Lab1: Axial Skeleton (Chapter 6) Flashcards
What are the 8 cranium bones?
Frontal (1) Parietal (2) Temporal (2) Occipital (1) Sphenoid (1) Ethmoid (1)
What are the 14 facial bones?
Mandible (1) Maxilla (2) Palatine (2) Zygomatic (2) Lacrimal (2) Nasal (2) Vomer (1) Inferior nasal concha (2)
what bones are separated at the sagittal suture?
the left and right parietal bones
what bones are separated at the coronal suture?
the frontal bone and both the parietal bones
what bones are separated at the frontonasal suture?
the frontal bone and both the nasal bones
what bones are separated at the squamous suture?
located on each side of the skull and connected the temporal and parietal bones on each side
what bones are separated at the lambdoid suture?
the occipital bone and the parietal bones
what bones are separated at the occipitomastoid suture?
the occipital, parietal, and frontal bones form the “skullcap” which is known as the what?
calvaria (cranial vault)
What bone does not articulate with any other bone? where is it located?
Hyoid bone
it lies inferior to the skull and is suspended by the stylohyoid ligaments
What 7 bones make up the orbital complex?
frontal bone maxilla lacrimal ethmoid sphenoid palatine zygomatic
what 8 bones make up the nasal complex?
frontal sphenoid ethmoid vomer nasal septum inferior nasal conchae lacrimal
what bones contain the paranasal sinuses?
what does articulation mean?
what does brachium mean?
upper arm
what does antebrachium mean?
lower arm
what does costa mean?
what does suture mean?
fibrous joint between flat bones of the skull
what are fontanels?
Areas of fibrous connective tissue that connect bones of cranium that allow for distortion of skull during birth
what is the largest fontanel and where is it located?
lies at the intersection of the frontal, sagittal, and coronal sutures
where is the posterior fontanel located?
the junction between the lambdoid sutures and the sagittal suture
where is the sphenoidal fontanel located?
the junction between squamous and coronal sutures
______ spinal curves develop before birth and ________spinal curves develop after birth
What are the 2 primary and the 2 secondary spinal curvatures?
Primary: thoracic sacral Secondary: cervical lumbar
describe the cervical curve
develops as the infant learns to balance the weight of the head on the vertebrae of the neck
describe the thoracic curve
accommodates the thoracic organs
describe the lumbar curve
balances the weight of the trunk over the lower limbs; it develops with the ability to stand
describe the sacral curve
accommodates the abdominopelvic organs
how many cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebra are there?
what are the names for c1 and c2
how many pairs of “true” ribs are there?
what is the other name for these?
7 (1-7); vertebrosternal
*attach directly to the sternum
how many pairs of “false” ribs are there?
what is the other name for these?
3 (8-10); vertebrochondral
*do not attach directly to the sternum; fuse together before reaching the sternum
how many pairs of “floating” ribs are there?
what is the other name for these?
2 (11-12); Vertebral
*have no connection with the sternum