Diversity, Inclusion and Teamworking - Level 1 Flashcards
What are Belbin’s Principles?
Belbin describes a team role as “a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.”
- There are 3 action-oriented roles - Shaper, Implementer and Completer Finisher.
- 3 people-oriented roles - Co-Ordinator, Team worker and Resource Investigator and
- 3 cerebral roles - Plant, Monitor Evaluator and Specialist.
What have you learned?
Teamwork in construction enhances productivity and efficiency. When a team works together, they can share knowledge and resources, which helps to reduce duplication of effort. With teamwork, it is possible to divide tasks and responsibilities, which ensures that everyone is working towards the same objective.
How do you encourage teamwork?
I communicate respectfully to everyone within the team and try to build personal relationships with them by discussing things outside of work that are important to them which has helped me to build a team culture where I feel comfortable in discussing any problem that may arise.
How do you decide what skills are necessary to make up a team?
- Organization and Planning Skills. Being a team player means keeping track of responsibilities.
- Time Management. Closely related to planning is the issue of time management.
- Creative Thinking.
- Communication.
- Active Listening.
- Critical Thinking.
- Professionalism.
What is a strategic alliance?
A strategic alliance is an arrangement between two companies to undertake a mutually beneficial project while each retains its independence. The agreement is less complex and less binding than a joint venture, in which two businesses pool resources to create a separate business entity.
What are the essential components of a successful team?
- Communicate openly and transparently.
- Establish a clear organisational purpose.
- Set concrete team goals.
- Promote ownership and accountability.
- Delegate tasks based on strengths.
- Promote efficiency and avoid micromanagement.
- Support employees in building team cohesion.
- Reward teams for taking risks.
- Make trust an essential value.
How would you go about managing an underperforming team member?
- Calmly explain what the issue is and why you are raising it with the employee.
- Stick to the facts – don’t make the issue personal or subjective.
- Describe the consequences or impact of the employee’s behaviour.
- Tell the employee what is expected going forward.
- Ask the employee for their opinion of this assessment of their performance and if they are struggling with anything.
- Provide support or advice where required.
How do you seek to bring out the best in your team?
- Build a Culture of Adaptability.
- Use Clear Communication of Goals and Expectations.
- Ensure Accountability.
- Expect Change.
- Encourage Professional Development.
- Upskill your Employees.
- Develop the Team Collectively.
- Be a Coach.
- Build lasting relationships.
- Get to know your teammates.
- Listen actively.
What factors would you consider when selecting a project team?
These factors may include the skills, compatibility, availability, diversity, motivation, attitude, roles and responsibilities, performance, and experience of potential team members. Considering these factors, you can select the right team members for your project and ensure a successful outcome.