what are the parameters of selecting a hospital information system provider?
Total Package Cost, Web-based system, Implementation and Support, User-friendly, Number of providers (1 vs Multiple)
There are maintenance fees or the yearly fees that are charged by the provider in order for them to continue checking or troubleshooting your hospital information system. what parameter is it referring to?
total package cost
offering assistance, training . what parameter is it referring to?
Implementation and Support
The accessibility of your hospital information system (can
it be accessed through the internet or only computers that are connected to a local network. what parameter is it referring to?
Web-based system
Healthcare workers and employees will be using this
information system. what parameter is it referring to?
sharing of information from one hospital to another. what parameter?
web-based system
Hospital information system does not come cheap, we have to consider that we are buying a program, we need to buy hardware . what parameter?
total package cost
there will be providers that will offer you products or subsystems that are unique . what parameter is it referring to?
Number of providers (1 vs Multiple)
providers also who give you a different set of subsystems, or different subsystems that generally don’t have an equivalent to yourmain hospital information system, which you can also choose to get. what parameter is it referring to?
Number of providers (1 vs Multiple)
who discovered MedSys?
Kaiser-dela Cruz Consulting Inc.
who discovered MedSys?
Kaiser-dela Cruz Consulting Inc.
Who developed HIMS?
what are the Hospital Information System Providers in the Philippines?
MedSys, HIMS, BizBox, HarmoniMD,
what did MedSys develop?
- MedSys for Hospitals * MedScho for Schools
when was BizBox founded?
a type of Hospital Information System Provider where it focuses more on online hospital services?
Hospital Information and Management Systems by Comlogik
Largest hospital
information system provider in the Philippines
what is BizBox system based on?
a US-Based Company, one of the HIS Providers in the PHilippines
HarmoniMD by E-Health Records International – Philippines, Inc.
First hospital project in
1994. a type of HIS provider in the philippines
how many facilities use BizBox?
what’s the Cebu Velez General Hospital’s HIS provider?
Cloud-based system –
making it more accessible to healthcare workers a type of HIS provider
HarmoniMD by E-Health Records International – Philippines, Inc.
what does the HarmoniMD complies with?
complies with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA
what company created HarmoniMD?
E-Health Records International- Philippines, Inc.
Affordable (free) provided by the government to public hospitals
Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Information System (iHOMIS) by the Department of Health
how many hospitals use the iHOMIS?
who developed iHOMIS?
Department of Health
monitors and approves the HIS providers in the Philippines?
Department of Health – National eHealth Electronic Health Records System Validation
confirm if EHR/EMR complies to standards
monitors and approves HIS providers/suppliers in the philippines
monitors or creates policies for electronic health records
what is the policy aim of DOHEHEHRSV?
arm to implement protocol for national health data reporting requirements to DOH and/or PhilHealth
meaning of DOHEHEHRSV?
Department of Health eHealth Electronic Health Records System Validation
meaning of iHOMIS?
Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Information System