14 - Head, Neck, Lymph Flashcards
anterior triangle
triangle lies in front but in between the sternomastoid and the midline of the body its base is up along the lower border of the mandible and it’s apex is down at the suprasternal notch
posterior triangle
is behind the sternomastoid muscle with the trapezius muscle on the other side its bases along the clavicle but below it contains the posterior belly of the omahyoid muscle
Lightheaded, swimming sensation or feeling of falling caused by decreased blood flow to the brain or heart irregularity causing decreased cardiac output
sense of true rotational spinning often from labratine vestibular disorder in the inner ear
Shakiness or instability when walking related to musculoskeletal disorder
difficulty swalling/starting to swallow
Bell’s Palsy
paralysis of the facial nerve caused by weakness in one side of the face
Denotes around symmetrical skull that is appropriately related to body size
abnormally small head
abnormally large head
Treacheal Tug
rhythmic downward pull that is synchronous with cyst all and that occurs with aortic arch aneurysm
Enlargement of the lymph nodes caused by infection allergy or neoplasm
(in thyroid gland) vascular murmur, is the abnormal sound generated by turbulent flow of blood in an artery.
soft pulsatile whooshing bellowing sound heard best with the bellavista scopes
caput succedaneum
Swelling of the scalp during birth. I’m presenting part of the scalp against the cervix during birth. Birth trauma
an accumulation of blood under the babies scalp
subperiostal hemorrhage due to birth trauma