Key Figures Flashcards
Who was Alexander II? What was he known as?
Tsar from 1855-1881
Tsar Liberator
Who were Nicholas and Dmitri Milyutin?
Brothers who were close advisers of Alexander II
Who was Alexander III?
Tsar from 1881 to 1894
Who was Konstantin Pobedonostev?
Tutor and adviser to Alexander III
Who was Leon Trotsky? What did he mastermind?
An orator
Takeover of Petrograd in 1917
Who was Julius Martov?
Social Democratic Workers’ Party leader
Who was Mikhail Von Reutern? How long was he in his role for?
Minister of Finance
Who was Ivan Vyshnegradsky? How long was he in his role for?
Finance Minister
Who was Sergei Witte? What was he credited for?
Finance Minister from 1892-1903
Rapid expansion of the Russian economy
Who was Nicholas II? What did he want to uphold?
Tsar from 1894-1917
Who was Vladimir Lenin? What city was named after him?
Bolsheviks leader from 1903
Petrograd - Leningrad
Who was Prince Lvov? Who did he lead after 1917?
Wealthy landowner
Provisional Government
Who was Gregory Rasputin? When was he assassinated?
A mystic peasant with influence
Who was Alexandra (1916)?
German wife of Nicholas II
Who was Alexander Kerensky? What did he eventually lead in July 1917?
Socialist Revolutionary
Provisional Government
Who was General Lavr Kornilov? Who did he try to “coup” against?
Army general
Provisional Government
Who was Joseph Stalin? What did he exercise until his death?
General Secretary of the Communist Party
Dictatorial control
Who was Sergei Kirov? When was he executed?
Party Secretary of Leningrad
Who was Lev Kamenev? When was he executed?
Member of the Politburo
Who was Gregory Zinoviev? When was he executed?
Close ally of Lenin and the October Revolution
Who was Georgy Malenkov?
Prime Minister post-Stalin to 1955
Who was Nikita Khrushchev?
Communist Party First Secretary from 1953-64
Who was Lavrenty Beria? When was he executed?
Head of NKVD from 1938
Who was Vyacheslav Molotov?
Part of collective Soviet leadership after Stalin’s death