Is psychology a science? Flashcards
What is science?
The pursuit and application of knowledge and the understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence
What are the features of science?
Cause and effect Hypothesis testing
Falsifiability Manipulation of variables
Replicability control and standardisation
Objective Quantifiable results
What is cause and effect?
How one variable can impact another variable
What is falseifiability?
The ability to test research questions to see if they can be proved false E.g. Are all swans white?
What is replicability?
Ability to repeat research over again to see if the same results emerge each time
What is meant by objective?
Conducting research in a completely neutral way that eliminates all biases emotions and feelings
What is hypothesis testing?
Testing a hypothesis once a theory has been identified based on observations
What is manipulation of variables?
Where the independant varibles of each study can be altered
What is controll and standardisation?
Ensuring research is replicable by making sure it is controlled
What are quantifiable results?
Results in the form of numerical values