Japanese 112 week 4 extra Flashcards
What is the sentence structure to communicate “you may do x” ?
-te mo (ても) ii desu
You may take pictures
Shasshin o totte mo ii desu
You may use this room
Kono heya o tsukau mo ii desu
You may drink this water
Kono mizu o nonde mo ii desu
You may turn on the tv
Terebi o tsukete mo ii desu
You may open the window
Mado o akete mo ii desu
Sentence structure to ask for permission
Verb - te form + mo ii desu ka
May i drink this water?
Kono mizu o nonde mo ii desu ka
May i use this room?
Kono heya o tsukau mo ii desu ka
He’s drunk!
Kare wa yopparai desu
Sentence pattern to express prohibition
Te wa ikemasen/ ては いけません (you must not do)
De wa ikemasen/では いけません (you are not allowed to)
You are not allowed to drink this water
このみズを のんではいけません
You are not allowed to turn on the television.
テレビを つけて はいけません
Terebi o tsukete ha ikemasen
You are not allowed to open the window
まどを あけて てはいけません
Mado o akete ha ikemasen
Sentence pattern for connecting actions
When you want to express sequential actions or events such as “I bought a notebook and studied,” you connect those events by using a te-form of all verbs before the last verb in a sentence.
Example: ほんをかって、べんきょうしました。I bought a book, and studied.
I woke up at 6:00, and went for a jog.
あさ6じにおきて、ジョギングを しました
I bought a book but didn’t study
ほんを かって, べんきようしませんでした
Original chinese readings of kanji
Japanese pronunciations of kanji
How are kanji organized?
By radicals (ぶしゅ)
What are the possible components of kanji?
4 quadrants: top, bottom, left, right
What are the 3 general rules for writing in japanese?
Kanji usually are used to represent content words such as nouns, adjective roots, adverbs, and verb roots.
Hiragana is used in most cases to represent functional words such as particles and verb conjugation endings.
Katakana is used to represent loanwords and onomatopoetic words.
There are over 50,000 kanji in existence. How many are used today in common everyday japanese writing?
1,945 kanji.
Daily/common use kanji
small hiragana or katakana letters written on the top, or right side in vertical writing, of kanji. You can see these most frequently in children’s books, Japanese textbooks, or in advanced scholarly works that have technical terms.
Place where emotions are stored (heart) , but not a physical heart organ…only in reference to emotions.
Heart (organ)
Let’s get started
No, you are not allowed
Iie, ikemasen
I went to the mall and ate dinner
moru ni itte, bangohan o tabemashita