13 - Skin, Hair, Nails Flashcards
Vellus hair
faint fine hair that covers most of the body
terminal hair
is darker thicker hair that grows on the scalp and eyebrows on the axillary area face and chest
sebaceous glands
produce sebum secreted through hair follicles lubricates and oils the skin and hair
eccrine glands
coiled tubules that open directly onto the skin surface to produce a dilute solution called sweat
apocrine glands
produce a thick Milky secretion and open onto the hair follicle
what opaque semi lunar area at the proximal end of the nail
fine downy hair of the newborn infant replaced by vellus hair in the first few months
vernix caseosa
thick cheesy substance made up of sebum and shed epithelial cells
increased pigmentation in the face for pregnant woman
linea nigra
increased pigmentation in the abdomen of pregnant women
striae gravidarum
connective tissue becomes increasingly fragile with pregnant women
Braden scale for predicting pressure sore risk
used in community and hospital settings is an effective measurement tool for assessing in objective skin risk assessment
complete absence of melanin pigment in patchy areas of white or light skin on the face neck hands feet
small flat macules are brown melon pigment
poliferation of melanocytes tend to brown colour flat or raised
an intense redness of the skin from excess blood in dilated superficial capillary’s
bluish molted discoloration that signifies decreased perfusion, the tissues are not adequately perfused with oxygenated blood
yellow discoloration indicating rising amounts of bilirubin in the blood
perfused perspiration
fluid that accumulates in the intercellular spaces not normally present.
bilateral edema or Edema that is generalized over the whole body
Paeau d’orange pigskin for orange peel look because the edema makes the hair follicles more prominent
cherry angiomas
small smooth slightly raised bright red dots that commonly appear on the trunk in all adults older than 30
of nails occurs with congenital chronic and cyanotic heart disease the angle straightens out 280 degrees and the nail bed feels spongy on palpation. Nail over 160 degrees
mongolian spot
common variation of hyperpigmentation in newborns blue black to purple macular area at the sacrum orbax
cafe au latte spot
large round or Oval patch of light brown pigmentation which is usually present up earth
Common shapes and configurations of lesions
linear arrangement along a nerve route (herpes zoster)
Common shapes and configurations of lesions
lesion that grow together (psoriasis)
Common shapes and configurations of lesions
twisted copied spiraled snakelike
Common shapes and configurations of lesions
lesions that merge together (hives)
Lesions caused by trauma or abuse
Pattern injury
Ecchymosis (bruise)