HIS LESSON 12-PART 1 Flashcards
What is the alternate spelling for nuremberg?
Germany’s National Socialist Party (Nazi Party)
Nuremberg code
12 Million Jews – “Sub-humans” or “Undesirables”
Nuremberg Code
the Holocaust
Nurember Gode
-Sterilization of mentally and physically handicapped
-”Useless eaters” (unnützen Esser)
-“Unworthy of life” (lebensunwerten Lebens or
the holocaust
a town in germany
known as germany’s national socialist party and had controlled much of germany and europe
nazi’s party
mostly Jews, Poles,
Romani, Gypsies, Eastern Europeans and others
regarded by the Nazi’s as sub-humans or
undesirables were systematically murdered in what
is now referred to as the?
Much to the shame of the Medical Profession in
Germany at that time, they cooperated in
performing crimes such as euthanasia, sterilization
of mentally and physically handicapped people
referred to as?
useless eaters and unworthy of life
Permission or consent was _______ fully obtained
obtained alternative to death or promise of
Nuremberg, medical trial, code of conduct, which later became known as
The Nuremberg Code
A large number of medical and biological experiments
were conducted on?
concentration camp inmates
for the medical experiments was
almost never obtained from the inmates.
Permission or consent
In short, those victims were _______ to participate in those
heinous medical experiments. _____ of the surviving
victims was ever released by their captors, nor were any
death sentences commuted.
forced; none
Ironically, many of the experiments would have been
_______ if it had been performed or conducted on ______
as the Nazi’s had introduced strict laws governing the use
of animals in medical experiments. This is not surprising if
you remember that they value the undesirables less than
illegal; animals
At the Nürnberg medical trial, a code of conduct, which
later became known as _______________ was
presented. The Nuremberg code was in direct response to
the medical crimes. The code emphasized the need for?
“The Nuremberg Code”; experimental subjects voluntary consent to theexperiment, regard for their safety, including mental suffering, balance of risks, and the right to withdraw
from the experiment if they wish.
In addition, the code noted that the responsibility for
performing the experiment lay with a qualified medical
experimenter and this responsibility ____________________.
could not be easily transferred.
As the prosecution at Nuremberg Code has noted, the
medical professionals who had performed these
procedures had ________a basic medical principle of “First,
do no harm,” otherwise known as?
violated; the primum non nocere