100.4 Radar Speed Enforcement Manual Flashcards
When is the use of radar on freeways permitted?
When approved by the Commissioner.
Does the Department permit the use of photo radar enforcement?
What is the conditioning period for all new or expanded radar programs?
3 calendar days.
During the conditioning period for a radar program, can radar be used to make a speed enforcement contact? Can a 215 be issued?
Yes. Generally a verbal warning must be given, unless the violation is flagrant.
Where does the requirement for engineering and traffic surveys for radar enforcement come from?
Vehicle Code (Section 482)
Under what conditions are an engineering and traffic survey required on roadways for radar enforcement?
Required for most prima facie speed limits, unless the road meets the definition of a �local street or road.�
What is a �local street or road?�
Meets either of the following conditions: Defined as such by the federal aid system maps submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, or The street primarily provides access to abutting residential property, and (1) has a width of no more than 4 feet, (2) can�t be uninterrupted (includes traffic control devices) for more than � mile, and (3) has not more than 1 traffic lane in each direction.
How old can the traffic and engineering study be from the date of the speed citation? Are there exceptions?
5 years old. Exceptions for 7 and 1 years.
How does the Department acquire its radar equipment?
Exclusively through federal grants.
Does the Department perform laboratory testing of its radar equipment? If not, who does?
No. Lab testing done by International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Where is a copy of the IACP lab certification of a radar unit kept?
Area radar history file.
Does lab testing have to be recertified? If so, how often?
Yes, every 3 months.
How often do the speedometers of patrol cars equipped with radar have to be calibrated?
Every 9 days or 3, miles, whichever comes first.
If radar is used to calibrate a patrol car�s speedometer, what method must be used?
Operate the mounted radar in stationary mode while patrol car is in motion, or Use handheld radar equipment.
Public inquiries about Area radar programs should be directed to whom?
Area commander; Area radar coordinator; or the Area PAO.
What does a radar device transmit to determine vehicle speed?
High frequency radio waves.
What is the accuracy of radar when properly operated?
Within 1 mph.
What is the general shape of a radar beam?
Can heavy rain cause radar interference?
How many frequencies do radar devices operate on? What are they?
Two. K and Ka.
The change in a radar�s frequency as it reflects off a object is called what?
Doppler shift.
Does the angle of an approaching vehicle affect the accuracy of radar displayed speed?
Yes. Called the cosine effect.
Does the cosine effect create a reading higher or lower than the actual target speed?
Lower, in both stationary and moving modes.
Are radar detectors or jammers illegal?
Radar detectors are not illegal. Radar jammers are illegal, Section 2815 VC. Radar detectors are illegal in commercial vehicles by federal statute.
Is the Department required to have a FCC license to operate radar?
Yes, but it is included in the Department�s radio license under KA4993.
Does the use of radar constitute a �speed trap?�
What radar enforcement program format is used by the Department?
Areawide format, exclusively.
What are the general categories for radar program records?
Initial program records, Equipment records, Target Roadway records, Operator records, Enforcement documents
Who certifies radar operators?
Area radar coordinator.
Does each Area and Division having a radar enforcement program need to complete a Radar Program Record?
Does a Radar Program Record have to be completed for the deployment of the SPECTER trailer?
No, except if the SPECTER trailer is used for speed enforcement, not just education / awareness.
Where is the Speedometer Calibration Chart for each radar enforcement vehicle maintained?
Area or Division.
Where is a radar unit�s IACP certification document kept?
Area Radar History File.
What happens to the Radar History File of a radar unit that is transferred to another Area or Division?
Transferred with the radar device. One copy of the Radar History File is kept at the originating Area for pending court cases.
Where are the Manufacturer�s Certification Documents kept for the counting unit, antennas, and tuning forks?
Radar History File.
Where is the Radar Calibration Log kept?
Radar History File.
Who must be given the Area Radar Enforcement Guide?
All Area radar operators.
Where must the Certificate of Attainment (CHP 195) for each Area radar operator be kept?
In the Radar History File and updated in the ETRS. A copy shall also be kept in the employee�s personnel file.
The green copy of a 215 issued by a radar operator must be kept for how long?
1 year. Should not be kept in the Radar History File.
Is �Radar Enforced� roadway signing required by statute?
No. Policy only.
SPECTER is an acronym for what?
Special Traffic Education Radar.
Where are SPECTER trailers kept?
Can the SPECTER be used for radar enforcement?
For safety reasons, a person should avoid remaining within how many feet of the front of a transmitting radar antenna?
2 feet.
What are the phases of departmental radar training?
Classroom and field.
How many hours of classroom time is required for radar training?
24 hours.
How many hours of field radar training are required? Within how long after completing the classroom portion?
3 hours, within 9 days of completing classroom training.
How many speed and distance estimations must be completed during the field training?
- (5 moving / 5 stationary)
Can officers take enforcement action based on radar readings during the field-training phase?
The Area radar coordinator shall test the speed and distance estimation capabilities of officers within how many days after completing the field phase?
3 days.
What must the Area radar coordinator test officers on before certification?
Five stationary and 5 moving speed estimations within 5 mph accuracy, and 1 reasonably accurate distance estimates.
Officers must pass the written portion and speed / distance estimation portions of radar training with a minimum of what %?
When new operators are certified, the Area radar coordinator must notify who within how many days?
Academy within 3 days.
How often must officers recertify in the use of radar?
Who can recertify an Area radar coordinator?
Division radar coordinator or a supervisor.
Does a supervisor conducting a radar recertification have to be radar certified himself?
Can a non-current (previously certified) operated be recertified without going through radar school again?
Yes. Must complete a written test provided by the Academy and complete speed and distance estimations (CHP 99A) with 8% accuracy.
What happens if an officer does not pass recertification?
Must stop issuing radar citations.
When must the radar unit have its internal operation and tuning fork tests conducted?
At the beginning and end of each shift. (Can be more frequent if required by local courts.)
The tuning fork should be struck on what type of surface?
Surface softer than the tuning fork itself. (eg. Steering wheel).
What is the proper position of the tuning fork during testing?
� to 2 inches in front of the antenna with one antenna tine closer to the antenna.
A tuning fork test must produce a reading of what accuracy?
Within 1 mph of the rated tuning fork speed.
Can radar be directed at the patrol car mirror to determine the speed of an approaching vehicle?
No. Must be direct aim.
If the target speed is locked in the display, can the officer show that display to the violator?
Yes, if safety is not compromised.
Are officers required to note that radar was used on the front of the 215?
Is the Radar History File for each radar unit available for court testimony?
Yes, shall be available.
What contents are kept in the Radar History File?
Radar unit certification, Tuning fork certification, Radar Calibration Log (CHP 99B), Radar / Lidar Operator Log for Multiple Unit Enforcement (CHP 99C), Radar / Lidar Report (CHP 99D), Speedometer Calibration Chart (CHP 227)
Where must equipment changes and permanent transfers of radar equipment be reported?
Research and Planning Section (RPS)
How often do radar program audits occur?
At least every 24 months. (Biennially)
Who performs Area radar program audits?
Division radar coordinators.
The speedometer of a patrol vehicle equipped with radar must be calibrated within how many days of a radar 215 being issued?
9 days.
During an audit, the auditor randomly selects how many radar citations for the Area files?
Divisions report the results of each successful Area audit to headquarters within how many days?
1 calendar days.
Divisions must report the results of Area audits with discrepancies to headquarters within how many days?
2 calendar days.