HISTORY OF IS Flashcards
Who recorded that individuals who had previously contracted the disease recoverd and recognized their “immune status”.
Who started Variolation?
What happened in the 15th century?
POwdered smallpox “crusts” were inserted with with a pin into the skin.
Insertion of powdered smallpox “crust” into a pin were popular in which country?
Who is the father of immunology?
Louis Pasteur
Who discovered the smallpox vaccination?
Edward Jenner
Aside from smallpox vaccine. What else did Edward Jenner attenuated?
Chicken Cholera and Anthrax vaccines
What does Metnikoff discover?
Cellular theory of immunity through phagocytosis
He attenuated the vaccine for rabies
Louis Pasteur
He discovered the Humoral theory of immunity proposed
Von Behring, Kitasata
He demonstrates the cutaneous hypersensitivity
Robert Koch
He discovered the antibody formation theory
Paul Ehrlich
He discovered the Immediate-hypersensitivity anaphylaxis
Portier, Richet
He discovered the Arthus reaction of intermediate anaphylaxis
Nicolas Maurice Arthus
He discovered the hypothesis of antigen-antibody binding
They discovered the development of Polio Vaccine
Salk, Sabin
HE discovered the vaccine against yellow fever
He discovered the clonal selection theory
Who discovered the antihistamines?
Daniel Bovet
They discovered the chemically structure of antibodies
Rodney R. Portner
Gerald M. Edelman
He discovered the first monoclonal antibodies
She discovered the development of radioimmunoassay
Rosalyn R. Yalow
They discovered the major histocompatibility complex
George Snell
Jean Daussct
Baruj Benacerraf
He discovered the immune regulatory theories
Nielis K. Jeme
He discovered the Th1 versus Th2 model of T helper cell function
He discovered the gene rearrangement in antibody production
Susumu Tonegawa
He discovered the development of human papillomavirus vaccine
What do you call the foreign bodies that enters the human body?