110.5 Collision Investigation Manual Flashcards
What is the purpose of the collision investigation manual?
To develop policy and uniform procedures for documenting collisions within the framework of SWITRS and the Vehicle Code.
Is every CA law enforcement agency required to forward a copy of every traffic collision to the CHP?
No. Only injury and fatal tc. Agencies are encouraged to send PDO collisions. Authority comes from VC.
How often does SWITRS produce routine reports on categorizations of traffic collisions?
The CHP shall document the following motor vehicle collisions:
Motor vehicle traffic collisions on freeways. Motor vehicle traffic collisions occurring on unincorporated streets and highways. Motor vehicle non-traffic collisions in unincorporated areas involving: Injury or death, Hit and run, DUI. School bus collisions. Motor vehicle traffic and non-traffic collisions on state property patrolled as a function of the Safety Service Program or in cities contracting with the Department for patrol functions. Bicycle collisions occurring on a highway within Department responsibility. Collisions involving a vehicle being used on Department business within a city, only when local agency procedures do not require documentation of the collision.
What shall the basic form of collision documentation be?
Investigation. (In limited situations, a Report may be completed)
Traffic collision investigations and reports must be prepared, reviewed, and approved within what time frame?
8 days.
Collision reports shall normally be available to the public within how many days?
8 working days.
Under what conditions shall a collision be documented as an investigation?
Seven conditions: Fatality on or off highway. Traffic collision involving injury. School bus collision. All collisions resulting in an in-custody arrest for 2800.1 VC, 20002 VC, or 23152 VC. Collisions results in an identifiable violation that is collision-related. Collision involves 20002 VC and there is sufficient follow-up info to identify the suspect. State-owned vehicle involved in a collision.
Does a motor vehicle non-traffic (off-highway) collision involving injury have to be documented as an investigation?
No. May be documented as a report.
Divisions can approve REPORT documentation of a traffic collision involving complaint of pain injury; however, what conditions must exist for a REPORT to be taken?
No visible physical injuries. Party refused medical treatment at the scene. Party is not transported to a medical facility.
An injury traffic collision can be documented as a REPORT provided which conditions exist?
Officer witnessed the collision-causing violation and issues a citation at the scene. Collision is late-reported. Approved by Division for complaint of pain injury only and parties refused medical treatment at the scene and were not transported to a medical facility.
Can officers allow parties in PDO collisions to exchange information in lieu of a formal report if they so desire?
Yes. Officers shall advise of financial responsibility requirements. (page 1-7)
Is a chain reaction collision considered to be a single collision?
What are the classifications of injuries for collisions?
Fatal, Severe injury, Other visible injury, Complaint of pain
Can a counter report be taken for a late-reported, injury collision?
No. Non-injury collisions only.
Who completes counter reports?
The involved party. (May be assisted by an officer.)
Are counter reports processed into the SWITRS database?
Is a tillerman assisting the driver in the operation of an articulated fire truck a driver?
No. A tillerman is considered a passenger.
Does the term “highway” include shoulders and sidewalks?
Is a privately-maintained road considered a “highway?”
Who must have access to the road for it to be considered a “highway?”
Must be open to the public and publicly maintained.
Is the portion of a roadway that is closed for construction considered a “highway?”
If officers have a lane closed for accident investigation and another collision occurs in the closure, is that second collision a traffic or non-traffic collision?
Non-traffic collision. That portion of the roadway was not open for use by the public.
What is the definition of “in-transport?”
State or condition of a vehicle when it is in use primarily for moving persons or property (includes the vehicle itself.)
Is an abandoned vehicle in the roadway considered to be in-transport?
Yes. Motor vehicles are considered in-transport when in the roadway whether moving, stopped, stalled, disabled, or abandoned.
Is a motor vehicle in a designated parking stall considered to be in-transport?
No. Vehicles in parking stalls, on shoulders, or off the highway are in-transport only when they are moving.
Is the death of a fetus of a pregnant woman involved in a traffic collision considered a fatal injury?
Yes, if the coroner attributes the death to the collision.
What determines if a collision is a late-reported collision?
If it was reported after the first opportunity to make such a report.
How long after a collision can it be reported as a late-reported collision?
Up to 1 year after the date of occurrence of the collision.
Does the Department document late-reported PDO collisions?
If a suspect is involved in a collision as a result of bullets fired into the vehicle from an officer’s weapon, is the incident “legal intervention” of a “tc?”
Legal intervention.
Does a motorized bicycle always have pedals and is it subject to collision reporting requirements?
Does not always have pedals. Is subject to collision reporting.
Is a moped considered a motor vehicle when the motor is not operating?
If a trailer being pulled by a motor vehicle becomes detached and is involved in a collision, is that trailer considered to be a motor vehicle?
Is a wheel chair considered to be a motor vehicle?
What is the definition of a motor vehicle non-traffic collision?
A motor vehicle collision involving a vehicle in-transport occurring at a place entirely other than a highway.
What is the definition of a motor vehicle traffic collision?
A motor vehicle collision that occurs on a highway or which occurs after the motor vehicle runs off the road but before events stabilize.
Is injury of damage sustained from a motor vehicle fire considered a motor vehicle traffic collision?
Yes, if the motor vehicle is in-transport.
Would the accidental poisoning from carbon monoxide generated from a motor vehicle in-transport be considered a motor vehicle traffic collision?
Does a motor vehicle traffic collision include a person injured after being thrown against some part or object in a motor vehicle?
Is a collision involving only the participants of a sanctioned on-highway bicycle event considered a traffic collision?
When should a person be considered a non-contact involved party to a collision?
When that person commits a violation that directly causes another party to become involved in a collision and that violation is corroborated by a disinterested witness, physical evidence, or statements.
Can an unmarked motor vehicle, with no siren or emergency lights, involved in a collision qualify for an on-duty emergency vehicle collision?
Yes, if publicly owned and operated by a peace officer or firefighter.
Can a vehicle leased to a law enforcement agency, fire or ambulance company be considered an on-duty emergency vehicle?
Yes, only if the vehicle has been leased for 3 or more consecutive days.
When can a privately owned ambulance be considered an on-duty emergency vehicle?
Only if issued a permit by the CHP. (Section 165 (f) VC)
Is a person sitting behind the wheel of a parked motor vehicle not in-transport considered a driver?
No. Considered to be a passenger.
Where in California would the CHP not investigate a school bus collision?
No where. CHP takes school bus collisions anywhere in the state.
Which types of vehicles qualify as a “school bus” for collision documented purposes?
School bus, School pupil activity bus (SPAB), Youth bus, General Public Paratransit Vehicle (GPPV)
Do school pupils have to be on board to qualify as a school bus collision?
Which agency handles a collision involving a school bus where no pupils are on board?
The agency having primary traffic investigative authority at that location.
Under what circumstances can a school bus collision be documented by a REPORT?
None. Always an INVESTIGATION.
Should an officer taking a courtesy report include his / her ID number on the 555?
What is the definition of a Farm Labor Vehicle?
A motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained for the transportation of 9 or more farmworkers, in addition to the driver, to or from a place of employment or employment related activities.
Are there any exceptions to the definition of a Farm Labor Vehicle?
Yes. A FLV does not include a vehicle carrying only members of the immediate family of the owner of driver. A FLV does not include any motor vehicle while being operated specific authority granted by the Public Utilities Commission or to a transit system by an authorized city or county agency.
Does a collision involving an on-duty peace officer operating his private vehicle qualify as an on-duty emergency vehicle collision?
Do all Authorized Emergency Vehicles meet the classification requirements for an on-duty emergency vehicle collision?
No. On-duty emergency vehicle collisions only apply to specified AEV’s.
When should a Preliminary Investigation be submitted?
If the investigation can not be completed within 15 working days.
What information must be entered in the Special Conditions box for a school bus tc?
School bus category, School bus type, Number of pupils on board.
What determines the category of school bus?
The owner or operator. Enter: Private, Public, Contractor, SPAB, Youth bus, or GPPV.
What is a Type 1 school bus?
Designed for more than 16 passengers in addition to the driver.
What is a Type 2 school bus?
Designed for not more than 16 passengers and the driver, or Designed for not more than 2 passengers and the driver if manufactured on or after April 1, 1977, and having a GVW rating of 1, pounds or less. Youth bus. GPPV
How is a school bus documented on the 555 for a collision involving a vehicle and a pupil and / or school bus driver crossing a highway when the school bus flashing red lights are required to be operating pursuant to the VC?
Involved parked vehicle even if it was not struck.
Is a pupil injury incurred while boarding or alighting from a stopped school bus considered a school bus collision?
Which agency handles a collision that occurs exactly on the boundary line between two jurisdictions?
The jurisdiction from which the party most at fault was traveling.
How is the location of a collision occurring on an unnamed alley identified?
By the alley’s direction from a parallel named street. (“Alley north of B Street)
What is the location of a collision occurring in the intersection of a freeway offramp and a city street?
The city street.
How should the date / day of week be documented for a collision where the date cannot be determined?
Officer should enter a date / day of week based on his best judgment.
What time should be used for a collision occurring exactly at midnight?
2359 hours.
If the same officer investigates two collisions that occur at the same time, what time should be used for the second report?
At least 1 minute after the first collision.
What time should be used if the officer cannot determine the time?
25 hours.
What does the term “state highway related” mean?
Occurring on a state highway or close enough to affect traffic on a state highway.
Under what conditions is a bicycle vs. an object, including a parked vehicle, pedestrian, or another bicycle considered to be a vehicle collision?
Only if it occurred on a highway.
Is a solo bicycle accident documented as a traffic collision?
Yes, if it occurred on a highway.
When would a military or government driver’s license be entered on the 555?
If the driver is an employee of the U.S. government operating a federally owned or controlled vehicle on official business.
Can an involved party who is a bicyclist, or any “non-driver” be compelled to provide a driver’s license solely as information for the purpose of a traffic collision investigation?
What is entered in the “Class of driver’s license” box on the 555 if the class on the party’s driver’s license does not correspond to the vehicle being operated?
What is entered in the “Class of driver’s license” box on the 555 when the driver with a Class A or B license does not have a valid medical certificate?
What is entered in the “Class of driver’s license” box on the 555 when the person involved possesses a Diplomatic Driver’s license?
D. The actual driver’s license class is entered in the miscellaneous box.
If the exact birth date of an involved party can not be determined, what is entered on the 555?
An estimate of the year of birth, followed by a question mark. (e.g. 1942?)
How should officers determine the race of an involved party?
Through observation and best judgment only.
How much of a vehicle must have damage to qualify as “moderate” damage?
¼ or less.
How much of a vehicle must have damage to qualify as “major” damage?
More than ¼ of the vehicle.
On the 555, where does the officer describe damage to a towed vehicle in a combination of vehicles?
Miscellaneous box.
Is the engineer of a train involved in a train / vehicle collision required to have a motor vehicle driver’s license?
Is the train information required for a collision report in a train / vehicle collision?
For a train / vehicle collision, is the engineer of the train considered a “driver?”
No. Enter the engineer on page 1 of the 555 as party type “other.”
What information does the officer put in the driver’s license section of the 555 for the engineer of a train involved in a vehicle collision?
Where does the operator license / permit number go for the engineer of a train involved in a train / vehicle collision?
Miscellaneous box or under “Other Factual Information.”
What equipment must be tested on a train involved in a train / vehicle collision?
Horn and bell. (Required by federal regulation.)
What other equipment is required to be working on any moving train and should, therefore, be checked?
Headlamps and ditch lamps.
What must be used at the scene of a collision to identity damaged state or private property?
CHP 422.
How is seating position described for passengers in a bus with more than 26 passengers?
In the narrative. Leave the “seating position” box on the 555 blank.
What number seating position is used for the driver of a vehicle with a right-side driver position?
1, and explain in the narrative.
For a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle, what is seating position “3” used for?
Passenger in a side car.
If an accident occurs in a construction zone when work is not actually being performed, is the collision still coded as having occurred in a construction zone?
What must “type of collision” be coded as when a bicycle is involved in the collision?
Does the Department document collisions involving only injury to a wild animal and no vehicle damage?
No. Does not meet the definition of a motor vehicle collision.
How is an accident documented that only involves injury to a domestic animal, with no injury to persons and no vehicle damage?
Document as a property damage collision. (Damage is the injured animal.)
Is an accident involving a motor vehicle and a ridden animal (horse) or an animal-drawn vehicle considered a vehicle vs. animal collision?
No. It’s a vehicle vs. “other object.”
Is a collision involving the spilling of fuel from one of the involved vehicles considered a hazardous material spill incident?
No, if less than 42 gallons of fuel are spilled.
Is a collision sketch a necessary element of a counter report?
If an airplane makes an emergency landing on a freeway and strikes a motor vehicle, is that incident investigated as a collision by the Department?
Yes. The pilot and plane are coded as “other.” Pilot is entered on page 1 with no driver’s license info.
How is a collision documented in which a motor vehicle strikes a snowplow or construction equipment while engaged in work?
Construction equipment and snowplow are coded as “other.” The driver of the construction equipment / snowplow is entered on page 1 with no driver’s license info included. The construction equipment / snowplow would be considered an “object” not a motor vehicle.
When the driver of an on-duty emergency vehicle is involved in a traffic collision and is at fault, what is the proper coding for the PCF?
Other Improper Driver. (do not use Vehicle Code sections)
Is a person’s injury documented as “fatal injury” if that person dies as a result of the injury after the date of the collision? Up to how many days after?
Yes, if the person dies within 3 days of the collision.
What notification must be made if the investigating officer believes a seatbelt failure has occurred?
MAIT notified.
If a hazardous materials spill from a collision injures uninvolved persons, are those persons documented in the collision investigation?
No. Describe the suspected material exposure / contamination to uninvolved persons and the method of exposure. Do not include these injuries in the number injured count on the 555.
When a foreign nation is injured in a collision, what notification should be done?
Offer to notify the appropriate consulate / embassy through dispatch. If notified, document in the report / investigation.
What is a supplemental collision report (CHP 556) used for?
To add, delete, or change information in a collision report previously submitted to SWITRS.
What are the qualifying vehicles reported on the NGA form (555D)?
Power unit with GVWR of 1,1 pounds or more. Any vehicle requiring a hazmat placard. Any bus with seating for more than 1 persons including the driver.
What are the “severity of the collision” conditions for reporting on the NGA form?
At least on fatality. At least one injury requiring the person to be transported for immediate medical attention. At least one vehicle sustained disabling damage (other than flat tire) or disabling event (e.g. rollover)
Under what conditions does a NGA form have to be completed?
When both a qualifying vehicle is involved and the severity of the collision meets specified conditions.
On the NGA form, how many boxes in the sequence of events must be filled out?
At least 1.
On the NGA form, is fuel spilled from the vehicle fuel system recorded as a hazmat spill?
No, just hazmat released from the cargo tank or compartment of the vehicle.
Under what conditions should a CHP 555-3 (Counter Report) be used by an involved party?
One or two parties. No injuries or fatalities. No anticipated prosecution. Non-injury 20002 where prosecution is not anticipated and there is no follow up info.
What is the narrative form on the CHP 555-3?
Same as REPORT form, but no determination of fault is established.
For Counter Reports, what shall be marked in the PCF box?
“Unknown.” No determination of fault is made in a Counter Report.
Are Counter Reports sent to SWITRS?
Is an officer required to go to the hospital solely to provide a CHP 418, Collision Report Information, to a victim?
When does a CHP 422 not have to be attached to damaged state or private property?
When attaching the 422 jeopardizes safety of the officer or the public. When the CalTrans representative is provided the damage info by the officer at the scene.
What should be documented on the 422 when used to tag property damage?
Collision report number and description of damage.
What is the retention period for reports prepared by MAIT?
10 years.