E Flashcards
An elementary verbal operant involving a vocal response that is evoked by a vocal verbal SD that has formal similarity between an auditory verbal stimulus and an auditory verbal response product, and a history of generalized reinforcement
An assessment protocol that acknowledges complex interrelationships between environment and behavior
- This is a method for obtaining data across multiple settings and persons
Ecological Assessment
Michael’s (1982) term for Skinner’s (1957) taxonomy of five different types of speaker behavior (ie; expressive language) distinguished by their antecedent controlling variables and related history of consequences; mand, tact, intraverbal, duplic, and codic
Elementary Verbal Operants
Stimulus relations that are not taught directly but emerge as an indirect function of related instruction or experience
Emergent Stimulus Relations
The objective observation of the phenomena of interest; objective observations are “independent of the individual prejudices, tastes, and private opinions of the scientist… Results of empirical methods are objective in that they are open to anyone’s observation and do not depend on the subjective belief of the individual scientist”
An intervention that provides noncontingent access to preferred sources of reinforcement (eg; toys, games, social and recreation activities)
- The noncontingent access to preferred reinforcers arranges a competition between the enriched environment and the stimulation provided by the problem behavior
Enriched Environment
The conglomerate of real circumstances in which the organism or referenced part of the organism exists; behavior cannot occur in the absence of environment
An antecedent intervention that provides noncontingent access to preferred sources of reinforcement (eg; toys, games, social and recreation activities)
- This noncontingent access to preferred sources of reinforcement arranges a competition between the EE intervention and the stimulation provided by the problem behavior
Environmental Enrichment (EE)
A scale in which equal distances on the axis represent equal absolute amounts of the variable plotted on the axis (eg; behavior change on an equal interval vertical axis)
Equal Interval Scale
A probe for the emergence of untrained stimulus - stimulus relations that evaluates both symmetry and transitivity simultaneously
Equivalence Test
The emergence of accurate responding to untrained and nonreinforced stimulus - stimulus relations following the reinforcement of responses to some stimulus - stimulus relations
- Requires successful performances on three types of probe trials - reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity - in the absence of reinforcement
Equivalence Class Formation
A variety of techniques for gradually transferring stimulus control with a minimum of errors
Errorless Learning
A contingency in which a response terminates (produces escape from) an ongoing stimulus
Escape Contingency
Behaviors maintained with negative reinforcement are placed on escape extinction when those behaviors are not followed by termination of the aversive stimulus; emitting the target behavior does not enable the person to escape the aversive situation
Escape Extinction
A motivating operation that increases the effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer
- For example, food deprivation establishes food as an effective reinforcer
Establishing Operation (EO)
Documents generated or adopted by professional organizations that provide clear guidelines for their members when deciding a course of proper action in conducting their professional duties
Ethical Codes of Behavior
Behaviors, practices, and decisions that address such basic and fundamental questions as the following: what is the right thing to do? What’s worth doing? What does it mean to be a good behavior analytic practicioners? The behavior analysts details ethical practice for behavior analysts
Measurement procedure for obtaining a tally or count of the number of times a behavior occurs
Event Recording
An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object, or event whose reinforcing effectiveness depends on the same motivating operation
- For example, food deprivation evokes (increases the current frequency of) behavior such as opening the fridge that has been reinforced by good
Evocative Effect (of a Motivating Operation)
The percentage of total intervals in which two observers recorded the same count; the most stringent description of IOA for most data sets obtained by event recording
Exact Count per Interval IOA
A procedure for building new arbitrary conditional discriminations based on the robust finding that learners will select a novel comparison stimulus over a known one in the presence of a novel sample
Exclusion (Training)
A procedure for implementing time out in which, contingent on the occurrence of a target behavior, the person is removed physically from the current environment for a specified period
Exclusion Time Out
A carefully controlled comparison of some measure of the phenomenon of interest (the dependent variable) under two or more different conditions in which only one factor at a time (the independent variable) differs from one condition to another
A natural science approach to the study of behavior as a subject matter in its own right founded by B.F. Skinner; methodological features include rate of response as a basic dependent variable, repeated or continuous measurement of clearly defined response classes, within subject experimental comparisons instead of group design, visual analysis of graphed data instead of statistical inference, and an emphasis on describing functional relations between behavior and controlling variables in the environment over formal theory testing
Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB)