it refers to all the organizations, institutions, resources and people whose primary purpose is to improve health.
Health System
It is the combination of resources, organization, financing and management that culminate in the delivery of health services to the population
Health System
What are the three goals of a health system?
- Improving the health of population
- Improving the responsiveness of the health system
- Providing fair health financing
What are the functions of a health system?
Health Service Provision
Health Service Inputs
Health Financing
what are the factors that cause inequitable disparity in the population:
Geographic Location
Gender and Sexual Orientation
________ is providing satisfactory health services and engaging people to be active partners.
what is the most visible product of health system?
Public and Private Health Service Provision
it is the generating of the essential physical resources for delivery of health services.
Health Service Inputs
__________ is the main responsibility of the government?
What is the core of Stewardship Function:
- Identifying health priorities for allocation of public resources - Identifying an institutional framework
-Coordinating activities with other systems related to
external health care - Analyzing health priorities and resource generation trends
and their implications - Generating appropriate data for effective decision-making
and policymaking on health matters
it is the earned from payments for health services.
Revenue collection
in the revenue collection what type of finances is being collected by the public health system?
general taxation
in the revenue collection section, what is collected in the security organizations?
payroll contributions
what do is the source for the social security organization in terms of revenue collection?
payroll contributions
it is a form of risk management which aims to spread financial risk from an individual to all pool members
Risk pooling
it is considered a core function health insurance companies; prevents outright payment for health services.
Risk pooling
What are the two main models of Risk Pooling?
The bismarck model and the beveridge model
what is the life expectancy of males in the philippines?
66.2 years
What is the life expectancy of Females in the Philippines?
72.6 years
What is the average life expectancy of Male and Female?
69.3 years
What are the important risk factors (more impact on men)?
-Dietary Risks
-Tobacco Smoke
-High Systolic Blood Pressure
-Alcohol Consumption
what are the three types of burden of disease?
Non-communicable diseases
Communicable Diseases
These are infectious diseases?
Communicable Diseases
These diseases are CVD, Diabetes and Cancer
non-communicable diseases.
What are the twoOrganizations of theHealth Care System?
Public and Private Health Care
what type of health care is where Private Sector mainly active in hospital care and maternities
Private Health Care
What kind of Department of Health is the National Health Services (Primary Hospital?
Public Healthcare Facilities
it is a large extent fragmented and decentralized, so the responsibility is shared between the central government and the local government units that we will full autonomy to organize and finance their own regional systems
Public Health system
What are the two governing bodies?
develops and approve state quality standards and clinical protocols and is responsible for the organization and implementation of the mandatory accreditation of health care facilities and the issuing of license
Department of Health (DOH)
agovernmentunitwhereIt is such as provincial governments are tasked with providing primary and secondary hospital care, while city and municipal governments are tasked with providing primary care, promotive and preventive health programs and basic ambulatory clinical care
Local Government Unit (LGU)
it is a health care which is generally paid for through user fees at the point of service
Private Health Care System
it is a health care system that is regulated by the government through a system of standards and guidelines implemented through the license procedures of the DOH and the accreditation procedures of PhilHealth.
Private Health Care system
Per WHO recommendation, there should be ____hospital beds per ____ population (____ beds per ____ population)
20, 10,000 2, 1000
a complex as it involves different layers of financial sources, regulatory body and health service providers.
Health Financing
what are the 4 main sources of financing?
National and Local Government (DOH and LGU). insurance coming from the government and private sectors, user fees and lastly donors.
What is the meaning of NHIP?
National Health Insurance Program
it is carried out by PhilHealth, which receives premiums from households, firms and the government
National Health Insurance Program
they reimburse healthcare costs in both private and public facilities but the covered services are only covered inpatient care.
Phil Health
__________ are main drivers of the healthcare system
Human Health resources
They are essential for the efficient management and operation of the public health system.
Health Professionals
They are not health educators
Health Professionals
it is mandated to prescribe standards for quality health science education and the health science curriculum and to regulate public and private higher education institutions in the country.
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
They are tasked to promote honest and credible licensure examinations of health professionals, provide continuing education and development and ensure effective regulation of the professional practice.
Professional Regulate Commission (PRC)
is the medical education in the Philippines is conducted by government-recognized medical schools in the country. Medical schools are accredited by the ______.
Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC)
In what year did the Centralized, government funded and operated health care system
in what year are corporate hospitals established?
late 1970s
in what year did the prevention and nutrition became visible in push to promotoe breast feeding through the “milk code”
in what year did the Philippines was at the forefront of pharmaceutical regulation but it passed the generics law in the early 1980s in an attempt to lower the expenditure on drugs by promoting and purchasing non-branded medicines
early 1990s
in this year The “local government code” is passed and decentralized and that the governments and the financing health system are also decentralized, so there are devolution.
in this year the decentralization efforts of the hospitals under DOH, we were granted fiscal autonomy.
in this year, the pressure on government financing was reduced through the introduction of the National Health Insurance Act in 1985 which is considered now the major milestone of the social health protection.
in this year the introduction of the national health insurance Act in 1985 which is considered now the major milestone of the social health protection.
in this year the good governance act was implemented.
in what year did the mandatory ISO certification for hospital was implemented
in what year was the Six Taxes for health implemented?
it Discourages harmful consumption of alcohol and tobacco while generating an extra revenue for the DOH.
and is considered as the start of the universal health care financing
sin taxes for health
in this year it is when the duterte administration signed the “Universal Health Care Law”
________ it refers to the name giving by the producing company, generic drug refers to a drug produced after the ingredient of the brand name drug.
Brand Name Drug
in ____________, President Dutete signed the __________ into law (Republic Act no. ______)
march 2019, Universal Health Care Bill, Republic Act no 11223
Major step by enrolling all Filipino citizens automatically in the National Health Insurance Program administered by PhilHealth
Universal Health Care Law of 2019
a government agency where it focuses on population based health services.
A government agency where it focuses on individual based health Services: e.g. services that can be accessed within health facility (or remotely) and can be traced to one recipient
Where is the Universal Health Care Law of 2019 contained?
National Objectives for Health Philippines, 20172022; of the Department of Health
Philippines has an __________ strategic framework since ____.
E-health and 2014
when was E-health implemented?
it is a platform to secure electronic access and efficient exchange of health data and/or information among health facilities, healthcare providers, health information organizations and government agencies in accordance with set national standards.
Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE)
a telemedicine who is managed by the DOH & University of the Philippines (UP) in the National Telehealth Centre.
National Telehealth Service Program (NTSP)
The program aims at expanding telemedicine in
4th to 6th class municipalities nationwide.
National Telehealth Service Program (NTSP)
Is a mobile system to collect routine health data of selected maternal & child deaths to monitor health service delivery.
Realtime Regular Reporting 4Health (R4Health)
A subscription-based telehealth service which is available 24/7 which allows access to skilled & licensed Filipino doctors who can provide safe medical assessment & advice on basic healthcare & proper medication.
What are the 6 sectors of the health system?
Ministries of health
Health Care Providers
Health Financing Bodies
Pharmaceutical companies
Health Care Providers
Health Service Organizations
How many percentage does the Philhealth only covers?
30%-70% maximum
_______ is a well-known supplier of doctors and nurses and any other healthcare professionals worldwide based on qualification and command of the english language.
an average of ___________ nurses migrate each year
________ is considered better in public facilities while private facilities are considered to be a place to gain experience
PH was at the forefront of pharmaceutical regulation when it passed the _________ in attempt to lower the expenditure on drugs by promoting and purchasing non-branded medicines
Generics Law
what are the 4 culminating factors in the delivery of health services to the population?
Resources, organization financing and management
Health facilities are regulated by the _____________________.
DOH Health Facilities &
Service Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB)
one of the functions of a health system where Health services are all services aimed at improving the health of populations.
health service provision
one of the function of health system where Health service inputs or managing resources is generating the essential physical resources for delivery of health services.
health service inputs
one of the function of health systems where it Involves raising and pooling resources to pay for health services
health financing
a function of the health system where Sets the direction, context, and policy framework for the overall health system.
a function of the health system where it oversight is the main responsibility of the govt.
what function of the health system does this belong? “Medications”?
health service inputs
what function of the health system does this belong? “medical equipments”?
health service inputs
These resources often take time to be produced; health system policymakers have to respond and use the available resources to address the population’s needs as efficiently as they can.
health service inputs
what function of the health system does this belong? “clinical services”?
health service provisions
preventive measures what type of health function?
heatlh service provision
Medical equipments what type of health function
health service inputs
“promotions of healthy lifestyle” what type of functions of health?
health service provision