Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Flashcards
inflammatory bowel disease
- inflm of large and small intestine
- chronic and progressive disease
2 chronic diseases
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative Colitis
- genetic susceptibility
- lose self-tolerance for normal gut flora d/t affected HLA/MHC genes; immune system targets bacteria attached to gut wall –> inflm
- environmental triggers (d/t complex trait etiology)
Crohn’s disease type of lesions and affected area
- granulomatous, inflammatory skip (non-continuous) lesions seen in small and large intestine
- primarily affects submucosa of terminal ileum
- slowly progressive, non-aggressive disease
2nd layer of dense irreg CT
terminal ileum
end of small intestine
mnfts of Crohn’s disease
- intermittent diarrhea
- colicky pain (spasmodic) in abd
- weight loss
- fluid & electrolyte imbal d/a diarrhea
why is weight loss mnft of Crohn’s disease
- Crohn’s disease mainly affects the terminal ileum
- ileum’s major Fx is absorption
- damage to intestinal wall impairs absorption Fx (nutrients not absorbed as effectively)
- also d/t diarrhea
cmplx of Crohn’s disease
- fistulas
- abscesses
- bowel obstruction
- stricture
refers to an abn passage b/w hollow of tubular organ and body surface or b/w 2 hollow or tubular organs
swollen area of body containing accumulation of pus (perianal area)
constriction of tube (aka intestine, may result in obstruction)
Ulcerative Colitis lesion and affected area
- continuous ulcerative lesions (ulcers)
- at terminal part of large intestine
- primarily affects mucosa of colon & rectum (inner lining of lumen)
continuous lesions
- crypt abscesses
- bleeding ulcers
- thickened and inflamed tissue
- pseudopolyps
crypt abscesses
- crypts normally secrete digestive Es and regenerate new tissue when damaged
- accum of pus in crypts prevents regrowth of new tissue (leads to colorectal CA)
- polyps = invagination of granulation tissue into lumen (opposite of outpouching)
- contains inflammatory tissue and large amount of exudate produced
- can result in edema & fluid in lumen –> congestion
mnfts of ulcerative colitis
- intermittent, bloody diarrhea (d/t ulcers)
- abd cramping
Dx of ulcerative colitis
- Hx, Px
- scoping (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy)
- lab tests to exclude GI infections
Tx (long-term management) for ulcerative colitis
- meds: anti-inflm, steroids, immunoregulatory drugs, Abx
- Sx if needed
- lifestyle modifications
why Abx needed (ulcerative colitis)
to control overgrowth of normal flora
when is Sx required (ulcerative colitis)
- fistulas causing bowel obstruction
- draining bleeding ulcer
- bowel resection (remove part of or entire bowel)