HPM 10.6 Occupational Safety Manual Flashcards
Why was the Occupational Safety manual developed?
Provide guidance to all levels of command on the elimination of conditions and work practices that could result in injury to employees, loss or damage to CHP property, and to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment.
What are the objectives of the Occupational Safety Manual?
Eliminate suffering by employees. Eliminate economic losses to employees and their families. Conserve the resources of the Department.
What is the purpose of the Occupational Safety Manual?
Provide direction to commanders to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and to comply with existing safety and health regulatory authority.
To be effective, an occupational safety program needs who’s participation to prevent or mitigate injuries, illnesses, and exposures, and reduce or eliminate accidents and loss or damage to departmental property?
Who assists commands in administering safety responsibilities, achieving compliance with safety requirements, and resolving local health and safety issues?
Occupational Safety Committees.
Members of the Occupational Safety Committee represent which bargaining units?
All, as well as local management.
What are safety goals?
Provide direction to all personnel within commands in their efforts to achieve safe and healthy work environments by eliminating and/or preventing occupational injuries, illnesses, or exposures to hazardous substances.
Who is responsible for investigating all complaints alleging unsafe and/or unhealthy conditions in a work environment?
Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).
What Department occupational safety program provides a framework for establishing and maintaining safe work practices and healthy conditions in the workplace?
Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP).
What Department occupational safety program provides affected employees with information regarding hazardous substances listed in the Department of Industrial Relations, Director’s list?
Hazardous Substances Program.
Which departmental employees receive Defensive Driver Training?
Defensive driver training will be provided to departmental employees who are required to drive routinely on official business.
What type of equipment is to be available to specified employees when unsafe conditions cannot be corrected through engineering or administrative controls?
Personal Protective Equipment.
What are the five elements of the Department’s occupational safety program?
Injury and Illness Prevention Plan. Hazardous Substances Program. Defensive Driving Training. Hazardous Exposure Control Programs. Personal Protective Equipment.
What is the supervisor’s responsibility related to occupational safety?
To ensure that their subordinates receive appropriate health and safety training, monitoring employee job performance, and ensuring that employees follow healthy and safe work practices.
What are supervisors required to do when unsafe practices or conditions are observed or reported?
Shall correct unsafe practices or conditions as soon as observed or reported.
Who is required to investigate accidents, injuries, and exposures to determine if unsafe work procedures or conditions were causative.
What are employees responsible for in regard to occupational safety?
Performing all their duties in a safe and healthy manner. Report unsafe or unhealthy conditions, procedures, or work practices to a supervisor. Participate in safety and health training to ensure the proper and safe use of equipment. Assist fellow employees in the performance of tasks to minimize potential hazards. Contribute to the command’s safety and health program offering suggestions for improvement.
What is the policy-level occupational safety organization within the Department?
Department of Occupational Safety Board (DOSB).
What is the purpose of the DOSB?
To be the departmental arbitrator in interpreting rules, standards, policies, procedures, and definitions relative to departmental safety programs.
Who does the DOSB make recommendations to regarding departmental policy, intervention, or action?
The Commissioner.
How often does the DOSB meet?
At least quarterly.
What is the Division level occupational safety organization?
Division Occupational Safety Committee (DOSC).
What are the functions of the DOSC?
To assist the Division Chief in administering occupational safety responsibilities. Identify failures in systems, procedures, management services, programs, and procedures that relate to prevention or reduction of accidents, injuries, occupational illnesses, and exposures to hazardous substances. Monitor the safety activities of commands to ensure adequate review of accidents, injuries, illnesses, and exposures. Identify and implement appropriate measures to correct deficiencies in systems, policies, procedures, and equipment which have the potential for accidents, injuries, or loses to the Department. Advise the Division Chief and recommend modifications to the Division safety program.
How often is the DOSC required to meet?
At least quarterly.
What is the purpose of the Executive Offices Occupational Safety Committee (EOOSC)?
Identify failures in systems, procedures, management services, programs, and procedures that relate to prevention or reduction of accidents, injuries, occupational illness, and exposures to hazardous substances in these offices. Review vehicle accident, injury, occupational illness, and exposure to hazardous substances reports. Review Executive Offices’ CHP 113As – Safety Inspection Checklist.
Does the EOOSC determine preventability?
No, that is the responsibility of the commander.
How often is the EOOSC required to meet?
At least quarterly.
What is the purpose of the Command Occupational Safety Committee (COSC).
Assists the commander in achieving compliance with occupational safety requirements and resolving health and safety issues in the local command. Review accident, injury, occupational illness, and exposure to hazardous substances reports to determine errors in skills, procedures, equipment, or motivation. Conduct periodic inspections, at least semi-annually, of facilities and equipment to identify potentially unsafe work conditions, practices, or situations. Make recommendations to the commander applicable to local operations.
Major emphasis of the COSC should be on what?
Skill techniques and procedures which minimize operational hazards and which must be utilized by personnel who perform a wide variety of tasks under difficult stress conditions.
Does the COSC determine preventability?
No, that is the responsibility of the commander.
If an employee appeals the commander’s determination of preventability, what shall be done?
The commander shall refer the report to the COSC for recommendation on preventability.
How often is the COSC required to meet?
At least quarterly.
Who is responsible for carrying out the directions of the Division commander in support of the Division’s occupational safety program?
Division Health and Safety Coordinator.
What duties are the Division Health and Safety Coordinator responsible for?
Assisting in developing, implementing, administering, and maintaining the Division’s safety program. Ensuring Division policies and procedures are current, appropriate, and adequate. Coordinating injury and illness claims with the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Reviewing and reconciling specified documents from Areas, sections, inspection facilities, and communications centers. Prepare Division reports for submission to Health and Safety Section. Act as Division liaison in response to departmental inquiries regarding health and safety issues.
Who is responsible for carrying out the directions of the commander in support of the command’s occupational safety program?
Command Safety Coordinator.
What are the duties of the Command Safety Coordinator?
Assisting the commander in developing, implementing, administering, and maintaining the command’s program. Ensure local command policies and procedures are current, appropriate, and adequate.
How should safety suggestions from an individual be channeled?
Channeled to the local command safety committee for consideration.
What format should safety suggestions be submitted?
On a CHP 51, Memorandum.
What unit is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering the Department’s safety programs which are designed to reduce the risk of employee accidents, injuries, and illnesses and to lower the costs associated with these accidents, injuries, and illnesses?
Health and Safety Section/Occupational Safety Unit.
Who are the primary safety instructors for the Department?
Managers and supervisors.
When is the safety performance of employees personal safety evaluated?
During his/her annual performance evaluation.
When are proposed occupational safety goals for the forthcoming calendar year due?
December 15th.
Local command goals will be negotiated with whom?
When shall each Division prepare consolidated goals and submit them to the appropriate Assistant Commissioner?
By January 15th each year.
Can the goals of a Division be less than the total goals set by local commands?
At the end of the calendar year, when would a goal be considered to have been met?
If the number is equal to or less than the approved total.
What are the typical goal categories recommended by the Departmental Occupational safety Board?
Recordable vehicle accidents. Preventable recordable vehicle accidents. Disabling injuries. Preventable disabling injuries. Aircraft accidents. Preventable aircraft accidents. Accidental discharges of weapons.
What categories are commanders no authorized to consider when setting occupational safety goals?
Illnesses and non-disabling injuries.
When an employee is involved in a personal injury, illness, hazardous exposure, or vehicle accident, who shall ensure that an adequate review is conducted so that corrective measures may be identified and implemented?
The commander.
What is a CHP 422?
Individual Accident, Injury, and Safety Recognition Record.
Who has the responsibility to determine preventability of recordable vehicle accidents, injuries, and illnesses?
The commander.
Assignment of preventability may be appealed to whom?
The Command Occupational Safety Committee for review only. The committee cannot change the preventability assignment.
What is the procedure if an employee still disagrees with preventability findings after review by the Command Occupational Safety Committee?
Appeal may be made utilizing the standard grievance procedure of their collective bargaining unit.
When an accident, injury, illness, or hazardous exposure is determined to have been preventable, what is the commander required to do with the involved employee?
Personally conduct an interview with the employee to ensure an understanding of the causative factors.
Is corrective action required to be taken when an employee does not follow safe or healthy work practices?
Can repeated poor motorcycle riding practices provide a basis for removal of a rider from motorcycle duty?
How often are Area commanders required to perform a safety inspection of departmental facilities?
What are safety inspections documented on?
CHP 113A, Safety Inspection Checklist.
What is the CHP 113?
Accident and injury report.
Who is required to prepare CHP 113s for accidents and injuries occurring within the Executive Offices?
The Executive Offices’ Health and Safety Coordinator.
Who is required to prepare CHP 113s in each Division within headquarters?
Each headquarters Division’s Health and Safety Coordinator will complete a composite CHP 113.
Who is required to prepare CHP 113s for accidents and injuries occurring within their Divisions?
Each field Division’s Health and Safety Coordinator will complete a composite CHP 113.
When are CHP 113s required to be submitted to OSU by field Division’s, headquarters Division’s, and Executive Offices’?
No later than the first day of the second month following the report period.
When are CHP 113s required to be submitted to Division from an Area, field Division Office, communications center, inspection facility, and the Academy?
No later than the 15th day of the first month following the report period.
Any accident involving any motor vehicle being operated by members of the Department while on official business is considered what?
A recordable accident.
Would an accident while driving a privately owned, rented, leased, or General Services pool while on duty be considered a recordable accident?
Yes, however does not include privately owned motorcycles.
Accidents that occur to an employee on temporary assignment shall be charged to which command?
The command of temporary assignment unless the assignment is for control of civil disturbance.
Accidents which occur while the employee is traveling to or from a temporary assignment shall be charged to which command?
Command where the employee is permanently assigned.
Accidents that occur to an employee while temporarily assigned to and/or under the direct control and supervision of an entity other than the Department shall be charged to whom?
Appropriate Assistant Commissioner.
Accidents that occur during training at other sites, including the Academy, shall be charged to whom?
The command where the employee is permanently assigned.
What is the definition of injury as related to occupational safety?
Any cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, or other event resulting from a work accident or exposure involving a single incident in the work environment. Conditions resulting from animal bites, or one-time exposure to chemicals are also considered injuries.
What is the definition of illness as related to occupational safety?
Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from a work-related injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. Included are acute and chronic illnesses or diseases which may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion, cumulative trauma, stress, or direct contact.
What is the definition of a fitness injury or illness as related to occupational safety?
Any illness or injury which occurs or is manifested during pre-employment physical fitness evaluation, physical fitness training at the Academy, or evaluation of any employee for physical fitness for the job.
An injury or illness which occurs during an employee’s temporary assignment shall be charged to which command?
The command where the employee is temporarily assigned unless the assignment is for control of civil disturbance.
Injuries or illnesses which occur while the employee is traveling to or from a temporary assignment shall be charged to which command?
Command where the employee is permanently assigned.
Injuries or illnesses that occur to an employee while temporarily assigned to and/or under the direct control and supervision of an entity other than the Department shall be charged to whom?
Appropriate Assistant Commissioner.
The use of a private vehicle on official business may be authorized by a commander only if the driver certifies what?
That the vehicle is and will be maintained in a safe condition and is covered by insurance.
What document must be on file in order for an employee to use a privately owned vehicle on official business?
STD 261, Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business.
How often is the STD 261 updated?
Annually, during the performance appraisal process.
Any employee who frequently (once a month or more) are required to drive on official business shall receive what type of training?
Defensive driving techniques.
Who must legally and morally provide safety equipment as necessary for safe performance of tasks?
The Department.
Who is held accountable for ensuring that employees receive instruction on the proper use of safety equipment?
Mangers and Supervisors.
Is the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) a guide, manual, or a stand alone document?
A stand alone document.
Who is required to establish, implement, and maintain an effective written IIPP?
Every California Employer.
What agency can issue a complaint letter alleging an unsafe condition in a command?
Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).
If a command receives a complaint letter from DOSH, what is the command required to do?
Forward copies of the letter to appropriate Division and OSU. Investigate the alleged condition and respond to DOSH in writing within 14 calendar days. Post a copy of the complaint letter and a copy of the response in a prominent location in the command readily accessible for employee review for a minimum of three days or until the unsafe condition is corrected.
What happens if the command fails to respond to DOSH within 14 calendar days?
A DOSH compliance officer will conduct an inspection.
Under what conditions does the DOSH Compliance Office conduct inspections?
Complaints. Accidents. Targeted Inspections. Observations of Hazards.
When can DOSH conduct an inspection?
Anytime employees are normally in the workplace.
When a DOSH Compliance Officer goes to a command to conduct an inspection, who should they meet with?
Highest ranking manager or supervisor on site.
Does a union representative have the right to participate in the DOSH inspection?
What is an “Order Prohibiting Use”?
Order issued by the DOSH Compliance Officer that prohibits anyone from entering an area, or using a machine or equipment that presents a hazard.
When are police and fire agencies required to contact DOSH in regard to emergency response to accidents?
When responding to accidents involving death, serious injury or illness, or overnight hospital care other than for observation.
When would a police or fire agency not be required to contact DOSH in regard to emergency response to accidents?
When the accidents occur on a public street or highway; or any serious injury, illness, or death caused by a Penal Code violation.
What can a DOSH Compliance Officer issue, instead of a citation, if they determine that a violation exists which is not classified as willful, serious, repeated, or related to a failure to abate and the violation does not bear a direct relationship upon employee safety or health, or the violation bears a direct, but not immediate, relationship upon employee safety and health, and is general or regulatory in nature?
Notice in Lieu of Citation.
Generally, when would a DOSH Compliance Officer issue a citation?
If he/she determines that a condition, device, or place of employment poses a threat to the health and safety of an employee under existing codes, standards, regulations, or orders.
When would a DOSH Compliance Officer issue a “special order”?
If he/she determines that an unsafe condition, device, or place of employment poses a threat to the health and safety of an employee which cannot be made safe under existing standards or orders of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board.
If DOSH wishes to issue a citation, they must issue the citation within what timeframe after the violation?
Within six months of the date of the violation.
Are violations of any occupational safety or health standard, order, or special order a civil or criminal penalty?
What is the purpose of Cal-OSHA?
Reduce or eliminate, and protect employees from, unsafe occupational conditions within the State.
Who administers Cal-OSHA?
Department of Industrial Relations.
What are the four independent units within the Department of Industrial Relations?
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). The Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board. The DOSH, Consultation Service.
Vehicle accidents that occur to cadets or in-service trainees during driver training and do not result in injury are considered what?
Non-recordable accidents.
Copies of CHP 555s, STD 27s, and CHP 28s involving CHPs vehicles are required to be sent where?
SWITRS. Local command for accident review and preventability review. Division for accident preventability review. OSU for data processing and as the official file of departmental accidents. Accounting Section for use in recovery of damages. DGS/ORIM for defending the Department’s liability for damages.
In regard to hazardous substances, employees, their physicians, and/or collective bargaining unit representatives have the right to receive and copy what three items?
The employee’s medical records and records of exposure to toxic substances. Records of exposure to hazardous substances or harmful physical agents of other employees with work conditions similar to the employee’s. MSDS or other information that exists for chemicals or substances used in the workplace.
Who is authorized to release an employee’s medical records or records of exposure to hazardous substances?
Commanders must contact OSU to coordinate the release of the requested information. This does not preclude an employee from obtaining copies of their own medical or exposure information.
Are commands required to post a list of the hazardous substances routinely used in the workplace?
Who prepares a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?
The manufacturer or importer of a chemical.
What information does the MSDS provide?
Describes physical properties. Describes chemical properties. Contains information about physical and health hazards involved. Precautions for safe handling and use. Emergency and first aid procedures. Control measures.
Are commands required to obtain MSDSs for consumer products packaged for public use?
Are commanders required to conduct a pre-assessment of driving ability for any employee who will frequently be required to drive a state or private vehicle on official business?
What is a STD 261?
Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business form.
Who is required to drive with an employee to assure their driving ability is acceptable before authorizing him/her to drive on official business?
Who is required to give all new employees who will be required to drive on official business information on vehicle accident prevention?
How are non-uniformed employees, who frequently drive on official business, receive what type of driver training?
Standard defensive driving course developed by the Department of General Services, Office of Risk and Insurance Management. Commentary Driving Guide which was prepared by the Academy’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Course staff.
How many hours of defensive driver training are uniformed employees required to take?
The annual behind-the-wheel review of driving for uniformed employees is conducted by whom?
How many hours of commentary driver training do non-uniformed employees receive?
3O minutes to one hour, from a qualified supervisor.
How often do non-uniformed employees, who frequently drive on official business, have to attend the Defensive Driver Training-Classroom course conducted by DGS?
Every four years.
Can a non-uniformed supervisor conduct commentary driver training?
Yes, if they have had proper training.
What is the Department’s policy on hazardous conditions and substances?
To implement appropriate engineering and administrative controls which reduce or eliminate hazardous conditions or substances at their source.
What are the three methods on controlling harmful exposures to potentially hazardous conditions and substances or forms of energy found in the work environment?
Engineering controls. Administrative controls. Control by personal protective equipment.
What controls are passive measures designed into the work environment to prevent contact with a harmful condition, substance, or other hazard?
Engineering controls.
What are administrative controls?
Controls that are used when engineering controls are inadequate or not feasible. Examples include: rotating employees to minimize exposure, implementing proper housekeeping practices, and developing appropriate worker training.
What control method provides a barrier between the hazard and the employee, and improper use or failure of the equipment means the employee may still be exposed to unsafe or unhealthy conditions?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
What are commanders required to notify pregnant employees about in regard to firearms training?
Made aware of the risk associated with firearms training.
When are employees required to use respiratory protection?
During the time period necessary to install or implement feasible engineering controls, when feasible engineering and/or administrative controls are inadequate, or in an emergency.
When can disposable paper face masks be used?
Only for nuisance exposures.
What is the definition of a nuisance exposure?
Exposure to non-hazardous levels of airborne contaminants or substances.
Are chemical agents used during civil disturbances considered a health hazard or an irritant?
If an employee is unable to perform his/her duties while wearing required respiratory protective equipment, what is the employee required to submit?
Written statement from medical care provider which indicates the employee’s restrictions or limitations and when the employee can resume his/her duties.
How often shall all designated users of respiratory protection equipment receive training?
Are low intensity sounds hazardous to an individuals hearing?
Continuous exposure to noise above what decibel rating can cause hearing loss?
85-9O dBs.
Hearing protection shall be provided to and worn by departmental employees whenever specific duties expose personnel to noise which exceeds what decibel rating?
90 dBs
Employee’s who are routinely exposed to noise at or above 9O dBAs, without regard to hearing protection, are required to do what annually?
Audiometric testing.
Records in regard to an individuals hearing exposure shall be maintained by the command for how long?
Two years plus the current year.
Any copy of an affected employee’s audiometric test shall be maintained in the employee’s field folder for how long?
Duration of the individual’s employment with the Department.
Where are uniformed employee’s exposed to lead on a regular basis?
Pistol shoots.
Commanders are required to post air monitoring results in a conspicuous place within how many days of the command receiving the results?
Five working days.
How often are affected employees required to be informed about the potential health hazards associated with exposure to levels of airborne lead above the permissible exposure limit?
Pregnant employees are required to submit what form when they notify the command of their pregnancy?
CHP 29, signed by their medical care provider.
Pregnant employee’s who elect not to participate in firearms training on the advice of their medical care provider shall be assigned to what?
Light duty.
Can a pregnant employee choose to participate in firearms training contrary to the advice of their medical care provider?
Should an employee push or pull a hand truck?
When lifting should an employee bend at the knees or the waist?
What is the definition of acceptable indoor air quality?
Air in which there are no known contaminants at harmful concentrations and with which a substantial majority (8 percent) of the employees exposed do not express dissatisfaction.
Does policy require that a buildings HVAC system to be operated continuously during working hours?
Yes, except for three specified exceptions.
What are the three exceptions to continuously running the HVAC system?
During scheduled maintenance. During periods not exceeding 9O hours per calendar year when a serving electric utility by contractual arrangement requests its customers to decrease electrical power demand. During periods for which the employer can demonstrate that the quantity of outdoor air supplied by non-mechanical means meets the outdoor air supply rate required.
How often are HVAC systems required to be inspected?
What is the recommended range of illumination for offices and classrooms?
2O-5O foot candles, with 3O foot candles being the recommended target.
What is the recommended range of illumination for computer operations?
5-1 foot candles, with 7.5 foot candles being the recommended target.
What is the recommended range of illumination for bathrooms?
1-2 foot candles, with 15 foot candles being the recommended target.
What is the recommended range of illumination for detailed work areas?
5O-1OO foot candles, with 75 foot candles being the recommended target.
What is a foot candle?
The quantity of light at a point on a plane surface one foot from a standard candle and perpendicular thereto.
Are there any methods to prevent exposure to poison oak or poison ivy?
Recognizing the plants and avoiding them and wearing protective clothing.
What is the most effective way to lessen exposure symptoms of poison oak or poison ivy?
Wash the skin thoroughly with cold water.
What should an employee do if they are being attacked by a swarm of Africanized honey bees?
Leave the area quickly. Use clothing to protect eyes and mouth from the bees. Seek enclosed shelter.
What types of rays from the sun cause skin cancer?
UV rays.
What are the three types of skin cancer?
Basal cell Carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma. Malignant melanoma.
At what time of the day are UV rays the strongest?
1O a.m. to 4 p.m.
Can an employee use privately purchased protective personnel equipment (PPE)?
Yes, upon commander’s approval.
What is the commander required to do if an employee sustains a serious or fatal injury involving a body part protected by a PPE?
The commander shall ensure that the PPE equipment is preserved as evidence.