Kant Weaknesses Flashcards
Kane’s ethics are too difficult to Humans to legitimately follow.
We are not Robots.
Ignores Emotions
Humans are emotional beings.
We have passions.
K’s ethics are cold hearted.
Hume ‘Reason is the slave of passions’
Ignorance of Consequences
Humans are consequential beings.
It’s unwise to ignore consequences.
Utils are correct.
Ignorance of Circumstances
Kant Ingres the circumstances of a situation.
Circumstances count.
e.g. Lying to the Axeman is the right thing > In the circs
Claimed Secularity
K’s theory claims to be secular but he’s not Christian
Nietzsche calls him a ‘Cunning Christian’
K’s 3 postulates include immortality and God.
Conflicting Duties
Modern Kantians recognise Prima Facie.
These are Primary Duties
E.g. To our loved ones
Assumptions of ML
K wrongly assumes we have Moral law.
There is no evidence for moral law.
Kingdom of Ends as a False hope
The KoE of not reality.
Virtue of not always rewarded by Happiness.
Ppl are a means to an end, we are selfish beings.
T.Hobbes negative view of human nature -‘Life is nasty, brutish, and short’
Issues w/ Freedom
K argues we are free.
Biological, Sociological and Psychological factors suggest our freedom is limited.
Conflicting Rules, laws and Duties
Different leaders have different rules, laws and duties.
There are no absolutes.