Herbs 1 Quiz 2 Flashcards
San Qi functions
Stops bleeding and transforms blood stasis
Reduces swelling and alleviates pain
Traumatic injuries
Internal and external injuries
Di Yu functions
Hemorrhages due to extravasation of blood by heat: uterine bleeding hemorrhages, dysentery
Dispel toxins and promote healing of ulcers
Burns eczema
Ce Bai Ye
Cools blood and stops bleeding
Hemorrhages, cough, externally use for hair lose or burns
Bai Mao Gen
To cool blood and stop bleeding
To clear heat and promote urination
Hot urination, edema, damp heat jaundice, hemorrhages from heat
Heat in the lung and stomach
Qian Cao
Cool the blood and stop bleeding Invigorate the blood circulation and remove blood stasis Dysentery Astringe blood Gyno
Bai Ji
Stop bleeding Reduce swelling and promote healing Hemorrhages Cough with blood due to deficiency yin Boils, carbuncles, swelling with redness Chapped skin
Xian He Cao
Stops bleeding
Relieve dysentery
Kill parasites
Chuan Xiong
Blood and qi stagnation
wind damp obstruction bi
Yan Hu Suo
Invigorate the blood and promote qi circulation
Expel wind and stop pain
Yu Jin
Blood stasis with stop pain
Promote qi circulation and release stagnation
To cool blood and clear heat in the heart
Relieve jaundice and facilitate gall bladder functions
Ru Xiang
Qi and blood stagnation with pain
Reduce swelling and promote tissue regeneration
Boils and Ulcers
invasion of wind cold damp
Mo Yao
same as ru xiang
Dan Shen
Invigorates blood and removes stagnation
Cools blood and reduces carbuncles
Clears heat in the heart and soothes irritability
Ji Xue Teng
Invigorate the blood
Nourish the blood
Relax and activate tendons
Hong Hua
Invigorates blood and releases stagnation
Promote menstruation
Tao Ren
To invigorate blood and remove stagnation
To lubricate the intestines and move feces downward
Yi Mu Cao
Invigorate the blood and move stagnation
Promote urination reduce PMS edema
Niu Xi
Invigorate the blood, release stagnation
Promote menstruation
Tonify the liver and kidneys and strengthen the tendons and muscles
Promote urination and relieve urinary disorders
Conduct fire flow downwards
Qian Hu
Promote dispersing function of the lungs and clear heat
Resolve phlegm and stop cough
Chuan Bei Mu
Moisten the lung and resolve phlegm
Sop cough
Clear heat and release nodules
Gua Lou
Clear heat and resolve phlegm
Moisten dryness and move feces
Regulate qi in the chest and release nodules
Jie Geng
Promote the dispersing function of the lungs
Resolve phlegm
Expel pus
Ban Xia
Dry damp resolve phlegm
Conduct rebellious qi downward and stop vomiting
Reduce distention and disperse nodules
Relieve swelling and pain when applied externally
Tian Nan Xing
Dry dampness and resolve phlegm
Dispel wind and stop spasms
Xuan Fu Hua
Resolve phlegm and promote water metabolism
Conduct qi downward and stop vomiting
Ku Xing Ren
Stops coughs and relieves asthma
Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels
Bai Qian
Resolves phlegm and stops cough
conducts qi downward
Zi Wan
Resolves phlegm and stops cough
Pi Pa Ye
Resolves phlegm and stops cough
Conducts rebellious qi downward and stops vomiting
*Qian Cao is best used for what kind of bleeding
Heat in the blood
Blood stasis
*Which herb is used for treating hematuria
Ce Bai Ye
Xian He Cao
San Qi
Yi Mu Cao
*Which of the cool blood and stop bleeding herbs also resolves toxins
Di Yu
*Which stop bleeding herb can also be used for hair loss
Ce Bai Ye
*Which of the cool blood to stop bleeding herbs can also transform phlegm and treat cough
Ce Bai Ye
*What are the functions of Xian He Cao
Stop bleeding
Relieve dysentery
Kill parasites
*Which herbs promote blood circulation, stop pain, and stop bleeding
Yu Jin
Yan Hu Suo
*Which herbs can guide the blood to move downward
Niu Xi
*What are the functions of Tao Ren
Invigorate the blood, remove stagnation, lubricate the intestines, moves the feces downward
*What are the characteristics of the function of Chuan Xiong
Qi and blood stagnation, gynecological problems
Difficult labor, postpartum abdominal pain
Headaches due to wind cold/wind heat/wind damp/blood stagnation/blood deficiency
Wind damp bi
*What are the functions of Ru Xiang and Mo Yao
Invigorate the qi and blood and stops pain
Reduces swelling and promotes tissue regeneration
*Which blodo invigorating herb also treats the gallbladder and jaundice
Yu Jin
*Yi Mu Cao is mainly used for what kind of blood stasis
gynecological blood stasis
*Which blood invigorating herb can also soothe the sinews
Ji Xue Teng
*What are the indications of Niu Xi
lower back/knee soreness
Wind damp bi
Liver yang rising symptoms
*Trauma herbs
San Zi Yan Hu Suo Ru Xiang Qian Cao Niu Xi Bai Ji
*Uterine bleeding herbs
Di Yu Ce Bai Ye Xian He Cao Qian Cao Niu Xi Bai Ji
*Hemorrhoid bleeding herbs
Chuan Xiang category
Blood stasis
San Qi category
bleeding due to heat
Di yu category
bleeding due to heat
Yan Hu Suo category
Blood stasis
Ru Xiang category
Blood stasis
Mo Yao category
Blood stasis
Ce Bai Ye category
bleeding due to heat
Bai Mao Gen cateogry
bleeding due to heat
Dan Shen caregory
Blood stasis
Ji Xue Teng category
Blood stasis
Qian Cao cateogry
bleeding due to heat
Hong Hua category
Blood stasis
Bai Ji category
bleeding due to heat
Xian He Cao category
bleeding due to heat
Tao Ren category
Blood stasis
Yi Mu Cao category
blood stasis
Niu Xi category
blood stasis
Trauma herbs
San Zi Ru Xiang Qian Cao Niu Xi Bai Ji
*Ban Xia functions
Dry damp and resolve phlegm
Conduct rebellious qi downwards and stop vomiting
reduce distention and disperse nodules
*Ban Xia temperature
Warm, toxic
*Ban Xia taste
*Ban Xia channels
*Which herb can clear lung heat, stomach heat, transform phlegm, and open up the chest
Gua Lou
*Which herb can stop cough, calm asthma, and moisten the intestines
Ku Xing Ren
*What are the functions of Pi Pa Ye
Resolve phlegm and stop cough
Conduct rebellious qi downward and stop vomiting
*Ban Xia temperature
*Qian Hu temperature
Slightly cold
*Gua Lou temperature
*Pi Pa Ya temperature
*To use Ban Xia for pregnancy nausea, you have to combine it with
Sheng Jiang
*Which herb is best used for lung abscess
Chuan Bei Mu
Jie Geng
*Which herb has animal products?
Dan Nan Xing
*What is the difference between Tien Xing Ren and Ku Xing Ren
Tien Xing Ren is sweeter, more neutral, and more moistening
Qian Hu functions
Promote dispersing function of the lungs and clears heat
Resolves phlegm and stops cough
Chuan Bei Mu functions
Moisten the lungs and resolves phlegm
Stops cough
Clears heat and releases nodules (scrofula, lung)
Gua Lou functions
Clears heat and resolves phlegm
Moistens dryness and moves feces
Regulates qi in the chest and releases nodules
Jie Geng functions
Softens neck nodules
promotes urination and reduces edema
Resolves hot phlegm
incompatible with gan cao
Ban Xia functions
phlegm and dampness
rebellious qi downward and vomiting
expels pus
Tian Nan Xing functions
Stubborn phlegm, very drying
Dispels wind damp and stops spasm
Xuan Fu Hua
Benefits throat
coughing and wheezing with profuse sputum
Conducts rebellious qi downward and stops vomiting
Bai Qian functions
Resolves phlegm and stops coughing
conducts qi downward
cold phlegm or hot phlegm
Zi Wan functions
Resolves phlegm and stops cough
Cough due to deficiency of the lungs
Pi Pa Ye functions
directs qi downward
cools the lung and stomach
resolves phlegm and stops coughing
What category is Qian Hu
phlegm heat
What category is Ban Xia
Cold phlegm
what category is ku xing ren
coughing and asthma
what category is chuan bei mu
phlegm heat
what category is tian nan xing
cold phlegm
what category is jie geng
phlegm heat
what category is xuan fu hua
phlegm cold
what category is bai qian
coughing and asthma
what category is zi wan
coughing and asthma
what category is pi pa ye
coughing and asthma
what category is gua lou
phlegm heat