I Flashcards
Behavior that (a) is occasioned by another person’s model of the behavior (or symbolic representation thereof), (b) has formal similarity with the model, (c) follows the modeled behavior closely in time, and (d) the model is the primary controlling variable for the imitative behavior
- An imitative behavior is a new behavior emitted following a novel antecedent event (ie; the model)
A systematic, research based set of procedures for teaching a nonimitative learner to imitate models of novel behaviors
Imitation Training
A verbal operant involving a response that is evoked by both an MO and a nonverbal stimulus; thus, the response is part mand and part tact
Impure Tact
A contingency in which reinforcement for each member of a group is dependent on that person’s meeting a performance criterion that is in effect for all members of the group
Independent Group Contingency
The variable that is systematically manipulated by the researcher in an experiment to see whether changes in the independent variable produce reliable changes in the dependent variable
- In applied behavior analysis, it is usually an environmental event or condition antecedent or consequent to the dependent variable
Independent Variable
Structured interviews, checklists, rating scales, or questionnaires used to obtain information from people who are familiar with the person exhibiting the problem behavior (eg; teachers, parents, caregivers, and/or the individual himself or herself); used to identify conditions or events in the natural environment that correlate with the problem behavior
Indirect Functional Assessment
Occurs when the behavior that is measured is in some way different from the behavior of interest; considered less valid than direct measurement because inferences about the relation between the data obtained and the actual behavior of interest are required
Indirect Measurement
A contingency that makes it difficult for the learner to discriminate whether the next response will produce reinforcement
- Practitioners use this in the form of intermittent schedules of reinforcement and delayed rewards to promote generalized behavior change
Indiscriminable Contingency
Formal permission - usually written, signed, and dated - given by a potential recipient of behavioral services or participant in a research study; requires that full disclosure of all pertinent information be provided to the individual prior to a granting of permission
- To give consent, the person must (a) demonstrate the capacity to decide, (b) do so voluntarily, and (c) have adequate knowledge of all salient aspects of the treatment
Informed Consent
The environment where instruction occurs; includes an aspects of the environment, planned and unplanned, that may influence the learner’s acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of the target behavior
Instructional Setting
A contingency in which reinforcement for all members of a group is dependent on each member of the group meeting a performance criterion that is in effect for all members of the group
Independent Group Contingency
A contingency of reinforcement in which some, but not all, occurrences of the behavior produce reinforcement
Intermittent Schedule of Reinforcement (INT)
The extent to which an experiment shows convincingly that changes in behavior are a function of the independent variable and not the result of uncontrolled or unknown variables
Internal Validity
The degree to which two or more independent observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events
Interobserver Agreement. (IOA)
A measure of temporal locus, defined as the elapsed time between two successive responses
Interresponse Time (IRT)
A procedural variation of the behavior chain interruption strategy, entails arranging the environment such that the learner is unable to continue the chain at a predetermined point until responding to a prompt (eg; “what do you want?”)
Interrupted Chain Procedure
A procedure for implementing DRL in which the total session is divided into equal intervals and reinforcement is provided at the end of each interval in which the number of responses during the interval is equal to or below a criterion limit
Interval DRL
An index of the agreement between observers for data obtained by interval recording or time sampling measurement; calculated for a given session or measurement period by comparing the two observers’ recordings of the occurrence or nonoccurence of the behavior in each observation interval and dividing the number of intervals of agreement by the total number of intervals and multiplying by 100
Interval by Interval IOA
A variation of functional analysis designed to increase efficiency
- In the test condition, multiple contingencies are implemented simultaneously (eg; attention and escape) when the problem behavior is demonstrated
- In the control condition, those same contingencies are presented noncontingently and continuously
Interview Informed Synthesized Contingency Analysis
An elementary verbal operant involving a response that is evoked by a verbal discriminative stimulus that does not have point to point correspondence with that verbal stimulus
- The intraverbal is the opposite of the echoic, in that words emitted by one speaker do not match the words of another speaker
- Intraverbal behavior constitutes the basis for social interaction, conversations, and much of academic and intellectual behavior
- Questions are mands, and answers are intraverbal
Some verbal stimuli only supplement other more critical antecedents, but nonetheless they play a causal role in evoking behavior
- Palmer (2016) recommends “in cases in which the verbal antecedent is, by itself, insufficient to evoke the relevant response, we should speak of ‘intraverbal control,’ usually as one of a number of concurrent controlling variables”
Intraverbal Control
A situation that occurs when the level of responding observed in a previous phase cannot be reproduced even though the experimental conditions are due same as they were during the earlier phase