Lab 2: Appendicular Skeleton (Chapter 7)-Landmarks and more Flashcards
what bones make up the pectoral girdle?
clavicle and scapula (2 of each)
landmarks for the clavicle (3)
sternal end, acromial end, conoid tubercle
landmarks for the scapula (10)
all borders are considered 1 and all angles are considered 1
acromion superior/medial/lateral borders superior/inferior/lateral angles spine supraspinous fossa infraspinous fossa subscapular fossa subscapular notch glenoid cavity coracoid process
at what two landmarks of the clavicle and of the scapula do the two articulate?
the acrmomion in the scapula and the acromial end of the clavicle
does the clavicle or the scapula articulate with the axial skeleton? which part?
sternal end
landmarks of the humerus (14)
head anatomical neck surgical neck greater tubercle lesser tubercle intertubercular sulcus deltoid tuberosity shaft (body) medial epicondyle lateral epicondyle condyle (capitulum and trochlea) radial fossa coronoid fossa olecranon fossa
at what two landmarks of the humerus and of the scapula do the two articulate?
glenoid cavity in the scapula and the head of the humerus
landmarks of the radius (5)
head neck radial tuberosity ulnar notch (of radius) radial styloid process
landmarks of the ulna (7)
coronoid process olecranon trochlear notch radial notch (of ulna) ulnar styloid process head ulnar tuberosity
the __________ of the radius articulates with the _________ of the humerus
head; capitulum
What are the 8 carpal bones?
trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate pisiform triquetrum lunate scaphoid
how many metacarpals do you have?
how many phalanges do you have? (upper limb)
what is the name for the thumb?
what bones make up the pelvic girdle
ilium, ischium, and pubis
what is the name for the hip bone?
Os Coxa
landmarks of the Os Coxa (4)
obturator foramen
acetabular fossa
acetabular notch
landmarks of the ilium (10)
iliac crest iliac tuberosity auricular surface anterior superior iliac spine anterior inferior iliac spine posterior superior iliac spine posterior inferior iliac spine iliac fossa arcuate line greater sciatic notch
landmarks of the ischium (4)
ischial tuberosity
ischial spine
lesser sciatic notch
ischial ramus
landmarks of the pelvis
pubic crest
superior pubic ramus
inferior pubic ramus
pubic symphysis
does the ulna or the radius articulate with the carpels?
landmarks of the femur (12)
head neck greater trochanter lesser trochanter lateral condyle medial condyle lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle adductor tubercle intercondylar fossa linea aspera patellar surface
does the femur articulate with the tibia or the fibula?
landmarks of the tibia (7)
lateral condyle medial condyle tibial tuberosity anterior margin soleal line medial malleolus inferior articular surface
what three bones articulate together to form the ankle joint?
tibia, fibula, and talus
what are the 7 tarsal bones?
calcaneus talus navicular cuboid cuneiforms (lateral, intermediate, and medial)
landmarks of the fibula (3)
lateral malleolus
articular surface
how many metatarsals are there?
how many phalanges do you have (lower limb)
what is the name for the big toe?