Health & Safety - Level 1 Flashcards
Can you name the piece of primary legislation relating to Health & Safety in the construction industry?
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (2015)
- Control, of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) (2002)
Can you tell me the name of RICS publication that relates to the health and safety of its members?
Surveying Safely 2018
RICS Surveying Safely, what is included?
This professional standard sets out basic, good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS-regulated firms and RICS members. RICS members also need to consider the legal jurisdiction in the country where they work.
This document sets out guidance for occupational health. Can you identify the areas to which this provision applies?
Occupational health considers the physical and mental effects of work on health (including health issues that develop over time, referred to as ‘chronic’) and assists an RICS-regulated firm in ensuring its employees are fit for their work through health assessment, promotion, maintenance and surveillance.
What is notifiable project under CDM Regulations 2015?
A construction project is notifiable if the construction work is expected to: last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point on the project or: exceed 500 person days.
What is the role of the Principal Designer under CDM Regulations 2015?
Principal designers must: plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase. In doing so they must take account of relevant information (such as an existing health and safety file) that might affect design work carried out both before and after the construction phase has started.
What is meant by the acronym RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.
What other primary legislation is used to regulate safety in construction?
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
What obligations does this legislation place upon you as an individual?
It shall be the duty of every employee while at work—
(a)to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and
(b)as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with
What is included in the site induction?
The purpose of the induction is to make people aware of the Health and Safety requirements of the project by explaining:
* ISG project team members and their roles
* The facilities provided on site
* Site layout & security
* Site specifics (fire exits, assembly points etc.)
* Traffic management
* Training & competency required
* PPE required
* Housekeeping & site awareness
* Working at height
* Method Statements & Risk Assessments
* Permit Systems, ISG Procedures
* Environmental
* and COVID-19.
What PPE did you wear?
Safety Boots
Protective gloves
Hi-Vis Jacket
Safety Glasses
Hard Hat
How does Lone Working operate?
Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. Anybody who works alone, including contractors, self-employed people and employee, is classed as a lone worker.
What are Risk Assessment Method Statements?
It is an important health and safety document that is completed to identify the steps to be undertaken to carry out a specific activity or task in a safe manner.
Name some Dangerous substances.
- chemicals
- products containing chemicals
- fumes
- dusts
- vapours
- mists
- nanotechnology
- gases and asphyxiating gases and
- biological agents (germs). If the packaging has any of the hazard symbols then it is classed as a hazardous substance.
- germs that cause diseases such as leptospirosis or legionnaires disease and germs used in laboratories.
What is CSCS (UK)?
The official Construction Skills Certification Scheme website. CSCS cards provide proof that individuals working on construction sites have the appropriate training and qualifications for the job they do.