Japanese 114 week 1 Flashcards
but (deep conversation)
racist / discrimination
i went to america
america ni ikimashita
i have been to america
america ni ittemashita
but (casual conversation)
i’m happy
shiawase desu
My favorite car
Watashi no sukina kuruma
What do you like to do when it’s hot?
Atsui toki Nani o Suru no ga suki desu ka
Do you like to eat sushi?
Sushi o taberu no-ga suki desu ka
Do you like to play tennis ?
Tenisu o suru no-ga suki desu ka
Do you like to cook?
Ryori suru no-ga suki desu ka
Do you like to drive cars?
Kuruma untensuru no-ga suki desu ka
Do you like to sing?
Utau no ga suki desu ka
Do you like to study Japanese?
Nihongo o benkyosuru no ga suki desu ka
Do you like to sleep?
Neru no ga suki desu ka
Do you like to drink coffee?
Kohii o nomu no ga suki desu ka
Do you like to play golf?
Gorufu o suru no ga suki desu ka
Adjectives and past tense 🤔
If an “い” adjective, remove the い at the end and replace with かった。
Last week I went to ehime. I bought a lot of souvenirs. The weather was hot.
Senshu ehime ni ikimashita. Takusan omiyage o kaimashita. Tenki wa atsukatta deshita.
This week I will go to the Philippines. I will swim at the beach. I will buy souvenirs. But, I will sleep at a cheap hotel.
Konshu firipin ni Iku. Bichi de oyogimasu. Omiyage o kaimasu. Demo, yasui hoteru de nemasu.
Next week I will return. I will go shopping at the supermarket. I will do homework.
Raishu Watashi ni kaerimasu. Supamaketto ni kaimono ni ikimasu. Shukudai o shimasu.
Not yet
Deshiyou でしょう
Present affirmative : taberu
Change to - Present Negative; Past Affirmative; Past Negative
Present Negative: たべない
Past Affirmative: たべた
Past Negative: たべなかった
“い” adjectives…
Present affirmative: やさしい
Change to - Present Negative; Past Affirmative; Past Negative
Present Negative: やさしくない
Past Affirmative: やさしかった
Past Negative: やさしくなかった
“な” adjectives
Present affirmative: げんきだ
Present Negative: げんきじゃない
Past Affirmative: げんきだった
Past Negative: げんきじゃなかった
Noun Present Affirmative がくせいだ to:
Present Negative
Past Affirmative
Past Negative
Present Negative: がくせいじゃない
Past Affirmative: がくせいだった
Past Negative: がくせいじゃなかった
Mari has not drunk coffee yet
まりさんは まだ コーヒーを飲みません
I have not had breakfast yet.
まだ あさごはんを食べていません。
My little sister has not done her homework yet.
いもうとは まだ しゅくだいを していません。
Have you already done your homework?
もう しゅくだいを しましたか。
Yes, I have already done my homework.
はい、もう しゅくだいを しました。
No, I have not done my homework yet.
いいえ、まだ しゅくだいを していません。
My head hurts, so I stayed home from school.
Since I stayed home from school, my head hurts.
がっこう を やすんだ
から、あたまが いたい です
How to use から
Reason first, then situation
から / ので
Both Kara and no de mean “because”
i return to my apartment
apato ni kaerimasu
apato he kaerimasu
the particle へ
the particle “e” (he) is like the word “to” in english. It marks the destination.
hiroshi went to school
hiroshi ha gakko he ikimashita
the particle に
the particle “ni” marks where something is at the present moment.
his mother was at home
okaasan ha uchi ni imashita
hiroshi returned home
hiroshi ha uchi ni kaerimashita
i go to the gym
taiikukan he ikimasu
i am at the gym
taiikukan ni imasu
i play basketball at the gym
taiikukan de basuketsutoboru o shimasu
i play basketball at the gym
taiikukan de basuketsutoboru o shimasu
i’m going to the post office
yubinkiyouku he ikimasu
i am a the post office
yubinkyouku ni imasu
i buy stamps at the post office
yubinkyouku de kitte o kaimasu
i’m going to the classroom
kiyoshitsu he ikimasu
in the classroom is the teacher
kiyoushitsu ni sensei ga imasu
i talk with the sensei in the classroom
kiyoushitsu de sensei to hanashimasu
i go to the drug store
kusuriya he ikimasu
they have cold medicines at the drug store.
kusuriya ni kazegusuri ga arimasu
i buy cold medicine at the drug store
kusuriya de kazegusuri o kaimasu
i go to the library
toshiyokan he ikimasu.
i am at the library
toshiyokan ni imasu
there are newspapers at the library
toshiyokan ni shinbun ga arimasu
i return to my apartment
apato ni kaerimasu
there is a friend in front of the apartment building.
apato no mae ni tomodachi ga imasu
i talk with my friend in front of the apartment building.
apato no mae ni tomodachi to hanashimasu
i go to the university
daigaku ni ikimasu
there are tennis courts at the university
daigaku ni tenisukoto ga arimasu
i play tennis with a friend at the university tennis court
daigaku no tenisukoto de tomodachi to tenisu o shimasu
i play tennis with a friend at the university tennis court
daigaku no tenisu koto de tomodachi to tenisu o shimasu
i go to a friend’s house
tomodachi no uchi ni ikimasu
there are many people at his house
kare no uchi ni takusan hito ga imasu.
there is a party at my friend’s house
tomodachi no uchi de pati ga arimasu
you use “de” here because you are describing an activity instead of a noun.
a friend came from japan
Yujin wa nihon kara kimashita
how much is it from here to shibuya?
koko kara shibuya made ikura desu ka
hiroshi has already left home
hiroshi san mou uchi o demashita
hiroshi crossed the bridge
hiroshi san hashi o watarimashita
please turn the corner to the right
kado o migi ni magatte kudasai
please go straight along this street
kono michi o massugu itte kudasai
It’s my fault
Watashi no sei
Mou (もう)
Use of “no-ga” suki versus suki
Use no-ga before suki when describing what someone likes to do. Use only ga before suki when describing what one likes.
To leave / to exit
To cross
Plastic bag (grocery bag)
Purasuchikku Fukuro
Two plastic bags please
Ni Mai purasuchikku fukuro onegaishimasu
To turn
To have left
When on a date what do you like to do?
Deeto toki nani o suru ga suki desu ka?