Introduction to the Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System Flashcards
Medical terms that begin with chrond relates to what?
1 - bone
2 - cartilage
3 - muscle
4 - joints
2 - cartilage
- chondrocytes are precursors for cartilage
Medical terms that begin with osteo relates to what?
1 - bone
2 - cartilage
3 - muscle
4 - joints
1 - bone
- comes from osteon
Medical terms that begin with my/myo relates to what?
1 - bone
2 - cartilage
3 - muscle
4 - joints
3 - muscle
- comes from myoblasts
Medical terms that begin with arth relates to what?
1 - bone
2 - cartilage
3 - muscle
4 - joints
4 - joints
- arthrosis means joint
Medical terms that begin with itis relates to what?
1 - inflammation
2 - cartilage
3 - muscle
4 - joints
1 - inflammation
Medical terms that begin with algia relates to what?
1 - inflammation
2 - cartilage
3 - muscle
4 - pain
4 - pain
What does tendonitis refer to?
- inflammation of a tendon
What does bursitis refer to?
- inflammation of a bursae
- bursae = closed, fluid-filled sac that works as a cushion and gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body
What does enthesitis refer to?
- inflammation of entheseal
- entheseal is the where tendons attach into bones
What is osteoporosis?
- reduced bone mineral density
What is Osteomalacia?
- mineralisation of the bone is low
- less severe form of osteoporosis
What is Osteomyelitis?
- infection of a bone
What is a osteosarcoma?
- malignant bone tumour
Joint inflammation can occur in one or more joints. What does the following refer to?
- MonoARTHRITIS = arthritis affecting 1 joint
- OligoARTHRITIS = arthritis affecting 4 or fewer joints (2-4)
- PolyARTHRITIS = arthritis affecting 5 or more joints (>=5)
What does inflammation relate to in rheumatoid arthritis?
- inflammation of a joint with an immune response
- immune system attacks there own joints
How long would morning stiffness last for in inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions?
- inflammatory = >1 hour (RA)
- non-inflammatory conditions = <30 minutes (osteoarthritis)
Does exercise improve or accentuate joint pain in inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions?
- inflammatory = improves (reduces joint pain)
- non-inflammatory conditions = worsens
Does rest improve or accentuate joint pain in inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions?
- inflammatory = accentuates (makes worse)
- non-inflammatory conditions = reduces pain
Is joint pain worse in the morning or evening in inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions?
- inflammatory = worse in the morning
- non-inflammatory conditions = worse in the evening