HIV Flashcards
Which drugs block HIV protease and prevent virion assembly?
Name the capsid protein and which gene it is coded from?
What protein writes HIV mRNA and host RNA
Host RNA pol II
This enzyme writes HIV DNA into the host DNA
GP 120 on HIV binds with which host cell receptor?
2 band of these proteins are required for a Western Blot confirmation of HIV infection?
gp41, gp120 or p24
HIV-1 is a reserve transcript and performs this task?
RNA dependent DNA polymerase
When is a virus considered a pro-virus?
When its genome is written in the host DNA
Tat is a TF that promotes what type of RNA? What TF are written from spliced RNA?
spliced RNA
Tat, Rev, and Nef
What 3 proteins are written from unspliced RNA?
What two chemokine receptors bind to gp41?
What are some common opportunistic infections seen in patients with HIV?
Kaposi Sarcoma CMV Candida Cryptococcus Pneumocystis
When a T cell count falls below this level a patient is considered to have AIDS
How are HIV patients monitored?
CD4+ T cell enumeration with flow cytometry
What is the goal of therapy for patients with HIV?
Reduce the level of circulating virus
Which cells does HIV initially attack?
Helper T cells Macrophages monocytes B cells microglial brain cells intestinal cells
What causes symptoms of HIV to appear?
Destruction of CD4+ cells
Describe primary HIV syndrome
6-12 weeks after infection
fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, ha, fatigue, diarrhea, sore throat
Process of a negative HIV test becoming positve
What HIV virus products are detectable in the 2-6 weeks after infection?
HIV proviral DNA
HIV viral load
HIV-1 p-24 antigen
Also HIV antibodies of host
Name some diseases that are predictive of an HIV patient progressing to AIDS?
shingles- VZV
thrush- candida
oral hairy leukoplakia - EBV
kaposi’s sarcoma
What percent of patients test positive for HIV after 6 months?
Why do the antibodies to HIV antigens decrease as disease progresses
The immune system is weakened
First test used to test for HIV?
LIst reasons a patient may get a false positive with an ELISA HIV screening
autoimmune disease
immunoproliferative disases
Increased risk of death from AIDS is seen in these patients
CD4 below 200 viral load over 100,000 older than 50 injecting drug user prior AIDS defining illness
What percent of HIV (+) patients are alive after 10 years?
What causes the most common opprotunstic infection in HIV?
Pneumocystis jiroveci - a yeast like fungus
What stain is used to identify pneumocystis jiroveci?
silver stain