Anatomy of the Leg and Foot Flashcards
The tibiofibular joints if formed by the tibia and fibula bones. What parts of these bones articulate and what type of joint is formed at the superior end?
1 - medial condyle of tibia and apex of fibula
2 - medial condyle of the tibia and head of fibula
3 - lateral condyle and head of fibula
4 - lateral condyle and apex of fibula
3 - lateral condyle and head of fibula
- forms a plane joint, a form of synovial joint
The tibiofibular joints if formed by the lateral condyle of the tibia and the head of the fibula. This forms a gliding joint that is a form of synovial joint. What 2 ligaments support this joint?
- posterior superior tibiofibular ligament
- anterior superior tibiofibular ligament
What are the bony articulations of the distal tibiofibular joint?
1 - tibia = fibular notch of tibia, fibula = distal medial aspect of fibula
2 - tibia = medial condyle, fibula = fibula head
3 - tibia = lateral condyle, fibula = fibula apex
4 - tibia = fibular notch, fibula = distal lateral aspect of fibula
1 - tibia = fibular notch of tibia, fibula = distal medial aspect of fibula
What type of joint is formed at the inferior aspect of the tibiofibular joint?
1 - sutures a fibrous joint
2 - syndesmoses a fibrous joint
3 - gomphoses a fibrous joint
4 - gliding a synovial joint
2 - syndesmoses a fibrous joint
- form of syndesmosis joint allowing little movement
There is a ligament formed in the interosseus part of the inferior tibiofibular joint. What is this called?
1 - interosseous tibia ligament
2 - interosseous tibiofibular ligament
3 - interosseous talus ligament
4 - interosseous calcaneus ligament
2 - Interosseous tibiofibular ligament
There are 3 main ligaments that help stabilise the inferior tibiofibular joint. Use the labels below to label them:
- anterior tibiofibular ligament
- posterior tibiofibular ligament
- interosseus ligament
1 - interosseus ligament
2 - anterior tibiofibular ligament
3 - posterior tibiofibular ligament
The talocrural joint (ankle joint) is a synovial joint located in the lower limb. What type of synovial joint is this?
1 - condyloid joint
2 - saddle joint
3 - hinge joint
4 - ball and socket joint
3 - hinge joint
What are the 3 bones that make up the talocrural joint?
- tibia, fibula and talus
The talocrural joint possess medial and lateral ligaments that provide stability. Label the 3 key lateral ligaments using the labels below:
anterior talofibular ligament
posterior talofibular ligament
calcaneofibular ligament
1 - posterior talofibular ligament
2 - calcaneofibular ligament
3 - anterior talofibular ligament
The talocrural joint possess medial and lateral ligaments that provide stability. Label the 4 key medial ligaments that together make up the deltoid ligaments using the labels below:
anterior tibiotalar ligament
tibiocalcaneal ligament
posterior tibiotalar ligament
tibionavicular ligament
1 = tibiocalcaneal ligament (tibia to calcaneus bone) 2 = tibionavicular ligament (tibia to navicular bone) 3 = anterior tibiotalar ligament (lateral malleolus and lateral aspect of the talus) 4 = posterior tibiotalar ligament (lateral malleolus and the posterior aspect of the talus)
What is the malleolus at talocrural joint?
- bony bump laterally on fibula
- bony bump medially on tibia
What is the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints?
- proximal = between the proximal phalanx and middle phalanx
- distal = between the middle phalanx and distal phalanx
What is the Subtalar (talocalcaneal) joint and what type of joint is this?
- formed by talus and calcaneus
- synovial plane joint
There are 2 transverse tarsal joints. The calcaneocuboid and talonavicular. What bones form these joints and what type of joints do these form?
- calcaneocuboid = calcaneus and cuboidal bone
- talonavicular = talus and navicular joint
There are 2 transverse tarsal joints. The calcaneocuboid and talonavicular. What type of joints are both of these?
1 - condyloid
2 - gliding
3 - saddle
4 - pivot
3 - saddle joints
What are the tarsometatarsal, also called the Lisfranc joints of the foot?
- articulations between the bases of the metatarsals and the distal surfaces of the three cuneiforms and the cuboid
The tarsometatarsal, also called the Lisfranc joints of the foot are articulations between the bases of the metatarsals and the distal surfaces of the three cuneiforms and the cuboid. What type of joint are these?
1 - condyloid
2 - plane
3 - saddle
4 - pivot
2 - plane joints
What are the metatarsophalangeal joints and what type of joint is this?
- joints between the metatarsals and the proximal phalanges
- they are synovial condyloid joints
What are the interphalangeal joints and what type of joint is this?
- joints between proximal and middle phalanx
- synovial hinge joints
The leg can be subdivided into 3 compartments. Label the 3 main muscles that make up the anterior compartment using the labels below:
Tibialis Anterior
Extensor Digitorum longus
Extensor Hallucis longus
1 - Tibialis Anterior
2 - Extensor Hallucis longus
3 - Extensor Digitorum longus
The leg can be subdivided into 3 compartments. There are 3 main muscles that make up the anterior compartment Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Digitorum longus and then Extensor Hallucis longus. There is a 4th muscle, what is it called?
1 - Gastrocnemius
2 -Soleus
3 - Plantaris
4 - Fibularis tertius
4 - Fibularis tertius
What is the origin and insertion of the Tibialis Anterior muscle?
1 - O = lateral surface of tibia and I = medial cuneiform and base of metatarsal I
2 - O = medial surface of tibia and I = medial cuneiform and base of metatarsal I
3 - O = lateral surface of tibia and I = lateral cuneiform and base of metatarsal I
4 - O = medial surface of tibia and I = lateral cuneiform and base of metatarsal I
O = origin I = insertion
1 - O = lateral surface of tibia and I = medial cuneiform and base of metatarsal I
What are the 2 movements facilitated by the Tibialis Anterior muscle?
1 - dorsiflexion of talocrural joint and eversion of subtalar joint
2 - dorsiflexion of talocrural joint and inversion of subtalar joint
3 - plantarflexion of talocrural joint and inversion of subtalar joint
4 - plantarflexion of talocrural joint and eversion of subtalar joint
2 - dorsiflexion of talocrural joint and inversion of subtalar joint
What is the nerve and nerve roots of the Tibialis Anterior muscle?
1 - deep tibial nerve, L4-L5
2 - superficial tibial nerve L2-L4
3 - deep fibular nerve, L4-L5
4 - superficial fibular nerve, L4-L5
3 - deep fibular nerve, L4-L5
In addition to facilitating dorsiflexion of talocrural joint and inversion of subtalar joint, the Tibialis Anterior muscle has an important function at the ankle. What is this important function?
1 - supports the lateral arch of the foot
2 - cushions forces through the knee
3 - supports the medial arch of the foot
4 - unlocks the knee when walking
3 - supports the medial arch of the foot
- attaches to medial cuneiform so ensures arch remains raised
What is the origin and insertion of the Extensor Digitorum longus?
1 - O = lateral condyle of tibia and medial fibula, I = digital expansions onto proximal phalanx on dorsal surface
2 - O = medial condyle of tibia and medial fibula, I = digital expansions onto distal phalanx on dorsal surface
3 - O = medial condyle of fibula and medial fibula, I = digital expansions onto distal phalanx on dorsal surface
4 - O = lateral condyle of tibia and medial fibula, I = digital expansions onto distal phalanx on dorsal surface
O = origin I = insertion
4 - O = lateral condyle of tibia and medial fibula, I = digital expansions onto distal phalanx
- only digits II-V
What are the 2 movements facilitated by the Extensor Digitorum longus?
1 - dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint and flexion of lateral 4 toes
2 - dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint and extension of lateral 4 toes
3 - plantarflexion of the talocrural joint and extension of lateral 4 toes
4 - plantarflexion of the talocrural joint and flexion of lateral 4 toes
2 - dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint and extension of lateral 4 toes
What is the origin and insertion of the Extensor hallucis longus?
1 - O = medial surface of fibular shaft, I = dorsum of distal phalanx of great toe
2 - O = medial surface of tibia, I = dorsum of distal phalanx of great toe
3 - O = lateral surface of fibular shaft, I = dorsum of distal phalanx of great toe
4 - O = medial surface of fibular shaft, I = dorsum of proximal phalanx of great toe
O = origin I = insertion
1 - O = medial surface of fibular shaft, I = dorsum of distal phalanx of great toe
What 2 movements are facilitated by the Extensor hallucis longus?
1 - flexion of the great toe and talocrural dorsiflexion
2 - adduction of the great toe and talocrural dorsiflexion
3 - abduction of the great toe and talocrural dorsiflexion
4 - extension of the great toe and talocrural dorsiflexion
4 - extension of the great toe and talocrural dorsiflexion
What is the origin and insertion of the fibularis tertius?
1 - O = distal medial surface of fibula, I = dorsal medial surface of metatarsal IV
2 - O = distal medial surface of tibia, I = dorsal medial surface of metatarsal V
3 - O = distal medial surface of fibula, I = dorsal medial surface of metatarsal V
4 - O = distal medial surface of tibia, I = dorsal medial surface of metatarsal IV
O = origin I = insertion
3 - O = distal medial surface of fibula, I = dorsal medial surface of metatarsal V
What 2 movements does the tibialis tertius facilitate?
1 - talocrural plantarflexion and eversion of the subtalar joint
2 - talocrural plantarflexion and eversion of the subtalar joint
3 - talocrural dorsiflexion and inversion of the subtalar joint
4 - talocrural dorsiflexion and eversion of the subtalar joint
4 - talocrural dorsiflexion and eversion of the subtalar joint
The Extensor Digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis tertius are 3 of the 4 muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg. These 3 muscles are all innervated by the same nerve and nerve roots. What is the nerve and nerve roots?
1 - deep tibial nerve, L4-L5
2 - superficial tibial nerve L2-L4
3 - deep fibular nerve, L5-S1
4 - superficial fibular nerve, L4-L5
3 - deep fibular nerve, L5-S1
- branch of sciatic nerve
The deep fibular nerve innervates the whole of the anterior compartment of the leg including. What is the origin of the fibular nerve and what is the deep fibular nerve a branch of?
1 - sciatic nerve L4-S3, common fibular nerve, deep fibular nerve
2 - sciatic nerve L4-S1, common fibular nerve, deep fibular nerve
3 - sciatic nerve L4-S3, superficial fibular nerve, deep fibular nerve
4 - sciatic nerve L4-S3, common fibular nerve, deep fibular nerve
1 - sciatic nerve L4-S3, common fibular nerve, deep fibular nerve
- sciatic nerve branches into common fibular nerve and tibial nerve at popliteal fossa
- common fibular nerve branches into superficial and deep fibular nerve
What is the main blood supply to the anterior compartment of the leg and which artery is this a branch of?
1 - posterior tibial artery a branch of the popliteal artery
2 - anterior tibial artery a branch of the popliteal artery
3 - anterior fibula artery a branch of the popliteal artery
4 - posterior fibula artery a branch of the popliteal artery
2 - anterior tibial artery a branch of the popliteal artery
The main blood supply to the anterior compartment of the leg is the anterior tibial artery a branch of the popliteal artery. The bifurcation into the anterior tibial artery occurs below the popliteal fossa at the back of the knee. How does the anterior tibial artery then get to the anterior compartment of the leg?
1 - loops around fibular
2 - loops around the tibia
3 - passes through the knee joint
3 - passes through opening in interosseus membrane
3 - passes through opening in interosseus membrane
What does hallucis mean?
- latin for big toe
Label the 2 muscles of the lateral compartment using the labels below:
1 - fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
2 - fibularis longus and Extensor Hallucis longus
3 - fibularis longus and Fibularis tertius
4 - Extensor Hallucis longus and fibularis brevis
1 - fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
What is the origin and insertion of the fibularis longus?
1 - O = lateral surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
2 - O = lateral surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of cuboid and metatarsal V
3 - O = medial surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
4 - O = lateral surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of medial cuneiform and metatarsal III
O = origin I = insertion
1 - O = lateral surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
What 2 movements does the fibularis longus facilitate?
1 - inversion and plantarflexion of the foot
2 - eversion and plantarflexion of the foot
3 - eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot
4 - inversion and dorsiflexion of the foot
2 - eversion and plantarflexion of the foot
- supports the arch of the foot
In addition to facilitating eversion and plantarflexion of the foot, the fibularis longus has another important function in the foot. What is this function?
1 - supports the lateral arch of the foot
2 - cushions forces through the knee
3 - supports the transverse arch of the foot
4 - unlocks the knee when walking
3 - supports the transverse arch of the foot
What is the origin and insertion of the fibularis brevis?
1 - O = lateral surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
2 - O = lateral surface of fibular head, I = lateral side of cuboid and metatarsal V
3 - O = lower 2/3rd of lateral fibula shaft, I = lateral tubercle on at base of metatarsal V
4 - O = lower 2/3rd of lateral fibula shaft, I = lateral side of medial cuneiform and metatarsal III
3 - O = lower 2/3rd of lateral fibula shaft, I = lateral tubercle on at base of metatarsal V
What one movement does the fibularis brevis facilitate?
1 - plantarflexion
2 - dorsiflexion
3 - inversion
4 - eversion
4 - eversion of the foot
Which nerve innervates the fibularis longus and brevis and what are the nerve roots?
1 - deep tibial nerve, L4-L5
2 - superficial tibial nerve L2-L4
3 - deep fibular nerve, L5-S1
4 - superficial fibular nerve, L4-S1
4 - superficial fibular nerve, L4-S1
What is the main blood vessel that supplies the fibularis longus and brevis?
1 - anterior tibial and fibular arteries
2 - anterior tibial artery
3 - posterior fibula artery
4 - posterior tibial and fibula arteries
1 - anterior tibial and fibular arteries
Instead of having thick fascia in the leg as we do in the thigh. what divides the anterior and posterior compartments in the leg?
- interosseus membrane
The superficial fibular nerve is the main nerve innervating the fibularis longus and brevis. What is a secondary nerve that also contributes to muscular and cutaneous supply to the same muscles?
1 - common fibular nerve
2 - lateral sural nerve
3 - deep fibular nerve
4 - anterior tibial nerve
2 - lateral sural nerve
There are 2 parts of the posterior compartment of the leg, the superficial and the deep. Using the labels below, label the 3 muscles of the superficial compartment:
1 = Gastrocnemius 2 = Plantaris 3 = Soleus
What is the origin of the medial and lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle of the superficial layer of the posterior compartment of the lower leg?
1 - O = medial head - medial condyle of femur, lateral head - lateral condyle of femur
2 - O = medial head - medial epicondyle of femur, lateral head - lateral epicondyle of femur
3 - O = medial head - medial condyle of femur, lateral head - lateral epicondyle of femur
4 - O = medial head - medial epcondyle of femur, lateral head - lateral condyle of femur
1 - O = medial head - medial condyle of femur, lateral head - lateral condyle of femur