19 - Lungs Flashcards
Thoracis cage
sternum + 12 thoracic vertebrae + diaphragm + 12 pairs of ribs
middle section of thoracic cavity. Contains esophagus, trachea, heart, great vessels
Pleural cavity
contains lungs, has negative pressure that holds lungs tightly against the chest and location on sides of the mediastinum
can be visceral, parietal or pleural cavity
form envelope between the lungs and chest wall , contains lubricating fluid that prevents friction when lungs move
Respiratory Dead Space
in these areas gas exchange doesn’t occur, holds about 150mL of gas. Contains, mouth, nose, Larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
functional respiratory unit that consists of broncials, alveolar ducts, alveoli sacs and alveoli
Visceral pleura
lines the outside of the lungs, dipping down into the fissures
Parietal pleura
lines the inside of the chest wall and diaphragm
increase in CO2 in the blood (causes increase in respirations)
decrease in O2 in the blood
respiratory centre
in brain stem (pons/medulla)
bending of spine like a humpback. Asossiated with aging like dowagers hump
sideways curving of the spine
are compounds that lower the surface tension (or interfacial tension) between two liquids. Used to decrease friction between lung and wall
a complete or partial collapse of the entire lung or area (lobe) of the lung. It occurs when the tiny air sacs (alveoli) within the lung become deflated or possibly filled with alveolar flui
coarse crackiling sensation that’s palpable over skins surface
low-pitched, clear, hollow sound over HEALTHY lung tissue
lower-pitched, booming sound… too much air (emphysema, pneumothorax)
Dull note
soft, muffled thud… abnormal density in the lungs (pneumonia, pleural effusion, atelectasis, tumour)
occurs when the air that usually fills the small airways in your lungs is replaced with something else. Depending on the cause, the air may be replaced with: a fluid, such as pus, blood, or water. a solid, such as stomach contents or cells
difficulty breathing in supine position (state number of pillow needed for comfort)
continuous positive airway pressure
Crackles: Popping lung sounds (woodburning in fireplace, saranwrap crinking)
Fine Crackles: brief pooping sounds, higher pitch, quieter, short lasting
Coarse Crackles: brief pooping sounds, lower pitch, louder and last longer, bubbling sound
Atelectatic crackles
short popping srackling sounds that sound like fine crackles but do not last beyond a few breaths
Wheezing: musical quality
Low Wheeze/Rhonci: snoring/gurgling/rattle like, normally dispelled with a cough
Pleural Rub
creaking/grating sounds (walking on fresh snow), coughing won’t alter. 2 inflamed surfaces slide by each other
repeat “99” –>normal is muffled, abnormal if clear
repeat “eeeee” –> normal is “eeee”, anormal is “aaaaaa” (like in an area of consolidation)
Whispered pectoriloquy
whisper “123” –>normal is muffled, abnormal if clear
Forced expiratory time
time in seconds it takes patient to exhale from total lung capacity to residual volume
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
total volume that’s exhaled
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1): volume exhaled in the first second
Barrel chest
hyperinflation of the lungs, ribs are horizontal instead of downward slope
Pectus excavatum
funnel breast, depression of sternum in intercostal space
Pectus carinatum
protusion of sternum with ribs sloping back “pigeon breast”
greater than 24 breather/min
less than 10 resp/min
increase in rate/deapth of respirations (causes level of CO2 in blood to decrease)