Japanese 115 week 2 vocabulary Flashcards
yomu - change to potential form
yomeru (can read)
tsukuru - change to potential form
tsukureru (can make)
obaeru - change to potential form
Obae rareru (can memorize)
kiru - change to potential form
kirareru (can come)
hataraku - change to potential form
hatarakeru (can work)
hairu - change to potential form
haireru (can enter)
harau - change to potential form
haraeru (can pay)
hashiru - change to potential form
hashireru (can run)
kaku - change to potential form
kakeru (can write)
yameru - change to potential form
yamera reru (can quit)
asobu - change to potential form
asoberu (can play)
utau - change to potential form
utaeru (can sing)
kaeru - change to potential form
kaereru (can come)
matsu - change to potential form
materu (can wait)
suru - change to potential form
dekiru (can do)
hanasu - change to potential form
oyogu - change to potential form
oyogeru (can swim)
akeru - change to potential form
akera reru (can open)
kaesu - change to potential form
kaeseru (can return an item)
neru - change to potential form
nerareru (can sleep)
sentence pattern for two or more reasons
(reason 1) shi, (reason 2) shi, (situation)
No, I cannot buy a car yet because I am a student and I don’t have money.
iie, gakusei shi, okane ga nai shi, mada karuma ga kaemasen
difference between “ga nai” and “jya nai”
ga nai = (I) do not have
jya nai = it is not
sentence pattern for something looks like/ how to express an inference based on direct observation
take the stem of a verb (remove masu form) and add “sou desu”
okite = okisou desu
taberu = tabesou desu
this cake looks delicious
kono keki wa oishisou desu
it seems like the baby will wake up
akachan wa okisou desu
looks like its going to rain
ame ga furisou desu
this sushi looks delicious
kono sushi ha oishisou desu
this hotel looks expensive
kono hoteru ha takaisou desu
these shoes look cheap
kono kutsu ha yasuisou desu
it looks like the weather will be fine this tuesday
kaiyoubi tenki ga yosa sou desu
It looked like yoshiki was fine
yoshiki-san ha genkisou deshita
it looks like the festival is lively
omatsuri ha nigiyakasou desu
it looks like my mother is free
okasan ha himasou desu
it looks like it won’t rain
ame ga furisou jya nai desu
sentence pattern for it DOESN’T look like something is going to…
“sou jya nai desu”
sentence pattern for “to try something”
te miru
to try and eat it
yesterday I tried sushi for the first time
kino sushi o hajimete o tabetemiru
I want to go to japan by myself and try it
hitori de nihon ni itte mitai desu
if you try it, it’s easy!
yatte miru to kantan desu
it felt good when i touched it
sabatte mitara kimochi ga yokatta desu
if your head hurts, why don’t you sleep?
atama ga itai na ra, nette mita ra dou desu ka
” na ra “ particle
if you are this, then do this…
example: samui na ra kore o kite kudasai
=if its cold, please put this on.