15 - Eyes Flashcards
The limbus
is the border between the cornea and sclera.
The canthus
the corner of the eye, the angle where the lids meet.
The caruncle
is a small fleshy mass containing sebaceous glands and is located at the inner canthus.
Meibomian glands
they excrete a oily lubrication material onto the lids.
The conjunctiva
thin mucous membrane, is the transparent protective covering of the exposed part of the eye.
Lacrimal apparatus
continually irrigates the conjunctiva.
Tears drain in to the puncta, located on the upper and lower lids at the inner canthus.
Tarsal Plates
Connective tissue that give eye it’s shape
Pupillary light reflexes
normal constriction of pupil when bright light shines on retnia
relxes direction of eye towards and object attracting a person attention. Image fixed on center of field (fovea centralis)
adaption of eye for near vision (increase curvature of lens via ciliary muscles)
gradual loss of your eyes’ ability to focus on nearby objects due to age
Macular degeneration
distortion or loss of central vision, degenerative condition affecting the central part of the retina (the macula)
lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.
increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight.
Diabetic retinopathy
cancause vision loss and blindness inpeople who have diabetes.Itaffects blood vessels in theretina
(crossed eyes) is a condition in which the eyes do not line up with one another.
Double vision, causes a person to see two images of a single object.
Confrontation test
involves having the patient looking directly at your eye or nose and testing each quadrant in the patient’s visual field by having them count the number of fingers that you are showing
Cover-Uncover Test
Detects small degrees of deviated alignment
Have patient stare at your nose
Cover one eye with opaque card
Is the uncovered eye able to hold a steady fixed gaze?
Uncover the eye and assess for movement
Corneal light reflex (Hirschberg’s test)
refers to how light is reflected from the corneas of the eyes. In proper eye alignment (also called ocular alignment), a light reflection appears equally centered on both pupils — if it is unequal, an eye misalignment disorder such as strabismus or amblyopia (lazy eye) may be present.
Diagnostic Positions Test
6 cardinal positions
Assesses for muscle weakness during movement
Have patient follow your finger as they hold their head steady
Patient is to only move eyes!
Target should be approximately 30cm away
Progress clockwise
Normal: parallel tracking with both eyes