III: Gram-Negative Bacilli (Fermenters) Flashcards
Gram-negative comma-shaped, curved
Reduce Nitrate to Nitrite
Most of them are susceptible to O/129
Most are positive to String Test
Vibrio are halophilic EXCEPT:
V. cholerae
V. mimicus
Vibrio has what type of flagella
Rapid Darting Motility / Shooting Star
A vibrio spp. characterized with RICE WATERY STOOL
V. cholerae
V. cholerae are cultured in
Alkaline Peptone Water
In TCBS, Sucrose fermenter will have
Yellow colonies
All Vibrio are NSF except for:
V. cholerae
V. alginolyticus
It is a toxin that increases cAMP causing to have excessive secretion of Water and Electrolytes
Cholera toxin (choleragen)
Phenomenon by which there is a lysis of V.cholerae after injecting immunized host
Pfeiffer’s phenomenon
V. cholera Serogroups
Inaba - Philippines
Ogawa - India
Hikojima - Japan
V. cholera Biotypes (2)
El Tor
V.cholera biotype that has
Red cell Hemolysis (+)
VP (+)
*Polymyxin B (R)
Agglutination Chix RBC (+)
El Tor
V.cholera biotype that has
Red cell Hemolysis (-)
VP (-)
Polymyxin B (S)
Agglutination Chix RBC (-)
V. cholera subgroup associated with Epidemic and Pandemic Cholera
V. cholerae O1
V. cholera O139
strains that phenotypically V. cholerae O1 but does not agglutinate in 01 antisera
V. cholerae non-O1
Vibrio Test that uses O/129 (150 ug) impregnated disk
Vibriostatic Test
Vibrio spp that test (+) Vibriostatic
V. cholerae
Plesiomonas shigelloides
Vibriostatic Test (-)
C. violaceum
String Test Reagent
0.5% Sodium Desoxycholate
Test that differentiates Aeromonas & Plesiomonas from Vibrio
String Test