HPM 10.11 Field Training and Evaluation Program Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Field Training and Evaluation Program manual?
To provide direction regarding the Field Training and Evaluation Program for new officers.
When did the CHP’s Field Training and Evaluation Program become operational?
With the graduation and field assignment of the Academy’s first cadet training class in 199O.
What is the overall objective of the Field Training and Evaluation Program?
To assist trainees in achieving specific objectives in order to be successful in their new departmental role and to develop skills, abilities, knowledge, and attitudes at a personal and professional level.
How many weeks of collaborative field training does the Field Training and Evaluation Program consist of?
11 weeks.
How many phases are there in field training?
What occurs during the first week of phase one training?
What occurs during the last week of field training?
Test phase.
Who is the FTO during the test phase of field training?
The original (primary) FTO from phase one.
What type of role does the FTO take during the test phase?
What is the CHP 115?
Trainee Checklist.
What is the CHP 115A?
Daily Observation Report.
The Field Training and Evaluation Programs effectiveness is evaluated and documented through what?
Performance ratings captured on the CHP 115A.
No evaluation is conduced during which week of field training?
First week.
What are “limbo days”?
Period at the beginning of each of the three training phases so that trainees can adjust to the program and their new FTOs.
Do FTOs rate their trainees on “limbo days”?
Who coordinates the Field Training and Evaluation Program?
Statewide Program Training Coordinator at the Academy.
Field operations are coordinated at the Division level by whom?
Division Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators and at the Area level by the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators.
What is the purpose of the Field Training and Evaluation Program?
To gradually expose new officers to the realities of road patrol and provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully accomplish the duties and responsibilities of providing service to the public under both routine and emergency conditions.
Should FTOs ever demean or ridicule their trainees?
What type of approach should FTOs take when dealing with trainees?
Be fair, firm, friendly, and, above all, professional.
All evaluations and employment decisions are based on what?
Quantifiable, job-related criteria.
The decision to terminate a trainee should be based on what?
Unacceptable ratings on their DOR, and should be linked to one or more of the nine Critical Tasks on the Officer’s CHP 118.
What Division is responsible for ensuring the administration and overall success of the Field Training and Evaluation Program?
Departmental Training Division.
What position within the Department has review and oversight responsibility for the statewide operation of the Field Training and Evaluation Program and coordinates with the field Divisions and Areas to ensure that appropriate training environments are maintained for all trainees?
Statewide Program Training Coordinator.
What are the two critical responsibilities of the Statewide Program Training Coordinator?
Ensure all training is being implemented in a standardized manner. Ensure training is consistent with minimum standards set forth by the POST Field Training and Evaluation Program.
Who has the ultimate responsibility for the successful administration of the Field Training and Evaluation Program within a command?
Area commanders.
How often does each Division hold a conference for the Field Training and Evaluation Program?
Who should attend the annual Division Field Training and Evaluation Conference?
Division Field Training and Evaluation Coordinators. Area Field training and Evaluation Coordinators.
Whose responsibility is it to initiate the rejection during probation process for those trainees who do not meet the program’s minimal performance standards?
Area commanders.
Who is required to be notified when rejection during probation is initiated for a trainee and/or when a trainee resigns for any reason?
Statewide Program Training Coordinator.
What is the role of the Division Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator?
Primarily administrative and facilitates the critical flow of program information and resources and also serves as the link between Areas and field Divisions.
What two courses are Division Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators required to take and pass before assuming their position?
Field Training Officer Course. Field Training Administrators Course.
What is discussed during the annual Division Field Training and Evaluation Program Conference?
Administrative matters. Sharing training ideas. Demonstrations. Related program issues.
Normally, how many annual field training cycles are there in a year?
Four (coincides with four cadet classes each year).
Who facilitates the flow of information from Headquarters and/or Division to the program’s Area operations and vice versa?
Division Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
How many trainees does an Area need to have to require an alternate Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator?
Two or more.
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators are required to be what rank?
Who selects the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator?
Prior to appointment, what classes do Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators need to take and pass?
Field Training Officers course. Field Supervisor/Administrator/Coordinator course.
What type of sergeant should not be selected to be an Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator?
Probationary Sergeants.
At the Area level, who serves as liaison between FTOs, trainees, and other personnel?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
At the Area level, who is the link between the line functions of the program and higher level management within the Department?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
Why should Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators tray and obtain the names of trainees assigned to their Area?
So they can establish contact with them before they arrive at the Area.
Who supervises FTOs and provide general guidance and direction?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
Do Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators assist FTOs in planning and implementing remedial strategies for trainees?
Why is it essential that Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators make routine contact with the trainees?
To observe their performance and to assure the trainees they are part of a larger team and their progress is being monitored.
What are examples of ways the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator can observe and monitor a trainee?
Periodic report review. Listening to radio traffic. Ride-alongs. Reviewing and signing DORs. Weekly conferences with trainees. Observing trainee behavior during daily briefings.
Who make makes the final recommendation to the Area commander concerning training extensions and successful completion of the program?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
The FTO’s appraisal of the trainee’s abilities should always be followed up with what?
Positive reinforcement and encouragement.
FTO’s generally are officers who have set very high standards for themselves. Although these high standards are desirable, what must the FTO remember when it comes to standards?
The trainee must only measure up to the standards the Department sets for the field training program, not higher standards set by the FTO.
Who are the Field Training and Evaluation Program’s trainers?
The FTOs.
What is the role of the field training program trainee?
To demonstrate the ability to perform as a solo uniformed patrol officer by the end of the training program.
What is the trainee’s primary responsibility while assigned to the field training program?
To devote his/her full attention and efforts toward successfully completing the training program.
What does the Field Training and Evaluation Program curriculum consist of?
Progressive sequence of job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities that all officers must possess.
What is the purpose of phase training?
To ensure trainees receive the best possible training from their FTOs by gradually introducing trainees to a structured sequence of increasingly more complex training concepts and issues.
How many days does phase one training last for?
Five orientation days followed by 15 days of training.
How many days does phase two and phase three last for?
15 days.
How many days does phase four last for?
Five days of final evaluation.
The five days of orientation during phase one training should, at minimum. Cover what?
Firearms qualification. Impact weapons qualification. Arrest and Control techniques. Familiarization with the city and county in and around the Area.
To ensure the trainee acts as the lead officer during phase four, the primary FTO should observe the actions of the trainee from what type of position?
Ride-along position.
How many of the scheduled program days can a trainee miss during a phase without the training phase being increased for the same number of days?
More than two days.
The first six days of phase one training and the first days of phase two and phase three training is called what?
Limbo days.
Does an FTO evaluate their trainees on limbo days?
Do limbo periods occur during training extensions?
What is the purpose of limbo days?
To allow a smooth transition from the Academy to the program and from one FTO to another.
Field training normally lasts for how many days?
55 days.
Trainees experiencing significant problems can be given how long of an extension to overcome their problems?
1O days.
Does every trainee have the right to an extension?
Who makes the decision to give a trainee the 1O day extension?
Area commander based on the recommendations of the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator and FTO.
When is the decision to extend a trainee’s training made?
Before the phase four test evaluation.
If the entire 1O day extension period is not needed to overcome a problem or problems, does the Area commander have the discretion to end the extension when he/she deems it appropriate?
Typically, how many extensions are allowed?
One, however the Area commander, with Division’s concurrence, may approve a second 1O day extension period.
During extension, does the trainee get a new FTO or keep the current FTO?
Either way is authorized.
Should training be extended when it is apparent that the trainee does not have the ability to learn the job?
The CHP 115, Trainee Checklist, is broken into how many sections?
Three, to correspond to the first three phases of training.
What are the three boxes that can be checked on the CHP 115 checklist?
Explained or demonstrated by the FTO. Explained or demonstrated by the trainee. Performed by the trainee.
Can an item on the checklist have more than one check mark?
Yes, conceivably an item can have all three boxes checked.
Who is required to sign the CHP 115 upon completion of each phase?
FTO and trainee.
Which shift should phase one trainees normally work?
A shift that normally requires a one-officer unit.
Does any training occur during phase four?
No, evaluation only.
What should occur if a trainee proceeds from phase three to phase four and the trainee’s performance drops to an unacceptable level during phase four?
The trainee should be removed from phase four and an extension phase should be initiated.
In regard to the previous question, if a trainee successfully completes their extension training, what happens?
Trainee starts the entire phase four over with the same primary FTO.
During phase four training, when should the FTO step in and assist the trainee?
When there is a serious threat to officer safety or for some equally compelling reason.
What are the three situations when a phase four FTO should take action for the trainee?
Officer Safety – If the actions of the trainee constitute a hazard or potentially dangerous situation to officers or citizens. Illegal and Unethical Activity – The FTO must ensure that the trainee’s actions are legal and ethical at all times. Embarrassment to a Citizen, the Department, or the FTO - The FTO must not allow an incident to escalate to the point where the trainee embarrasses or brings discredit to a citizen, the Department, the FTO, or himself/herself at any time.
What is the purpose of the evaluation process?
To record and document a trainee’s progress.
What does the CHP 115A, Daily Operation Report, capture?
Trainee ratings in 38 categories of knowledge and performance.
Detailed instructions for completing the Daily Operation Report (DOR) is found where?
HPG 7O.2O – Field Training and Evaluation Program “Rating Guide.”
What box does an FTO check on the CHP 115A when no training takes place?
The No Program Training box.
When does the FTO discuss each DOR to the trainee?
At the end of each shift.
What are the five major training areas listed on the DOR?
Professional Orientation. Appearance. Relationships. Knowledge. Performance.
How many categories are evaluated on the CHP 115A?
When would an FTO mark the “Not Responding to Training” box?
When a trainee after having been instructed in a task enough times that improvement or accomplishment is expected, fails to improve.
What is required on the CHP 115A, DOR if the “Not Responding to Training” box is marked?
Written explanation of why it was marked on the back of the DOR.
Is a numerical rating required when the “Not Responding to Training” box is marked?
How do ratings on the CHP 115A, DOR, work?
Scale from one to seven.
What is the lowest acceptable performance rating for trainees for any category?
Four (4).
When would an FTO mark the remedial training box for a specific category?
When the FTO determines that remedial training is necessary, and that training has been implemented on a shift.
When is the “time” column used on the CHP 115A, DOR?
When remedial training exceeds 15 minutes for any category, the total number of minutes spent on remediation shall be entered in the time box.
What is required in the narrative section of the CHP 115A, DOR?
Narrative descriptions and explanations for the performance categories on that shift where the single most acceptable, and the single least acceptable, performance occurred.
At the end of each training cycle, where do Areas forward the original CHP 115A, DOR?
To the Statewide Program Training Coordinator.
What is the CHP 115B?
Performance Log.
What is the CHP 115B, Performance Log, used for?
To record the DOR’s ratings and remediation entries and provides the FTO and Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator with a method to assess trends and overall trainee progress.
At completion of each phase or extension, the FTO completes the CHP 115B, Performance Log, and submits it to whom?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
What does the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator do with the CHP 115B after receiving it from the FTO?
Presents copy of the log to the trainee’s nest FTO.
Whenever the remedial training column is marked on the CHP 115A, DOR, is marked, how is it entered on the CHP 115B, Performance Log?
If a numeric value is entered under the time column, that number shall be copied to the log, if no numerical value was entered in the time column, mark “R” in the log.
At the end of each training cycle, the Area is required to forward the original CHP 115B, Performance Logs where?
Statewide Program Training Coordinator.
What is the CHP 115C?
End of phase report.
What is the purpose for the CHP 115C, End of Phase Report?
Identifies trainee status and documents progress in meeting the training objectives for each phase and any extension.
During orientation, trainees are required to spend how many hours in their respective communications center?
Four hours.
Is the communications center sit-along part of the 5O days of individualized training between the FTO and the trainee?
Who signs the CHP 115C, End of phase Report?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator and trainee.
At the end of each training cycle, the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator forwards all original CHP 115Cs where?
Statewide Program Training Coordinator.
What is the CHP 115D?
Field Training and Evaluation Program Critique.
Who requires the Department to have trainees critique each FTO at the end of each phase?
Who do trainees turn their CHP 115Ds into to?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining a general confidential training file for completed CHP 115Ds?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
Can the CHP 115D be placed in the FTO’s personnel folder?
How long are CHP 115Ds retained for?
One year from the trainee’s successful completion of field training.
If a CHP 115D reveals substandard performance by the designated FTO, what is the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator required to do?
Discuss any actions or recommendations with Area management with the specific intent to improve the FTO’s performance.
What is required if a CHP 115D discloses possible improper conduct or inappropriate acts by a FTO?
The commander will ensure an investigation is completed.
At the conclusion of the training cycle, originals of completed CHP115Ds are to be sent where?
Statewide Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator at the Academy.
What does the Statewide Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator do with the CHP 115Ds?
Used to assess the overall effectiveness of the Field Training and Evaluation Program.
How long are CHP 115Ds retained by the Statewide Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator for?
Five years.
What is the CHP 115E?
Completion Record/Competency Attestation.
Who requires the Department to document a trainee’s successful completion of the field training program?
How long does the Academy have to retain Field Training and Evaluation Program files, critiques, and completion/Competency Attestation records?
Five years.
Who is responsible for reviewing and signing CHP 115As, Daily Observation Report?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
What is the purpose for the end of cycle meeting?
To critique and discuss the previous training cycle and to provide an opportunity for FTOs to exchange ideas, experiences and information.
Who moderates the end of cycle meetings?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinators are required to participate in at least one trainee ride-along during which phase?
Phase three.
What two purposes does the phase three ride-along serve?
Provides a check and balance system to ensure that FTOs continue to operate according to program guidelines. The ride-along provides an opportunity for the Area FTEP Coordinator to discuss training progress with each trainee.
The Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator will arrange for all trainees to be interviewed by whom?
Area commander, or an Area management level designee.
How often do trainees have to be interviewed by the Area commander or Area management level designee?
At the end of first phase and at the end of third phase.
What is the purpose of the Area commander interviews?
To ensure that field training is conducted in an environment that is free of sexual harassment or other forms of discrimination.
Where should the date and time of each commander interview be documented?
At the bottom of the CHP 115C, End of Phase Report.
Who is the cornerstone of the field training and evaluation program?
Who is the lead person over the trainee?
When should an FTO respond to a trainee’s mistakes?
Immediately, but patiently, to ensure that they result in learning.
What is the principle component of effective evaluation?
What roles do FTOs play during training?
Role model. Teacher. Evaluator. Leader Counselor. Inspector.
Who reviews trainee’s paperwork?
Who makes the initial recommendation to advance, extend, or terminate trainees?
Next to leadership skills, what is the most important ability required by FTOs?
Communication skills.
Are FTOs expected to perform routine patrol duties while training?
What qualifications are FTOs required to have?
POST basic certificate. One year patrol experience. Successful completion of the POST-certified FTO course. Supervisor’s recommendation.
What happens if no officers express interest in vacant FTO positions?
Area commander may assign officers to fill vacant FTO positions.
When a vacant FTO position is anticipated, what should an Area do to fill the opening?
Advertise the position and use the standard selection approach including recommendations and interviews.
How many hours is the POST-certified FTO training course?
4O hours.
How often do FTOs have to complete the 24-hour POST-certified FTO update course to satisfy the POST recertification requirement?
Every three years.
If an officer has a three year break-or-longer in service as an FTO, what must they complete in order to train new officers?
24-hour POST-certified FTO update course.
What is the purpose for the FTO training course?
To provide FTOs with the basic knowledge and skills required to effectively and safely train a new officer.
According the POST FTO training course, which FTO function is the most obvious?
According to the POST FTO training course, should FTOs discuss their trainee’s progress with other Department personnel, other than those with a need and right to know?
According to the POST FTO training course, supervisors involved in evaluations should ensure which aspects of a trainee’s performance are discussed and documented?
Positive as well as negative aspects.
According the POST FTO training course, FTO’s should ensure that comments are based on what?
Observation, not speculation.
During the POST FTO training, FTOs are exposed to which employment legislation and court decisions?
EEO. Negligent retention. Sexual harassment/discrimination. Training performance standards. Records and document retention.
Do FTOs receive extra compensation for being an FTO?
Where is the monetary compensation for being an FTO specified?
Unit 5 MOU.
Most of the time the evaluation of an FTO is what?
Informal and intended to improve skills and foster personal growth.
Can information received from an FTO evaluation be used to remove an FTO from the training program?
Who oversees the maintenance, accuracy, and confidentiality of all training program files?
Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
Are FTOs assigned to the training program on a permanent basis or a part time basis?
Who can remove the FTO from the training program?
Area commander.
Can an FTO voluntarily resign from being an FTO?
How are removal of FTOs documented by the Area Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator?
Document in a separation memorandum.
Where is the separation memorandum retained?
FTO’s field folder.
If an FTO resigns voluntarily, can they request to be an FTO again in the future?
What happens if a trainee is not progressing in the training program and it has been determined that progress to a minimally satisfactory level of performance is not possible?
If all of the questions in the previous question (not progressing) have been answered and termination is still recommended, what is required?
A meeting is to be held between all FTOs who have worked with the trainee and the Area Field Training and Evaluation Program Coordinator.
When can the Area commander deny the recommendation?
If the training program, Phases 1 through 3, and extension have not been completed.
What happens if the Area commander agrees with the consensus to terminate the trainee?
A recommendation shall be made to the Division commander to initiate a rejection during probation investigation.
Who is required to review the field training and evaluation program files of all trainees that are rejected during probation?
Statewide Program Training Coordinator.
The termination procedure for the Department is covered by which code?
Government Code.
What are the three avenues of separation from the Department which apply to the Field Training and Evaluation Program?
Adverse Action. Rejection During Probation. Resignation.
In regard to the previous question (three avenues of separation) which avenue of separation is punitive?
Adverse Action.
Which of the three avenues of separation can be appealed through the State Personnel Board?
Adverse Action.
What do many trainees do in lieu of being rejected during probation?
Which of the three avenues of separation is the most common for trainees?
Resignation in lieu of rejection during probation.
If a trainee wishes to resign in lieu of rejection during probation, what should trainees be encouraged to do?
Seek outside advice and be given sufficient time to consult with an advisor and make a decision.
In regard to the previous question how much time is considered sufficient?
48 hours.