9 functions of hospital information system?
Help Desk, Scheduling, Patient Registration,
Admission, Discharge, Transfer, Billing, Contract
Management, Package Deal Designer
one of the functions of HoIS where it “Allows clients to access information and guidelines about institution’s products and services.”
help desk
where can patients give their comments suggestion and their complaints?
help desk
what are the two targets of scheduling?
Health care workers and patients
functions of the hospital system where there “ Records patient’s information such as age, gender, marital status, etc.”
Patient Registration
in the scheduling function specifically the two targets what is the description referring to?
It is where your administration or your supervisors can
make a schedule of the shifts where they can easily view if
one department is understaffed or overstaffed.
health care workers
what function of HIS is it referring to?
It is where employees can also file for their sick leaves and
for their vacation leaves.
scheduling specifically for hcws
Can be manually filled up by the patient and then encoded by
staff or directly encoded by the patient himself. what function is it referring to?
patient registration
convenient for setting up appointments with
physicians or procedures. what function is it referring to?
The registration function of the Health Information System, it
is usually regarding the patient’s basic information such as: o Last Name
o First Name
oMiddle Name
o Gender
o Civil status
what function is it referring to?
patient registration form
it is where patients can schedule their appointments with
their doctors or for procedures, laboratory exams for X- rays, and the like. what function is it referring to?
what does the patient registration take?
patient’s initial information
patient registration is used for?
record-keeping and account management
what does the patient reg form contains?
initial vital signs: weight and height……….. patient basic information: last name, first name, middle, gender and civil statues
Birthdate and highest educational attainment
Related to patient registration. what function?
Has additional information such as reason for admission/chief
complaint, admitting diagnosis, vital signs. what function?
Contains discharge instructions, take-home medications, and medical summary/abstract. what function?
what are the two types of transfers?
transfer within the same hospital
inter-hospital transfer
what does the transfer function contain ?
important information about the patient that can be sent to another hospital
what does the function discharge contains?
contains discharge instructions, take home medications and medical summary/abstract
Can include initial laboratory exams, imaging tests, etc. what function is it referring to?
what are the additional informations that admission contains?
reason for admission/chief
complaint, admitting diagnosis, vital signs.
Not all patients who go to the hospital are admitted. But all
patients have to _____________.
undergo registration
The information is sent ahead of time to the hospital that is being transferred to.so that the receiving hospital will be able to prepare the necessary materials, the necessary workforce needed for that patient so that they will know what to expect when they receive the patient. what function is it referring to?
is also responsible for generating your patient code. what function is it referring to?
they assure doctors that they have the correct patient and that they are doing the correct procedure or giving correct medication to the correct patient
wristband containing barcodes
ables to know the cost. Because the patients and their families would need or would ask for how much would be the cost for that specific unit in the hospital. what form is it referring to?
patient admission form
is a unified or a combined patient discharge and transfer form.
Patient Discharge & Transfer Form
is a unified or a combined patient discharge and transfer form.
Patient Discharge & Transfer Form
All the information should be transferred from that unit to the transferred unit. what function is it referring to?
transfer, specifically transfer within the same hospital
usually what is being transferred or what is being sent is just the essential information of the patient. what function?
transfer, specifically inter-hospital transfer
what does the patient discharge and transfer form contains?
disposition, transfer, admission results, initial impression or the admitting diagnosis, discharge diagnosis and summary of what happened to the patient
Shows all records pertaining to invoices, payments, statements of accounts. what function?
what does billing provides?
running expenses
It monitors a contract between the hospital and another party is being complied with.
contract management
“Process of managing contract creation, execution, and analysis to maximize operation and financial performance of an organization while reducing financial risk” -____________
goodrich 2003
goodrich stated?
Process of managing contract creation, execution, and analysis to maximize operation and financial performance of an organization while reducing financial risk
Groups together exams, materials, and procedures that are frequently done together (in one package).
package deal designer
what does the contract management monitor?
monitors a contract between the hospital and another party
Usually this is offered at a lower cost rather than pricing it individually. what function is it referring to?
package deal designer
a form that is summarized because the expenses are grouped into 4 main categories: hospital charges, room charges, professional fees, and debit adjustments.
statement of accounts
a form that is it can be summarized by department, department for package deals, billing category one and so on and so forth.
detailed statement of account
why is it convenient for both doctors and patient to have the package deal designer?
package deals at a price that’s lower compared to getting individual basis for patients while physicians don’t have to check or having to order tests 1 by 1
what does the package deal designer creates?