties venous blood out of liver sinusoid which add volumeto venous system. Heart pumps propery jugukar will rise then go back to normally. If the jugular stays elevated that’s a good indication of heart failure.
set of rapid, rhythmic contractions of the same muscle
deficient supply of oxygenated arterial blood to a tissue, caused by obstruction of a blood vessel
Rapid, continuous twitching of resting muscle
Occurs with lower motor neuron disease, associated with atrophy and weakness
Occurs with cold or fatigue
Rapid, sudden jerk or a short series of jerks at fairly regular intervals
Can be mild or severe (hiccup, seizures)
Homan’s sign
a sign of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
discomfort behind the knee upon forced dorsiflexion of the foot.
Slow, twisting, writhing, continuous movement
Resembles a snake or worm
Cerebral Palsy
technique to relax the muscles and enhance the response.
is a milky fluid that’s released by mammals that have recently given birth before breast milk production begins
yellow, milky gold colour
pain in your thigh, calf, or buttocks that happens when you walk. It can make you limp. It may be a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD)
partial dislocation of a joint
pain during pooping
medical term for fainting or passing out.
sudden loss of strength and temportary loss of consciousness (fainting) caused by lack of cerebral blood flow like with low bp
Extra-articular diease
[rpdices swelling and tenderness to that one spot in joint and affects ROM in only certain planes, especially during voluntary motion
when the wall between the bladder and the vagina weakens. This can cause the bladder to drop or sag into the vagina. It may be caused by things that increase pressure on the pelvic muscles.
stiffness or fixation of a joint
excessive fat in the stool
Articular Dieas
inflammation of synovial tissue of joints and other tissues
produces swelling and tenderness around the whole joint, limits active/passive ROM in all planes