Hernia Flashcards
Define hernia
- abnormal protrusion of a cavity’s contents through a weakness in the wall of the cavity
What are the causes of hernias?
- anatomical weakness
- collagen disorders
- surgical insicions
What are the 3 classifications of all hernias?
- reducible
- ireducible/incarcerated
- strangulated
Explain the inguinal canal
- 4cm long
- deep ingiunial ring and superifical ring
What is carried in the inguinal canal?
- males –> spermatic cord
- females –> round ligament of the uterus
Explain a direct inguinal hernia
- protrusion through a weakness in the muscle
- lies beside ingunial canal
Explain an indirect hernia?
- protrusion through the inguinal canal
What are the treatment of inguinal hernias?
- surgical
- non-surgical
What are the treatment of femoral hernias?
- surgical
What makes up the lateral side of Hesselbach triangle
- inferior epigastric artery
What makes up the medial side of Hesselbach Triangle?
- lateral border of rectus muscle
What makes up the inferior side of Hesselbach triangle?
- inginal ligament
What are the 2 main factors involved in the formation of a hernia?
- increased intra-abdominal pressure
- area of structural weakness
Which direction does external oblique muscles run?
- hands in pockets
Which direction does internal oblique muscles run?
- hands at chest
What does the inguinal ligament mark?
- marks the boundary between the abdomen and the thigh
What is the inguinal ligament composed of?
- inferior thickening of the external oblique muscle
The inguinal canal is a passage between the ____ and the ____
- abdomen and the perineum
The testes develop on the _____ the abdominal wall
- posterior
Name an anatomical area of innate weakness
- myopectineal orfice
Hernia lying medial to the inferior epigastric artery is a ____ hernia
- direct inguinal hernia
Hernia lying lateral to the infeerior epigastric artery is a ____ hernia
- indirect inguinal hernia