Head and Neck Anatomy Flashcards
A 5-year-old child is brought to the office for evaluation of several supernumerary teeth. Which of the following is most characteristic regarding this anomaly?
A) More common in the primary dentition than in the secondary dentition
B) More frequent in the maxilla than in the mandible
C) More prevalent in females than in males
D) Occurs most often from disruption during the morphodifferentiation stage of tooth development
E) Typically associated with ectodermal dysplasia
The correct response is Option B.
Hyperdontia is an anomaly of number of teeth and occurs most frequently in the maxilla (90%). It occurs during the initiation or proliferation stage. Morphodifferentiation issues lead to an anomaly of enamel/dentin/cementin composition. It is more common in males (2:1). It is 5 times more common in permanent dentition than in primary dentition. Finally, ectodermal dysplasia is associated with hypodontia.
A 6-year-old girl with cerebral palsy is evaluated for sialorrhea. Medical treatment has been unsuccessful. Surgical intervention for drooling control is planned. Which of the following glands contributes the most to basal salivary production?
A) Lacrimal
B) Minor salivary
C) Parotid
D) Sublingual
E) Submandibular
The correct response is Option E.
Daily saliva production is on the scale of 500 to 2000 mL per day. Excessive drooling in patients with cerebral palsy or other severe neurologic impairment is caused by inefficient swallowing. The submandibular glands contribute the most to basal salivary production, approximately 60%. The parotid gland contributes approximately 20% to basal salivary production. Sublingual glands and minor salivary glands each contribute 10%. The lacrimal gland is responsible for production of the aqueous layer of the tear film.
A 2-year-old boy is evaluated because of a soft, nontender, noncompressible glabellar mass that has progressively grown since birth. A photograph is shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management before scheduling surgery?
A) Corticosteroid injections
C) Plain film x-ray study
D) Propranolol trial
E) Observation

The correct response is Option B.
The differential diagnosis for a lesion in this location with the findings described include dermoid cyst, hemangioma, and encephalocele. Osteoma, which is a benign bony tumor, is unlikely because of patient age and examination findings. The noncompressible quality of the lesion makes hemangioma and encephalocele less likely. Propranolol therapy after 12 months of age is unlikely to help, even if the lesion is a hemangioma. If the lesion is a hemangioma, then observation would be appropriate, but because the lesion is still growing, this diagnosis is questionable. Corticosteroid injections are only moderately helpful in treating a hemangioma, but they are contraindicated for dermoid cysts and encephalocele. Diagnosis is the next step with a goal of ruling out intracranial communication, as it will impact the surgical approach. MRI is the best option. Plain x-rays films would not provide adequate information for management.
A 22-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after sustaining a stab wound to the face. The patient is hemodynamically stable, and physical examination shows a laceration that extends from the tragus of the right ear to the right oral commissure. Which of the following is the most likely primary complication of saliva extravasating into the wound because of parotid duct injury?
A) Parotid gland atrophy
B) Salivary fistula
C) Sialocele
D) Wound infection
E) Xerostomia
The correct response is Option C.
If parotid duct injury is not repaired immediately, saliva can leak into the surrounding soft tissues. This leakage most commonly increases the risk for sialocele (pseudocapsule), followed by salivary fistula formation. Wound infection, parotid gland atrophy, and xerostomia (dry mouth) are uncommon. Studies have shown that correction of the more common complications may require surgical or medical treatments such as use of anti-sialogogues, radiation therapy, parasympathetic denervation (tympanic denervation), cauterization of the fistulous tract, reconstruction of the duct, or superficial or total parotidectomy.
A 24-year-old woman with a round face comes to the office to discuss buccal fat
pad removal. The parotid duct travels through which of the following structures of
the buccal fat pad prior to emptying intraorally via the Stensen duct?
A ) Buccal extension of the posterior lobe
B ) Inferior portion of the anterior lobe
C ) Intermediate lobe
D ) Posterior portion of the anterior lobe
E ) Pterygoid extension of the posterior lobe
Upon further review, this item was not scored as part of the examination.
The correct response is Option D.
The buccal fat pad is divided into three lobes anatomically: anterior, intermediate, and posterior. The triangular-shaped anterior lobe is located below the zygoma and extends anterior to the maxilla and buccinator muscle and posterior to the zygomaticus major muscle. The parotid duct passes through the posterior part of the anterior lobe. The facial vein passes through the anterior-inferior margin of the anterior lobe, and the facial nerve branches lies on the outer surface of the capsule. The intermediate lobe lies in the space around the lateral maxilla between the anterior and posterior lobes. The posterior lobe is located in the masticatory space surrounding the temporalis muscle and tendon along the mandibu
body. The posterior lobe forms the buccal, pterygoid, pterygopalatine, and temporal extensions.
1. Surek CC, Kochuba AL, Said SA, et al. External approach to buccal fat excision in facelift:
anatomy and technique. Aesthet Surg J. 2021;41(5):527-534. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjaa015
2. Echlin K, Whitehouse H, Schwaiger M, Nicholas R, Fallico N, Atherton DD. A cadaveric study
the buccal fat pad: implications for closure of palatal fistulae and donor-site morbidity. Plast
Reconstr Surg. 2020;146(6):1331-1339. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000007351
3. Rohrich RJ, Stuzin JM, Savetsky IL, Avashia YJ, Agrawal NA, Prada M. The role of the bucca
pad in facial aesthetic surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021;148(2):334-338. doi:
4. Sezgin B, Tatar S, Boge M, Ozmen S, Yavuzer R. The excision of the buccal fat pad for cheek
refinement: volumetric considerations. Aesthet Surg J. 2019;39(6):585-592. doi:
A 22-year-old man comes to the emergency department after he sustained a machete laceration of the left cheek extending from the tragus through the midpoint of the upper lip. The wound is full thickness along the central third. Examination shows left upper lip droop and flattening of the associated nasolabial fold. Which of the following structures were most likely injured?
A) Lacrimal sac, mandibular branch of the facial nerve, and pterygoid muscle
B) Maxillary sinus, zygomatic branch of the facial nerve, and pterygoid muscle
C) Parotid duct, buccal branch of the facial nerve, and masseter muscle
D) Zygomatic arch, zygomatic branch of the facial nerve, and orbicular muscle
The correct response is Option C.
The middle third of a line drawn between the tragus and the middle of the upper lip defines the course of the parotid duct. The buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve lie in close proximity to the parotid duct, which lies superficial to the masseter muscle. Deep penetrating trauma in this region is likely to injure all three of these structures. Evidence of injury to the zygomatic or buccal branch of the facial nerve with a central cheek laceration should raise concern for a parotid duct injury.
The lacrimal sac is outside of the described zone of injury, as is the mandibular branch of the facial nerve. The pterygoid muscle is deep to the mandible and would be outside of the described zone of injury.
The maxillary sinus and the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve could have been injured, but not in combination with the pterygoid muscle, which is outside the zone of injury.
Concomitant injury of the zygomatic arch and zygomatic branch of the facial nerve is possible, but because this injury was full thickness in the central third, the orbicularis muscle would not have been involved.
A 20-year-old woman with a history of bruxism is evaluated because of a 3-year history of gradual widening of the lower third of the face. Physical examination shows rectangular appearance of the face; occlusion shows no abnormalities. Anteroposterior x-ray study discloses bone spurs at both angles of the mandible. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A) Excision of the submandibular gland
B) Injection of botulinum toxin type A to the masseter muscle
C) Marginal mandibulectomy
D) Suction-assisted lipectomy of the cheek
E) Superficial parotidectomy
The correct response is Option B.
The patient described has bilateral masseter hypertrophy. Treatment options for this condition include muscle relaxants, injection of botulinum toxin type A, or resection of the internal layer of the masseter muscle.
Superficial parotidectomy is indicated for benign and malignant tumors of the parotid gland.
Resection of the submandibular gland is indicated for recurrent sialadenitis (infection) or obstructive sialodocholithiasis (salivary stones), as well as for benign tumors such as pleomorphic adenomas.
Marginal mandibulectomy may be indicated for certain benign and malignant tumors of the intraoral cavity.
Suction-assisted lipectomy will not treat masseter hypertrophy.
A newborn female presents with a large intraoral mass arising from alveolar mucosa of the lower jaw that does not cause any airway obstruction. Photographs are shown. Which of the following is the most likely pathology of the lesion?
A) Congenital epulis
B) Hemangiopericytoma
C) Odontogenic keratocyst
D) Rhabdomyosarcoma
E) Teratoma

The correct response is Option A.
Congenital epulis is a rare, benign tumor of the oral cavity that is found in newborns. They are considered a form of granular cell tumor that can lead to mechanical obstruction, resulting in respiratory distress or difficulty eating. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and recurrence after excision is rare. The female-to-male ratio is 10:1. It is observed three times more frequently on the maxilla than the mandible. They are solitary in most cases, but can be large and multiple.
Teratomas and rhabdomyosarcomas of the mandible are even more rare and are usually seen in the older patient population; they are not seen in the neonatal population.
Hemangiopericytomas are rare, vascular neoplasms that originate from vascular pericytes. They can occur anywhere in the body, including the mandible. They are slow-growing and present in the older patient population. The likelihood of presentation in a neonate is exceedingly low.
Odontogenic keratocysts are rare and benign, but locally aggressive lesions of the posterior mandible. They most commonly present in the third decade of life. They make up 19% of jaw cysts.
The inferior oblique muscle of the orbit is innervated by which of the following cranial nerves?
A) Oculomotor (III)
B) Trochlear (IV)
C) Trigeminal (V)
D) Abducens (VI)
E) Facial (VII)
The correct response is Option A.
The inferior oblique muscle receives its nerve supply from the oculomotor nerve, or cranial nerve III. The other voluntary muscles within the orbit that receive their innervation from the oculomotor nerve are the levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior medial rectus muscles. The superior oblique muscle is innervated by the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV). The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI).
The inferior oblique is the only one of these muscles that does not arise from the apex of the orbit. It originates from the medial floor of the orbit just posterior to the infraorbital rim. It runs laterally, posteriorly, and upward, crossing inferior to the inferior rectus, and inserting on the posterior half of the globe beneath the lateral rectus insertion. Its action is to elevate the globe, producing upward gaze of the pupil. Risk of iatrogenic injury to the inferior oblique is greatest with transconjunctival surgical approach to the orbit. Therefore, with this procedure, care must be exercised to place the periosteal incision along the anterior aspect of the infraorbital rim.
An 11-month-old male infant is noted by his parents to have a painless, progressive, right maxillary growth. At an outside facility, an incisional biopsy is performed. The pathology shows sinonasal myxoma. Postoperative MRI shows residual tumor with surrounding inflammation. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment plan?
A) Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
B) Chemotherapy only
C) Curettage debulking of the tumor
D) Surgical resection with clear margin
E) Observation
The correct response is Option D.
Myxomas are slow-growing benign tumors. When they present in the infant face, they are most common in the maxilla or mandible. They present as a painless, progressive facial swelling and should be surgically removed with a clear margin. These tumors should have a clear margin to prevent incomplete resection and continued growth. They are not always well circumscribed, so a normal margin or tissue plane should be resected with the tumor.
Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland?
A) Trigeminal (V) nerve
B) Vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve
C) Glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve
D) Vagus (X) nerve
E) Hypoglossal (XII) nerve
The correct response is Option C.
The innervation of the parotid gland comes from parasympathetic fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX). It also receives taste sensation (afferent) from the posterior one third of the tongue.
The maxillary nerve of cranial nerve V (V2) is a sensory nerve and receives sensation from the mid face.
Parasympathetic fibers (efferent) innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands via the chorda tympani. Afferent fibers, via the chorda tympani, send taste sensation of the anterior two thirds of the tongue.
The vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) supplies sound and equilibrium to the brain.
The Arnold nerve, also called the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), innervates the external acoustic meatus. Stimulation of the Arnold nerve can lead to reflex coughing (Arnold reflex).
A 65-year-old man presents with facial flushing and sweating with eating 4 weeks after undergoing parotidectomy. Which of the following tests will be most likely to establish the diagnosis?
A) Cottle maneuver
B) Ice pack test
C) Jones test
D) Minor iodine-starch test
E) Schirmer test
The correct response is Option D.
Auriculotemporal syndrome, or Frey syndrome, can occur after parotidectomy and less commonly after trauma, other facial surgeries (e.g., rhytidectomy), and neck dissection. It results from abnormal innervation (synkinesis) of sweat glands from the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the parotid. Symptoms include flushing, sweating, neuralgia, burning, and itching in response to gustatory stimulus. Diagnosis of Frey syndrome is based on clinical history, but the diagnosis can be confirmed with the Minor iodine-starch test: the ipsilateral face is painted with iodine and the patient is challenged with a sialogogue (e.g., lemon juice). Areas of gustatory sweating will turn blue.
The Jones test assesses patency of the lacrimal drainage system. The Cottle maneuver assesses the internal nasal valve. The ice pack test is used to assess myasthenic ptosis. The Schirmer test is a tear production test that can be used to assess dry eyes before blepharoplasty.
Which of the following structures is formed from the same branchial arch as the vagus (X) nerve?
a. Inferior parathyroid glands
b. Lesser horn of hyoid
c. Levator veli palatini
d. Maxillary artery
e. Styloid process
The correct response Option C.
Each of the six branchial arches gives rise to a branch of the aortic arch, a cranial nerve, muscular structures, and skeletal structures. The fourth branchial arch gives rise to the right proximal subclavian artery, the aortic arch, the vagus (X) nerve, the superior laryngeal nerve, the intrinsic muscles of the levator veli palatini, cricothyroid muscles, laryngeal cartilages, and the superior parathyroid glands.
The styloid process is derived from the second branchial arch, along with the stapedial and hyoid arteries, the facial (VII) nerve, the muscles of facial expression, the stapes, the lesser horn of the hyoid bone, and the crypts of the palatine tonsils.
The maxillary artery is derived from the first branchial arch, along with the trigeminal (V) nerve, the muscles of mastication, anterior belly of the digastric muscle, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid, mandible, incus and malleus, maxilla, vomer, zygoma, and temporal bone.
The inferior parathyroid glands are derived from the third branchial arch, along with the common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve, stylopharyngeus muscle, greater horn of the hyoid bone, and thymus.
The lesser horn of the hyoid bone is derived from the second branchial arch.
- Adams A, Mankad K, Offiah C, Childs L. Branchial Cleft Anomalies: A Pictorial Review of Embryological Development and Spectrum of Imaging Findings. Insights Imaging. 2016 Feb; 7(1):69-76.
- Cohen M. Malformations of the Craniofacial Region: Evolutionary, Embryologic, Genetic, and Clinical Perspectives. Am J Med Genet A. 2002 Dec; 115(4):245-68.
A 51-year-old woman is scheduled to undergo a lower lip reduction. Blockade of the mental nerve is planned for anesthesia. The most appropriate site for injection of the mental foramen blockade is the mucosa below which of the following teeth?
A) Canine
B) Central incisor
C) Lateral incisor
D) Second bicuspid
E) Second molar
The correct response is Option D.
The mental nerve foramen is located near the second bicuspid or first molar along the border of the mandible. This nerve will give sensation to the lower lip. The other answers are too distal or mesial for the mental nerve foramen.
A 12-year-old boy with a thyroglossal duct cyst undergoes a Sistrunk procedure. Which of the following structures are resected during this procedure?
A) Cyst and cyst tract only
B) Cyst, cyst tract, and middle third of the cricothyroid cartilage
C) Cyst, cyst tract, and middle third of the hyoid bone
D) Cyst, cyst tract, and middle third of the thyroid cartilage
E) Cyst, cyst tract, and the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid
The correct response is Option C.
The Sistrunk procedure is the operation of choice for thyroglossal duct cysts. This operation involves resection of the cyst, the cyst tract, and the middle third of the hyoid bone. In the Sistrunk procedure, the thyroid cartilage is not removed, nor is the cricothyroid cartilage. If, upon exploration, the distal tract is found to be in communication with the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid, then the communication should be excised. Despite this, resection of the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid is not a standard component of the Sistrunk procedure.
A 12-hour-old male newborn has cyanosis that improves with crying. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Choanal atresia
B) Laryngomalacia
C) Macroglossia
D) Micrognathia
E) Subglottic stenosis
The correct response is Option A.
Choanal atresia is a unilateral or bilateral anatomic abnormality of the posterior nasal passages and choanae, which prevents nasal gas exchange in newborns. The classic presentation of bilateral choanal atresia is cyanosis that improves with crying. Nasal airway obstruction can also become apparent when attempting to breast-feed the baby. On clinical examination, there would be no fogging of a mirror when held under the nares. The remaining abnormalities are other causes of respiratory obstruction in the pediatric patient.
A 9-year-old boy is brought to the office for evaluation of a nodule on the neck that appeared 1 week ago. The nodule measures 2 cm and is slightly to the right of midline. A photograph is shown. The lesion is slightly tender. Which of the following is the most appropriate management of this lesion?
A) Excision of lesion with any tract and a section of hyoid bone
B) Excision of lesion with any tract and a section of thyroid cartilage
C) Excision of lesion with any tract only
D) Fine-needle aspiration with cytology
E) Intralesional sclerotherapy under image guidance

The correct response is Option A.
Thyroglossal duct cysts are neck lesions that usually present during childhood, often after a localized inflammation or infection. They are usually neck lesions near the midline. Some may move with swallowing if they are close to the base of the tongue, but not all exhibit this finding. The congenital thyroglossal duct is the remnant of the descent of the developing thyroid gland, and it runs from the foramen cecum of the base of the tongue, down to the thyroid. Imaging is typically by ultrasound, but other modalities, including radioisotope scans to rule out ectopic thyroid tissue or confirm the location of the normal thyroid gland, have been suggested to avoid excising ectopic thyroid gland.
The Sistrunk procedure shows less recurrence and is a complete excision, including any associated tract, and about a 1-cm section of hyoid bone. Although proposed in 1928, this is still the most commonly recommended approach for thyroglossal duct cysts.
Fine-needle aspiration is appropriate for thyroid nodules, which are unlikely to present in an acute manner in this population.
Sclerotherapy is used for vascular anomalies and likely would have presented earlier on in childhood.
The stylopharyngeus muscle is innervated by which of the following nerves?
A) Facial (VII)
B) Glossopharyngeal (IX)
C) Hypoglossal (XII)
D) Trigeminal (V)
E) Vagus (X)
The correct response is Option B.
The pharyngeal muscles are all innervated by the vagus (X) nerve, except the stylopharyngeus muscle, which is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX).
The trigeminal nerve (V) is responsible for facial and oral sensation. The maxillary branch (V2) is responsible for sensation of the upper teeth, upper lip, hard palate, cheeks, and nasopharyngeal mucosa. The mandibular branch (V2) provides sensory fibers for the lower teeth, lower mucosa of the mouth and the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. The facial nerve (VII) provides motor innervation of the muscles of facial expression and the posterior bellies of the stylohyoid and digastric muscles. The vagus nerve (X) provides motor innervation to all of the pharyngeal muscles except the stylopharyngeus muscle. The hypoglossal nerve (XII) provides motor innervation to the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles and also provides motor innervation to the geniohyoid muscle through the ansa cervicalis.
A male newborn is evaluated because of persistent cyanosis at birth. The cyanosis is relieved by crying. Physical examination shows normal facies. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A) Choanal atresia
B) Lingual thyroid
C) Lymphatic malformation
D) Pierre Robin sequence
E) Subglottic stenosis
The correct response is Option A.
The patient described most likely has bilateral choanal atresia. Paradoxical cyanosis (cyanosis that is relieved by crying) is a classic symptom because newborns are obligate nose breathers. The diagnosis was traditionally confirmed by an inability to pass a catheter through the nose into the nasopharynx. CT scans are now routinely obtained and may show narrowing of the posterior nasal cavity because of medial displacement of the lateral nasal wall and pterygoid plates, as well as enlargement of the posterior vomer. Choanal atresia may be isolated or associated with other abnormalities, such as in the CHARGE association (coloboma, heart defects, choanal atresia, retarded growth and development, genital hypoplasia, and ear abnormalities), or with various craniosynostotic syndromes.
Lingual thyroid results from failure of some or all of the thyroid gland to descend from the tuberculum impar of the tongue during embryonic development and presents as a posterior tongue mass that may obstruct the airway. Lymphatic malformations, also known as cystic hygromas when occurring in the head and neck region, are soft, subcutaneous masses that may be associated with respiratory distress when very large. Pierre Robin sequence consists of glossoptosis (posterior displacement of the tongue), micrognathia (small mandible), airway obstruction, and often a cleft palate. Respiratory distress is caused by obstruction by the tongue and is relieved by prone positioning. Congenital subglottic stenosis results in respiratory distress caused by narrowing of the subglottic airway. The stenosis may be membranous, in which there is submucosal hypertrophy of fibrous connective tissue and mucous glands, or cartilaginous, in which the cricoid cartilage is shaped abnormally. None of these entities typically presents with paradoxical cyanosis.
A patient undergoes extraction of a fully impacted mandibular third molar. During corticotomy of the mandible, protection of the adjacent soft tissue is necessary to avoid injury to which of the following nerves?
A) Facial
B) Hypoglossal
C) Inferior alveolar
D) Infraorbital
E) Lingual
The correct response is Option E.
Protection of the lingual border of the mandible during extraction of mandible wisdom teeth is critically necessary because of the close proximity of the lingual nerve to the lingual border of the mandible. This nerve can be inadvertently injured if not routinely protected during third molar extractions.
Which of the following muscles is associated with the hyoid or second branchial arch?
A) Lateral pterygoid
B) Levator veli palatini
C) Posterior digastric
D) Stylopharyngeus
E) Thyroarytenoid
The correct response is Option C.
The first branchial arch, also known as the mandibular arch, has the trigeminal nerve (ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular branches) as its neurologic component. The muscles of mastication (i.e., temporalis, masseter, medial, and lateral pterygoids); mylohyoid; anterior digastric; tensor tympanic; and the tensor veli palatini are the muscle components. The cartilaginous bar gives rise to the premaxilla; maxilla, zygomatic bone; part of the temporal bone; incus; malleus; anterior malleolar ligament; and the sphenomandibular ligament. The pharyngeal pouch and groove develop the tubotympanic recess (tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum and pharyngotympanic tube, internal acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane, adenoids). The vascular element largely disappears, but gives rise to the maxillary and external carotid arteries.
The second branchial arch, also known as the hyoid arch, accounts for 95% of all branchial arch anomalies. The cranial nerve is the facial nerve. It supplies the muscles of facial expression; buccinators; stapedius; stylohyoid; posterior digastric; auricular and platysma muscles. The skeletal contributions from Reichert’s cartilage include the stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, and hyoid (lesser cornu and upper part of body). The pharyngeal pouch and groove shape the crypts of the palatine tonsil and the cervical sinus. The vascular component again primarily disappears but forms the stapedial and hyoid arteries.
Third branchial cleft anomalies are rare. The glossopharyngeal nerve sends motor innervation to only the stylopharyngeus. The cartilaginous bar forms the hyoid (greater cornu and lower part of body). The pharyngeal pouch and groove give rise to the inferior parathyroids, thymus, and cervical sinus. The vascular elements contribute to the internal carotid and common carotid.
The fourth branchial arch is supplied by the vagus nerve (superior laryngeal, inferior laryngeal). Musculature innervated includes the cricothyroid and all intrinsic muscles of the soft palate, including the levator veli palatini. The thyroid and epiglottic cartilage develop from the cartilaginous bar. The pharyngeal pouch and groove form the superior parathyroids, and the thyroid parafollicular cells. The right fourth aortic arch forms the subclavian artery, while the left fourth aortic arch forms the aortic arch.
The sixth branchial arch also is supplied by the vagus nerve (recurrent laryngeal nerve). This area supplies all intrinsic muscles of the larynx (except the ciricothyroid-fourth arch). This includes the thyroarytenoid muscle, which makes up the primary mass of the vocal fold. It consists of two parts, the ventricularis and vocalis. Skeletal derivations form the cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages. The right sixth aortic arch gives rise to the right pulmonary artery and the left sixth aortic arch forms the left pulmonary artery and the ductus arteriosus.
Which of the following structures contributes to the formation of the mandibular body and ramus?
A) First branchial arch
B) First branchial cleft
C) Second branchial arch
D) Second branchial cleft
The correct response is Option A.
The first branchial arch contributes to the formation of the mandible, the tragus, and the anterior helix.
The first branchial cleft gives rise to the external auditory canal. The second branchial arch contributes to the formation of the majority of the external ear–the antitragus, remainder of the helix, antihelix, and crura all arise from the second branchial arch. The second branchial cleft is typically obliterated during development, but may persist in the form of a second branchial cleft cyst.
A 4-year-old boy is seen following a pitbull bite to his face. The periorbital findings are shown in the photograph. A stent is placed and the ends of the stent are advanced across the canaliculus. The ends of the stent will enter the nasal cavity in which of the following locations?
A) Above the superior turbinate
B) Below the superior turbinate
C) Above the middle turbinate
D) Below the middle turbinate
E) Above the inferior turbinate
F) Below the inferior turbinate

The correct response is Option F.
Reconstruction of the lacrimal apparatus is a critical step in addressing this patient’s periorbital wounds. Failure to properly manage this aspect of the injury will lead to epiphora and the inevitable need for a secondary procedure to manage tear drainage. Delayed reconstruction of this injury would likely require a conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy, a surgically created conduit between the eyelid and the nose. The best initial management of this lacrimal apparatus disruption is as described—placement of a stent through the canaliculi, into the lacrimal duct (contained within the maxillary bone), and into the nose. The exit point of the nasolacrimal duct is via the valve of Hasner, below the inferior turbinate. It is here that the ends of the stent can be identified and retrieved, although this is often quite challenging.
The frontal, maxillary, and anterior ethmoid sinus cells drain into the middle meatus, just below the middle turbinate. The sphenoid sinus and posterior ethmoid sinuses drain into the sphenoethmoid recess, between the nasal septum and the superior turbinate.
A 60-year-old man undergoes microvascular anastomosis. The proximal facial artery off the external carotid artery is to be dissected and used as a recipient vessel. During the procedure, a large, overlying, nerve-like structure is inadvertently transected. Which of the following is the most likely consequence?
A) Dysarthria
B) Lip elevation
C) Shoulder drop
D) Tongue numbness
E) Vocal cord paralysis
The correct response is Option A.
The facial artery generally starts as part of the lingual-facial trunk, then travels below the hypoglossal nerve before it enters into the submandibular gland and along the lateral border of the mandible. Failure to recognize this structure could cause injury and subsequent loss of motor function of the ipsilateral tongue. Ipsilateral hypoglossal (XII) nerve injury causes the tongue to move toward the side of damage, resulting in dysarthria, and problems moving solid food to the oropharynx.
Vocal cord paralysis is related to a recurrent laryngeal or vagus (X) nerve injury, which could happen after superior laryngeal artery or common carotid dissection, respectively.
Shoulder drop is related to accessory (XI) nerve injury, which has anatomic relation to the occipital artery.
Tongue numbness is from an injury to the lingual nerve (related mostly to the laryngeal artery and submandibular duct).
Lip elevation is related to a marginal mandibular (V3) nerve injury—this nerve runs with the facial artery lateral to the mandible, but not below the margin of the mandible.