HIS LESSON 4 PART 1 Flashcards
“The area of information technology involving the design, development, creation, use, and maintenance of information systems for the health care industry” who stated this?
rouse 2016
what are the three healthcare software systems?
- ElectronicHealthRecord(EHR)
- PersonalHealthRecord(PHR)
- ElectronicPrescribing(E-prescribing)
is an electronic system from which health care professionals and also patients use to store, share, and analyze health information
health information technology
Official health record in digital form
a type of healthcare software system where patients cant edit their information
Official health record in digital form
Patients can go to the pharmacy to pick up medicine without having to bring any Rx from their physician.
Electronic Prescribing (E-prescribing)
Self- maintained health record
Personal Health Record
A lot like of EHR, except that the patient can control what kind of information goes into it.
Personal Health Record
it allows the patient to pickup a medicine in the pharmacy without the need to bring a physical copy of the Rx
PHR is aka?
Patient’s portal
HITECH meaning?
Health information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009
Office of the National Coordinator
Health care organization with interoperability pact to share data among their health information technology systems, from one healthcare provider to another.
Health Information Exchange
Hospital and Physician who used government certified electronic health system should comply the following situations. What are the situations?
Meet the meaningful use criteria and are qualified to
receive incentives.
Be regulated under the Office of the National
Coordinator (ONC) for health IT which certifies approved IT technology use under the federal reimbursement program and centers for MACRA.
is a law on value-based reimbursement system passed by the US Congress in 2015.
Medicare and Medical Services Health Insurance Plan Reauthorization Act
___________ is a healthcare insurance that only exists in the USA. . While in the philippines we have the ___________.
medicare, philhealth