Death And The After Life Flashcards
Calvins argument for limited election
1) Gods will is absolutely sovereign and so if God chose all people for salvation, then all would indeed go to heaven.
2) It’s clear biblically that no all ppl go to heaven.
3) Therefore, G did not choose all ppl to go to heaven.
4) Therefore, G has limited his election to only a portion of mankind.
The central question in election?
When Jesus died on the cross, was his atonement for all ppl or just for some.
Unlimited or Limited election.
Calvin focused on…
The idea that god alone determines who will be saved.
Known as the doctrine of Election.
Double predestination
Refers to the concept of God electing to save some and not others.
This is God helping some, and simply not acting on others.
Choosing who goes to H and H.
John Calvins view.
For Calvin we must believe in limited election…
As it is the reality that God has chosen.
Unlimited election
belief that all are called to salvation but not all are saved.
Common Xian belief, as seen in RCC.
Christs death made salvation possible for all people but not certain for every person.
Belief that all will be saved.
Due to the love and mercy of God.
Even hitler will see the error of his ways and live with the blessed.
John Hick is a modern universalist and pluralist, seeing hell as purgatorial.
Single Predestination
God chooses those who go to heaven.
Antelapsarian Decree
God decided the elect before the fall.
Postlapsarian Decree
God decided the elect post the fall.
Augustine and Predestination
Aug develops the idea of predestination.
Believes we need Christ’s redemption because of the fall.
Even tho God has called all to salvation, only some are elect, other are predestined to eternal punishment.
The study of the after life.
Xian’s as Monoists
Christians are monoists.
Believing in bodily resurrection.
Yet, they distinguish between earthly and heavenly bodies.
Heavenly body being perfect and 30yo.
Belief that the body and soul are separate.
Beatific Vision
Being face to face with God.
Ex: Must be Xian to enter heaven.
Inc: Must be a good person to enter heaven.
Plu: Those of all religions can go to heaven.