imaging of pelvis + urinary tract Flashcards
know how to tell if its a female or male pelvis
know how to label a sagittal MRI scan of the female pelvis system:
- rectum
- bladder
- pubic symphysis
- pouch of Douglas
what are the 3 layers of the uterus, what does this look like on sagittal MRI
- uterine cavity
- endometrium (inner layer)
- myometrium (muscle layer)
(3 layers seen in sagittal section)
ensure to see if theres any fluid attenuation in the pouch of Douglas on sagittal scan
be able to identify the bladder, uterus and rectum on axial MRI scan
what is the best ultrasound views for the female pelvis
- internal / trans-vaginal
what structure is used as an acoustic window during trans abdominal scnas
identify what the sections of the uterus looks like on ultrasound :
myometrium and endometrium
what is laparoscopy
a surgical procedure in which a fibre-optic instrument is inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or permit small-scale surgery
know what different structures look like with a laparoscopy camera e.g
round ligament
suspensory ligament
uterine tube
what is a hysterosalpingogram
X-ray procedure that is used to view the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. (uses contrast)
recap the male pelvic organs and where they are situated e.g
ductus deferens
epididymis etc
know where the different male pelvic organs are located on a sagittal and axial MRI :
pubic symphysis
seminal vesicles
know what the testis look like on ultrasound :
identify epididymal head and tail
scrotal skin
identify what renal structures look like on ultrasound
what is intravenous urogram and how does it work
- intravenous contrast given which gets filtered by blood and drained through the ureters which highlights it
- series of plain film examinations taken
- can be taken with digital tomosyntheis (detector and xray tube moves allowing imaging from several different angles)
what is excretory phase CT
injection of contrast which gets excreted by kidney into the renal pelvis and so on, highlighting the ureter
- typically CT image taken
identify what the different structures look like on an excretory phase CT view
what is contrast phasing
taking CT images at delayed timings to see the progression of the contrast movement through the kidneys etc to identify obstruction or similar
what is MR urography
- contrast being excreted by kidney and highlighting ureter
- usual MRI images taken
what is a CT KUB and why is no contrast used for this
CT kidney, ureter, bladder
- to avoid masking of kidney stones that could be within the ureters
what is a CT angiogram for
- contrast used
- used to identify the vasculature/ blood supply going to the kidneys
- spot narrowing of vessels
what is a MRI angiogrpahy
- contrast used
- MRI imaging to identify vasculature going to kidneys
what is conventional angiography
- if there is a known narrowing, this technique can identify as well as treat the issue
- e.g putting a stent in
- this is why it is better than. CT and MRI angiography
what is the negative of CT and MRI angiography
if u spot an abnormality, you cant do anything about it
what is a CT cystogram
- imaging modality specific to bladder
- contrast injected into bladder
- images then taken
- if theres injury to bladder wall for example, you can see contrast leaking out
what are the 2 ways contrast can be inserted into the bladder
- intravenously then excreted by kidney into bladder
- catheter insertion of contrast into bladder
( this affects the time taken for imaging as u may need to wait for contrast to be reached in bladder before imaging)
what is a retrograde urethrogram
- examination of urethra
- contrast is injected via penis, and the contrast enters backwards into the bladder
- if theres any issues with urethra you can see due to the movement of contrast through the ureter
what tracer is used in nuclear medicine scans of renal ssytem
technetium based tracer
or MAG3
how is nuclear medicinal imaging taken
- images taken regularly over period of time
- observe passage of tracer through kidney to bladder