identifies bacterium that can ferment glucose
purpose of Carbohydrate (Glucose) Fermentation test:
broth turns YELLOW
positive carbohydrate test
broth stays RED
negative carbohyrate test
phenol red
what acts as a pH indicator in carbohydrate test?
lowers pH below 7 (or 6.8)
carbohydrate test: if a bacterium ferments a sugar, what will happen to the pH of the medium?
determines which fermentation route is used to utilize glucose; detects the production of acids (lowers pH)
purpose of Mixed Acid (MR) test:
RED broth at a pH of 5 or less
pos. MR test
broth stays YELLOW
neg. MR test
Methyl Red
reagent used in MR test
pH of 5 or lower
when does methyl red turn red in the MR test?
determines which fermentation route is used to utilize glucose; detects precursors of Butanediol
purpose of Voges-Proskauer (VP) test:
RED broth
pos. VP test
broth stays YELLOW
neg. VP test
Barritt’s A and Barritt’s B reagent
reagents used in VP test:
precursors of Butanediol
what does Barritt’s A and B reagent detect in VP test?
identifies bacterium that use citrate as a carbon source and form sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
purpose of Citrate Agar test:
blue agar
pos. Citrate test
green agar
neg. Citrate agar test
bromothymol blue
what acts as pH indicator in Citrate test?
citrate test: pH indicator bromothymol blue in a NEUTRAL pH
citrate test: color of bromothyl blue in an ALKALINE pH
identifies bacterium that possess the enzyme catalase (breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) into water and oxygen
purpose of Catalase test:
break hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
what does catalase enzyme do?