HTH 100 Chapter 9 Key Terms Flashcards
Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with being masculine or feminine, experiencing attraction, etc
Sexual Identity
Recognition of oneself as a sexual being; a composite of biological sex characteristics, gender identity, etc
Reproductive organs that produce germ cells and sex hormones; in males, the testes, and in females, the ovaries
Not exhibiting exclusively male or female sex characteristics; also known as disorders of sexual development (DSD)
Period of sexual maturation
Pituitary Gland
Endocrine gland that controls the release of hormones from the gonads
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Characteristics associated with sex but not directly related to reproduction, such as vocal pitch, amount of body hair, etc
Characteristics and actions associated with being feminine or masculine as defined by society or culture
Gender Roles
Expression of maleness or femaleness in everyday life that conforms to society’s expectations
Process by which a society communicates behavioral expectations to its members
Gender-Role Stereotypes
Generalizations concerning how men and women should express themselves and the characteristics each possess
Combination of traditional masculine and feminine traits in a single person
Gender Identity
Personal sense or awareness of being masculine or feminine, a male or a female
Having a gender identity that does not match one’s assigned biological sex
Having a gender identity that matches the biological sex an individual is assigned at birth
Sexual Orientation
A person’s enduring emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction to other persons
Experiencing primary attraction to and preference for sexual activity with people of the opposite sex
Experiencing primary attraction to and preference for sexual activity with people of the same sex
Experiencing attraction to and preference for sexual activity with people of both sexes
A person who does not experience sexual attraction
Sexual orientation involving primary attraction to people of the same sex
Sexual orientation involving attraction of women to other women
Sexual Prejudice
Negative attitudes and hostile actions directed at those with a different sexual orientation
External female genitalia
Mons Pubis
Fatty tissue covering the pubic bone in females; in physically mature women, the mons is covered with coarse hair
Labia Majora
“Outer lips,” or folds of tissue covering the female sexual organs
Labia Minora
“Inner lips,” or folds of tissue just inside the labia majora
Pea-sized nodule of tissue located at the top of the labia minora; central to sexual arousal and pleasure in women
Urethral Opening
Opening through which urine is expelled
In some women, a thin tissue covering the vaginal opening
Tissue that forms the “floor” of the pelvic region, found between the vulva and the anus
Muscular, tube-shaped organ in females that serves as a passageway connecting the vulva to the uterus
Uterus (Womb)
Hollow, pear-shaped muscular organ whose function is to house a developing fetus
Soft, spongy matter that makes up the uterine lining