Hand - Fractures - Dislocations Flashcards
An 11-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department after sustaining an injury to the tip of the left long finger while playing baseball. The long fingertip is held in a flexed position. The proximal nail plate is slightly visible superficial to the eponychial fold, and a small subungual hematoma is noted. An x-ray study is shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A) Closed reduction and distal interphalangeal joint extension splinting for 6 to 8 weeks
B) Closed reduction, removal of nail plate, and percutaneous pinning
C) Open reduction, repair of nail bed, and Kirschner wire fixation
D) Repair of zone I flexor tendon avulsion
E) Suture repair of lacerations and observation for 6 weeks

The correct response is Option C.
This patient has a Seymour fracture, or an open physeal/juxta-epiphyseal fracture of the distal phalanx. These injuries present as mallet-like injuries, but they are open fractures by definition. The treatment of choice is open reduction, debridement of the fracture site, repair of associated nail bed laceration, and Kirschner wire fixation of the fracture across the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. The injury is secondary to hyperflexion and is essentially a Salter I or Salter II fracture of the distal phalanx. The flexed posture occurs because the terminal extensor tendon inserts on the proximal dorsal epiphysis, while the flexor digitorum profundus inserts on the metaphysis of the bone distal to the fracture site. These injuries can often be mistaken for mallet injuries or DIP dislocations. Often a flap of nail bed matrix becomes interposed between the fracture fragments, preventing closed reduction. This must be repaired. It is recommended to not discard the nail plate, because it helps maintain bone reduction. Dorsal physeal widening and flexion of the distal fracture fragment is seen on lateral x-ray studies.
Observation alone for a Seymour fracture, mallet finger, or DIP dislocation is inappropriate.
Closed reduction and DIP extension splinting is generally the treatment of choice for mallet-type injuries. These can be purely soft-tissue mallet fingers or osseous mallet fractures. Initial treatment should include closed reduction by extension or hyperextension and splinting that isolates the DIP joint in extension. Generally, the splint is worn for 6 to 8 weeks continuously, and then for a period of time at night as indicated. Compliance may be an issue with the pediatric or adolescent population, and the patient should be seen regularly to assess splint fit and skin integrity.
Closed reduction and pinning may be necessary for osseous mallet fingers with associated volar subluxation of the distal phalanx. Several techniques have been described, but this is not appropriate for a Seymour fracture. The nail bed tissue must be reduced from the fracture site to achieve anatomic reduction in this case. Also, closed treatment has an unacceptable incidence of infection, residual finger deformity from incomplete reduction, and nail deformity.
A zone I flexor tendon avulsion, or jersey finger, would present with the DIP joint held in extension. This is opposite to the presentation of this patient. In that case, the patient would require open exploration and reinsertion of the profundus tendon to the distal phalanx via bone tunnels or suture anchor.
A 22-year-old man comes to the emergency department after falling onto his outstretched left hand. An x-ray study and a clinical photograph are shown. Attempted reduction is unsuccessful. Reduction is most likely blocked by which of the following anatomical structures?
A) Central slip
B) Dorsal capsule and collateral ligaments
C) Flexor tendons and intrinsic muscles
D) Lateral bands
E) Sagittal bands

The correct response is Option C.
Dorsal metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) dislocations are relatively uncommon. They occur with forced hyperextension injuries. The digit involved most commonly is the index finger, followed by the little finger.
With complete dislocation, the volar plate ruptures in the membranous proximal portion and becomes interposed in the joint. If this were the only structure blocking reduction, traction on the joint would be sufficient to draw the proximal edge of the volar plate over the metacarpophalangeal head. This is not possible in an irreducible MCP dislocation because additional taut medial and lateral structures are drawn around the narrow metacarpophalangeal neck. At the index finger, the structures include the lumbrical on the radial side and the flexor tendons on the ulnar side. At the little finger, the structures are the common tendon of the abductor digiti minimi and flexor digiti minimi on the ulnar side and the lumbrical and flexor tendons on the radial side. Central slip remains dorsal at the proximal interphalangeal joint and is not associated with the metacarpophalangeal joint. The other structures at the MCP joint would not result in a noose around the metacarpal neck and block reduction.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management of the fracture shown in the radiograph (not available) above?
(A) Buddy taping
(B) Extension block splinting
(C) Stack splinting
(D) Closed reduction and longitudinal pin fixation
(E) Open reduction and internal fixation
The correct response is Option D.
This patient has a type IV mallet injury in which greater than 30% of the articular surface of the distal phalanx has been avulsed. The most appropriate management of this patient’s fracture is closed reduction and longitudinal pin fixation. Because most of the collateral ligament remains attached to the avulsed fragment, the distal phalanx is subluxed on the middle phalanx. In order to correct this deformity, closed reduction and longitudinal Kirschner wire immobilization or open reduction with a pull-out wire technique should be performed. This will restore articular congruity and reduce the subluxed joint, preventing the development of osteoarthritis. Most type IV mallet injuries can be reduced with a closed technique alone; open reduction should be considered only if closed reduction cannot be achieved.
Buddy taping is more appropriate for dislocations of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints but will not immobilize the distal interphalangeal joint in extension. Extension block splinting, which again does not immobilize the distal interphalangeal joint, is a useful rehabilitation technique in patients with dorsal dislocations of the proximal interphalangeal joint.
Stack splinting is more appropriate for correction of a type I mallet injury in which the tendon is avulsed from the proximal dorsal base of the distal phalanx. The stack splint immobilizes the distal interphalangeal joint in extension, allowing healing of the avulsed tendon to the distal phalanx. Stack splinting should also be used following suture repair in a patient with a type II mallet injury, which manifests as an open laceration of the terminal extensor tendon.
A 45-year-old man who has had pain, swelling, and ecchymoses over the ulnar aspect of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint since falling on his outstretched hand three days ago. On examination, a tender mass can be palpated.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
(A) Application of a thumb spica splint
(B) Application of a thumb spica cast
(C) Closed reduction
(D) Open reduction
The correct response is Option D.
Open reduction is the most appropriate management of this patient’s deformity. These findings are consistent with a classic Stener lesion, in which the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) avulses and retracts proximally. The interposed adductor aponeurosis precludes primary healing; the UCL will not heal properly without contact at the site of avulsion. Avulsion of the UCL can occur with or without a bony fragment. A mass can be palpated. Laxity of the ulnar capsule will occur and will not improve with immobilization of the fracture, resulting in chronic pain and instability. Open reduction and internal fixation should be performed to effectively restore contact between the fracture fragments and allow the fracture to heal.
In patients who have partial tears of the UCL, operative repair is indicated if collateral ligament instability is greater than 30 degrees during stress in both full extension and semi-flexion. Conservative management is recommended instead for incomplete ligament tears not associated with instability.
Appropriate surgical repair of this injury includes debridement of the fracture fragment, division of the adductor aponeurosis, and anchoring of the residual UCL to the small area of decorticated proximal phalanx using sutures. The adductor aponeurosis is repaired after the UCL is attached. The repaired ligament can be protected with a transarticular Kirschner wire and a cast for four weeks. After the cast is removed, a thumb spica splint should be worn for four weeks.
As mentioned above, splint immobilization or closed reduction would be ineffective in restoring contact between the fracture fragments in this patient.
A 42-year-old man comes to the office for initial consultation regarding an injury to the small finger of the right hand for which he was treated at an outside hospital one week ago. No medical records or radiographs related to the injury are available. The device on the patient €™s finger (shown) was most likely placed for correction of which of the following conditions?
(A) Central slip avulsion
(B) Fracture dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint
(C) Fracture of the middle phalangeal shaft
(D) Laceration of the flexor tendon
(E) Mallet finger deformity

The correct response is Option B.
Operative treatment of a fracture dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is generally indicated when more than 30% to 40% of the volar articular surface is involved. With this fragment volume, the PIP joint is unstable and displaced. Treatment options include open reduction and internal fixation, extension block pinning, or use of a dynamic traction device. Several manufactured devices are on the market; however, the simple device pictured has been shown to be very effective and can be made using easily available Kirschner wires. The technique relies on the fact that distraction of the finger will reliably reduce the fracture and restore the joint anatomy. It also allows the patient to move the joint during fracture healing, decreasing the incidence of PIP stiffness.
A simple central slip avulsion can be treated with extension splinting. The device shown would not stabilize a fracture of the phalangeal shaft. An unstable shaft fracture could be managed by pinning or plate fixation. Repair of the flexor tendon would not be helped by a dynamic intradigital traction device. A mallet injury would be treated with hyperextension splinting.
A 30-year-old man is evaluated for a hand injury after punching a wall. X-ray study shows a fracture of the fifth metacarpal neck. Which of the following findings is most likely to require surgical intervention?
A) Angulation
B) Callus formation
C) Impaction
D) Malrotation
E) Shortening
The correct response is Option D.
Malrotation causes scissoring of the affected digit, which will adversely affect neighboring digits. This will affect activities of daily living and is an indication for operative intervention. Other indications for operative intervention include displaced intra-articular fractures, severe soft-tissue injury, unstable open fractures, segmental bone loss, and multiple fractures. Angulation is usually dorsal tip–oriented because of intrinsic and extrinsic muscle pull. A good rule of thumb is the 10, 20, 30, 40 for digits two, three, four, and five. The fourth and fifth digits have carpometacarpal joint mobility and can tolerate larger angulation. The fifth digit metacarpal may even tolerate up to 70 degrees of angulation as long as there is no extensor lag. Impaction can lead to shortening and/or angulation, which is tolerated more than rotational deformities. Similarly, shortening is well tolerated as long as there is no extensor lag. Nonoperative complications include aesthetic with loss of knuckle and possible pain in the palm from the metacarpal head. Callus formation is indicative of an old, healed fracture.
The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the thumb is which of the following types of joint?
A) Ball-and-socket
B) Condyloid
C) Hinge
D) Pivot
E) Saddle
The correct response is Option C.
The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the thumb and interphalangeal joints of the index through little fingers are hinged joints and allow flexion and extension only. Lateral forces can disrupt the collateral ligaments, resulting in partial or full tears.
Condyloid joints allow flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and circumduction, and they can be seen in the MCP joints of the index through little fingers and in wrist joints. Saddle joints allow flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and circumduction, and they can be seen in the carpometacarpal joint on the thumb. Ball-and-socket joints allow flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and internal and external rotation, and they can be seen in the shoulder and hip joints. Pivot joints allow rotation and are seen in the atlas and axis bones.
A 20-year-old football player twisted the small finger of the right hand when he tackled another player during a game one hour ago. Physical examination shows dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the small finger. A photograph and radiograph of the hand are shown above. Regional block anesthesia is administered, and even with flexion of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, closed reduction is not possible. Which of the following anatomic structures are most likely blocking reduction of the dislocated joint?
(A) Central slip and lateral band
(B) Flexor digitorum profundus tendon and Cleland’s ligament
(C) Flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus tendons
(D) Lateral band and Grayson’s ligament
(E) Volar plate and Grayson’s ligament

The correct response is Option A.
This is an irreducible volar dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint of the small finger. In this injury, the condyle of the proximal phalanx ruptures through the transverse retinacular ligaments, usually between the central slip and the lateral band, which then become tightened around the condyle and prevent reduction, even with appropriate joint maneuvers. The central slip and lateral band structures should be identified and carefully reduced around the condyle to allow for reduction of the joint.
Cleland’s ligaments are involved in Dupuytren’s disease but not in irreducible dislocations of the PIP joint. The flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus tendons are not involved in dislocations of this type. Grayson’s ligaments are not involved in irreducible dislocations of the digits.
In this patient, a slight division of the transverse retinacular ligaments between the central slip and the lateral band is required to facilitate reduction of the joint. Occasionally, division of the lateral band is required but should not be performed as initial management. This procedure was performed with a local anesthetic. Once reduction was achieved, proper functioning of the joint was verified with the full cooperation of the patient. The PIP joint was immobilized in extension; the distal interphalangeal and metacarpohalangeal joints were not splinted.
A 23-year-old male rugby player is evaluated because of the inability to flex the ring finger at the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint 2 days after injuring the finger during a match. The patient reports tenderness over the pulp and distal flexion crease. A clinical photograph and x-ray studies are shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A ) Closed reduction and percutaneous pin fixation
B ) DIP arthrodesis
C ) Extension block splinting
D ) Open reduction and internal fixation
E ) Volar plate arthroplasty

The correct response is Option D.
The clinical scenario, photograph, and x-ray studies demonstrate classic symptoms of a ?jersey finger,? or avulsion of the insertion of the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon. In this instance, the rupture involves a large bone fragment to which the FDP tendon remains attached (Type III). The large size of the bone fragment lends itself to repair via open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture. Use of mini-screws or transosseous wiring will provide suitable internal fixation. Type II (retraction of the tendon to the proximal interphalangeal [PIP] joint) and Type I (retraction to the palm) injuries can be addressed through transosseous suture reattachment or suture anchor.
Inadequate closed reduction would make percutaneous pin fixation a poor choice of treatment.
Arthrodesis offers a salvage procedure for failed or unrepaired FDP avulsion injuries. In this young patient with an acute condition, arthrodesis would be too aggressive an intervention.
Extension block splinting can be useful in volar plate injuries, which are often identified by a small, palmar avulsion fragment seen on the lateral x-ray study. This fracture would not be successfully reduced by attempts at flexion or splinting.
Volar plate arthroplasty can restore a functional articular surface following intra-articular fractures of the PIP joint but are not useful in the DIP.
A healthy 11-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department because of worsening redness and pain around the site of an injury to the middle finger of the left hand. The patient sustained the original injury 3 weeks ago while wrestling with his brother. The patient had swelling and pain of the finger, but the pain resolved quickly, so no medical care was sought. The patient’s mother reports that she noticed a small bump on the dorsum of the finger since then. However, the patient developed redness and pain 2 days ago at the same site, both of which have worsened. An image and x-ray studies are shown. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient’s symptoms?
A) Biting of nails
B) Exposure to Pasteurella species
C) Flexor tendon avulsion
D) Immunocompromised state
E) Trapped germinal matrix

The correct response is Option E.
This patient has a Seymour fracture—a juxta-epiphyseal open fracture—of the distal phalanx as evidenced by the eponychial disruption and fracture pattern on x-ray study. These are open fractures traditionally frequently with associated nail bed transection. Unfortunately, secondary to delay in treatment, the patient developed osteomyelitis.
These patients often present with a mallet-appearing deformity from flexion of the distal fracture segment, the nail may be disrupted (with the distal nail bed) and lay superficial to the eponychial fold, while the transected nail bed proximally (germinal matrix) becomes entrapped within the fracture, making closed reduction prone to failure. Acute treatment in the emergency department or operating room consists of nail plate removal, reduction of the trapped nail bed, irrigation and debridement of the fracture site, reduction of the fracture, nail bed repair, nail plate replacement, and immobilization. Instability or inadequate reduction warrants operative intervention and may require Kirschner wire fixation. Inadequate reduction and/or delayed treatment are critical influences of infection rates. In a study by Reyes and Ho in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, investigators reviewed acute appropriate reduction, acute partial treatment, and delayed treatment. No infections occurred in the acute appropriately managed group, whereas 15% of the patients developed infections in the partially treated group, and 45% of the delayed treatment group developed infections. Biting of nails has been associated with nontraumatic paronychial infections. There is no history of immunocompromised state, and healthy children can acquire infections with these injuries. This patient sustained the injury wrestling his brother as opposed to from an animal bite. Pasteurella is not the most frequent bacteria associated with infections in patients who have sustained Seymour fractures. Flexor tendon avulsions, also known as jersey fingers, are traditionally closed and would demonstrate lack of flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint.
A 20-year-old rugby player is evaluated for an acute thumb injury 4 hours after falling onto his outstretched hand while being tackled. X-ray study is shown. Surgical intervention is planned. Which of the following is the most appropriate force to apply to the thumb metacarpal during reduction?
A) Abduction
B) Axial compression
C) Flexion
D) Supination

The correct response is Option A.
In a Bennett fracture, the smaller volar-ulnar fragment is retained by the anterior oblique (beak) ligament, while the abductor pollicis longus, thumb extensor tendons, and the adductor pollicis combine to distract the base of the larger shaft fragment radially, dorsally, and proximally. These distracting forces create joint incongruity, which is a relative indication for fracture reduction. These forces must be countered to reduce the fracture, thus, requiring axial distraction, pronation, and abduction of the metacarpal shaft, while simultaneously applying external pressure at the radial base of the metacarpal.
Axial compression will worsen proximal migration of the metacarpal shaft. Extension will worsen dorsal displacement, and supination will further distract the volar surfaces of the fracture fragments. Application of these forces will not promote fracture reduction.
A 25-year-old man presents to the office because of pain and swelling at the base of his dominant right thumb 3 days after a fall from his bicycle. X-ray study shows a Bennett fracture. The patient is scheduled for surgery. In addition to longitudinal traction and volarly directed pressure applied to the dorsal radial metacarpal base, which of the following best describes the appropriate reduction maneuver for this injury?
A) Abduction and pronation of the thumb
B) Abduction and supination of the thumb
C) Adduction and flexion of the thumb
D) Adduction and pronation of the thumb
E) Adduction and supination of the thumb
The correct response is Option A.
A Bennett fracture is an intra-articular fracture-dislocation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb that occurs following an axially loading force through a partially flexed metacarpal. A variable-sized volar ulnar fragment of the metacarpal base articular surface remains in position by attachment of the anterior oblique ligament to the trapezium. The larger fragment consisting of the remaining metacarpal base subluxates proximally, radially, and dorsally due to deforming forces from the abductor pollicis longus and the thumb extensors. Deforming forces from the adductor pollicis also cause metacarpal adduction and supination. To counteract the deforming forces of this unstable fracture-dislocation, reduction is attempted by applying axial traction to the extended thumb, palmar abduction, and pronation, while exerting pressure over the metacarpal base in preparation for insertion of Kirschner wires.
Which of the following is most likely an open fracture?
A) Barton
B) Colles
C) Epiphyseal
D) Salter-Harris III
E) Seymour
The correct response is Option E.
The Seymour fracture in children displaces through the epiphysis with the nail matrix interposed between the fragments. It is always an open fracture.
The Salter-Harris classification is the most commonly used method to describe the five most frequent patterns of pediatric fractures involving the physis. The classification helps explain the mechanism of injury and anticipate the consequences of the fracture upon subsequent growth. A Salter-Harris III fracture is epiphyseal but is not necessarily open.
Colles and Barton fractures are seen in the distal radius.
A 58-year-old woman comes to the emergency department one hour after she sustained an injury to the left hand when she tripped and fell. Physical examination shows edema and ecchymosis of the left small finger. X-ray study of hand is shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A) Dynamic traction
B) Casting
C) Percutaneous K-wire fixation
D) Open reduction and internal fixation
E) Arthrodesis
Correct answer is option A.
When intra-articular fractures of the phalanges are severely comminuted or unstable, traditional methods of operative fracture fixation or immobilization may have an unacceptably high rate of late joint stiffness. Immobilization (splints, casts, or K-wire fixation) can hinder joint mobility by promoting the formation of intra-articular adhesions and extra-articular joint capsule contractures. The dynamic traction method, however, combines movement and traction in the treatment of intra-articular fractures. Distal traction reduces and realigns the articular fragments by forces exerted on them through ligamentous attachments (ligamentotaxis). In severely comminuted articular surface fractures, open reduction may be impossible and ligamentotaxis the only way to achieve adequate fragment reduction. Movement under continuous traction also helps prevent joint stiffness and contracture. The dynamic traction splint is usually worn for six weeks, but this can vary from four to eight weeks, depending on the severity of the fracture. Continuous passive motion following intra-articular fractures has shown to improve articular cartilage healing and regeneration. Initiation of continuous passive motion, however, requires prior reduction and stabilization of the fracture site. Pilon fractures of the PIP joint typically involve a comminuted fracture, with problematic late stiffness if standard immobilization techniques are used. Interphalangeal joint fusion is a salvage procedure to achieve stability and pain relief, particularly in the index and small fingers, where grip strength is of high importance.
A 25-year-old man comes to the emergency department six hours after sustaining an acute dorsal dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the ring finger of the dominant right hand. Following reduction, the joint is stable when flexed approximately 30 degrees but is unstable in full extension. Postreduction lateral radiographs show that approximately 20% of the volar articular surface is avulsed from the base of the middle phalanx. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial management?
A) Extension-block splinting
B) Hemi-hamate arthroplasty
C) Repair of the torn collateral ligaments
D) Screw fixation of the fracture fragment
E) Volar plate arthroplasty
Correct answer is option A.
Acute dorsal dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint is a complex problem that requires various approaches to treatment depending on the percentage of articular surface disrupted and the presence of impaction. Generally, if only 20% of the volar articular surface is avulsed from the base of the middle phalanx, when the fracture is reduced, there is sufficient collateral ligament attached to both the volar lip fragment and the majority of the middle phalanx to bring the fragments into close apposition. Extension-block splinting can safely be performed up to a 30-degree angle block. If more flexion is required to reduce the fragments or maintain stability, then closed reduction and splinting is probably not adequate because unacceptable flexion contracture may result. In such cases, the wound may be opened and screw fixation of the fracture fragment may be indicated. In cases of comminution, impaction, or greater amounts of articular loss, a volar plate arthroplasty or hemi-hamate arthroplasty may be indicated. Other dynamic splinting methods of treating these injuries in certain cases are the Agee force-couple technique and the Schenck splint technique. In summary, the maximum percentage of middle phalanx joint avulsion that is acceptable for closed reduction is approximately 30% to 40% and no more than 30 degrees of flexion can be accepted to maintain reduction. When extension-block splinting is used, generally after approximately two weeks of splinting, the finger is gradually extended or buddy taped to an adjacent finger to start controlled extension. Prolonged flexion can result in permanent contracture.
A 28-year-old professional baseball player comes to the emergency department one hour after he sustained injuries to the index finger of the dominant right hand during a game. A radiograph is shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
(A) Buddy taping the index and long fingers for three weeks
(B) Closed reduction, splinting, and repeat radiography at four weeks
(C) Extension block splinting with early protected motion
(D) Open reduction with rigid screw fixation with early protected motion
(E) Skeletal dynamic traction splinting for three weeks

The correct response is Option D.
Condylar fractures of the proximal phalanx are inherently unstable. The patient described has a displaced condylar fracture. The standard of care is open reduction and internal fixation with either screws or Kirschner wire. Screw fixation allows for early active range of motion. Percutaneous pinning or fixation with cannulated screws under C €‘arm control is a reasonable approach; however, it can be more difficult to obtain reduction using these techniques.
Nondisplaced condylar fractures can be treated with splinting alone. However, displacement is likely and radiographs must be taken frequently to monitor for displacement. Similarly, closed reduction can be performed, but frequent follow-up radiographs are needed.
Buddy taping is not appropriate because the intrinsic instability of condylar fractures of the proximal phalanx is ignored. A displacement of 2 mm also requires open reduction and internal fixation.
Skeletal dynamic traction splinting is appropriate for severely comminuted proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint fractures such as those seen with pylon-type injuries.
A 22-year-old man comes to the emergency department after falling onto his outstretched left hand. An x-ray study and a clinical photograph are shown. Attempted reduction is unsuccessful. Reduction is most likely blocked by which of the following anatomical structures?
A) Central slip
B) Dorsal capsule and collateral ligaments
C) Flexor tendons and intrinsic muscles
D) Lateral bands
E) Sagittal bands
Correct answer is option C.
Dorsal metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) dislocations are relatively uncommon. They occur with forced hyperextension injuries. The digit involved most commonly is the index finger, followed by the little finger. With complete dislocation, the volar plate ruptures in the membranous proximal portion and becomes interposed in the joint. If this were the only structure blocking reduction, traction on the joint would be sufficient to draw the proximal edge of the volar plate over the metacarpophalangeal head. This is not possible in an irreducible MCP dislocation because additional taut medial and lateral structures are drawn around the narrow metacarpophalangeal neck. At the index finger, the structures include the lumbrical on the radial side and the flexor tendons on the ulnar side. At the little finger, the structures are the common tendon of the abductor digiti minimi and flexor digiti minimi on the ulnar side and the lumbrical and flexor tendons on the radial side. Central slip remains dorsal at the proximal interphalangeal joint and is not associated with the metacarpophalangeal joint. The other structures at the MCP joint would not result in a noose around the metacarpal neck and block reduction.
A 25-year-old man has an acute fracture of the third metacarpal on his dominant hand. An x-ray study shows a displaced oblique fracture with shortening and rotation. During open reduction, which of the following muscles is most likely attached to the fracture fragments?
A) Abductor digiti minimi
B) Extensor digiti minimi
C) Extensor indicis proprius
D) Interosseous
E) Lumbrical
The correct response is Option D.
The correct answer is the second dorsal interossei radially and third dorsal interossei ulnarly. There is little variation in atomic origins of the interosseous muscles. All interossei originate from the corresponding metacarpal shafts. The extensor indicis proprius and extensor digiti minimi muscle bellies are located in the forearm. The abductor digiti minimi muscle is attached to the 5th metacarpal.
The lumbrical originates on the flexor digitorum profundus tendon and not on the bone.
A 20-year-old college basketball player sustains a dorsal dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the dominant index finger. Repeat attempts at closed reduction are unsuccessful. Which of the following structures are the most likely cause of the unsuccessful closed reduction?
(A) Extensor indices, lumbrical muscle, and flexor digitorum profundus
(B) Flexor digitorum profundus, volar plate, and sagittal bands
(C) Lumbrical muscle, volar plate, and flexor digitorum profundus
(D) Sagittal bands, extensor indices, and lumbrical muscle
(E) Volar plate, sagittal bands, and extensor indices
The correct response is Option C.
The lumbrical muscle, volar plate, and flexor digitorum profundus tendons are most likely interfering with reduction of the index finger dislocation. Dorsal dislocations are uncommon injuries that occur as a result of forced hyperextension. The membranous proximal portion of the volar plate ruptures and becomes interposed dorsally between the base of the proximal phalanx and the dorsal metacarpal head. Reduction can be accomplished by flexing the wrist, which loosens the flexor tendons, and then applying pressure, directed distally and volarly, to the base of the proximal phalanx. In patients with complex dislocations, open reduction is required because the volar plate lies in the joint space, blocking a successful closed reduction. With dislocations of the metacarpophalangeal joint, the flexor digitorum profundus tendon lies ulnar to the joint and the lumbrical muscle lies radial to the joint. The sagittal bands and extensor indices are dorsal structures that are not involved.
A 23-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after twisting the long finger of his dominant right hand while playing basketball. Physical examination shows dorsal instability of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. X-ray study shows a volar buttress fracture involving 40% of the articular surface of the base of the middle phalanx. X-ray joint reduction is attained by passively flexing the PIP joint to 30 degrees. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A) Dynamic force-coupler external fixation
B) Extension block splinting
C) Hemi-hamate reconstruction of the volar buttress
D) Open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture fragments
E) Volar plate arthroplasty
Correct answer is option B.
If the PIP fracture/dislocation can be maintained stable with 30 degrees of flexion, then this is suitable to treat by extension block splinting. This will be the case with an approximate 40% volar articular fracture of the base of the middle phalanx. There is a risk of late flexion contracture if greater than 30 degrees of flexion is required to maintain PIP joint stability. More complex injuries may be treated with force-coupler dynamic splinting or with hemi-hamate reconstruction. For a larger fracture fragment with greater instability, open reduction and internal fixation may be required. Volar plate arthroplasty may be suitable with more chronic injuries and is limited to 60% of the articular surface.
The spiral fracture shown above was most likely caused by which of the following types of forces?
(A) Axial loading
(B) Compression
(C) Tension
(D) Three-point bending
(E) Torsion

The correct response is Option E.
Spiral fractures occur when torsional loads are applied to bones. Axial loading and compression cause oblique fractures. Both tension and three-point bending can cause transverse fractures.
A 40-year old woman who is a pitcher on a softball team has had swelling and discomfort of the ring finger of the dominant right hand since she sustained an injury during a game five days ago. She is concerned because she is not able to grip a softball and has several games scheduled over the next few months. Physical examination is limited because of edema and pain. The lateral radiograph is shown. Which of the following interventions is the most appropriate initial management of this patient’s finger?
A) Buddy taping of the ring and long fingers
B) Extension block splinting of the proximal interphalangeal joint
C) Forearm-based intrinsic plus splinting
D) Hyperextension splinting of the distal interphalangeal joint
E) Injection of a corticosteroid into the proximal interphalangeal joint
Correct answer is option B.
The patient described has a fracture dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint, which is a frequent sports injury. The most common pattern involves the volar lip of the middle phalanx. With the stability of the PIP joint disrupted, the finger subluxes or dislocates dorsally. Early identification of the injury pattern and severity is critical to successful outcome. After evaluation and radiography, the injury should be splinted in a protected position. A dorsal semiflexed splint should protect the PIP joint in a stable, reduced position. The dorsal splint, which blocks extension, protects the injured joint from further complications. An injection of a corticosteroid will alleviate pain and swelling but is not indicated for a fracture dislocation injury. Buddy taping is useful for PIP joint collateral ligament injury. Hyperextension casting of the distal interphalangeal joint is indicated for a mallet injury or terminal tendon disruption. An intrinsic plus splint is useful for many soft tissue and bony injuries. However, the injury in the patient described requires specific positioning of the PIP joint.
A 58-year-old woman comes to the emergency department one hour after she sustained an injury to the left hand when she tripped and fell. Physical examination shows edema and ecchymosis of the left small finger. X-ray study of the wrist is shown. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
(A) Dynamic traction
(B) Casting
(C) Percutaneous K-wire fixation
(D) Open reduction and internal fixation
(E) Arthrodesis

The correct response is Option A.
When intra-articular fractures of the phalanges are severely comminuted or unstable, traditional methods of operative fracture fixation or immobilization may have an unacceptably high rate of late joint stiffness. Immobilization (splints, casts, or K-wire fixation) can hinder joint mobility by promoting the formation of intra-articular adhesions and extra-articular joint capsule contractures.
The dynamic traction method, however, combines movement and traction in the treatment of intra-articular fractures. Distal traction reduces and realigns the articular fragments by forces exerted on them through ligamentous attachments (ligamentotaxis). In severely comminuted articular surface fractures, open reduction may be impossible and ligamentotaxis the only way to achieve adequate fragment reduction. Movement under continuous traction also helps prevent joint stiffness and contracture. The dynamic traction splint is usually worn for six weeks, but this can vary from four to eight weeks, depending on the severity of the fracture.
Continuous passive motion following intra-articular fractures has shown to improve articular cartilage healing and regeneration. Initiation of continuous passive motion, however, requires prior reduction and stabilization of the fracture site. Pilon fractures of the PIP joint typically involve a comminuted fracture, with problematic late stiffness if standard immobilization techniques are used.
Interphalangeal joint fusion is a salvage procedure to achieve stability and pain relief, particularly in the index and small fingers, where grip strength is of high importance.
A 35-year-old woman has an open fracture of the index finger metacarpal after sustaining a gunshot wound to the hand. Physical examination shows a 2.5-cm defect of the skin; radiographs show a 2-cm segmental defect of the metacarpal. The patient is to undergo single-stage reconstruction using a distally based posterior interosseous flap with vascularized bone.
Harvest of the flap with a cuff of which of the following muscles will maintain the blood supply to the bone?
(A) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
(B) Extensor carpi ulnaris
(C) Extensor digiti minimi
(D) Extensor pollicis longus
(E) Supinator
The correct response is Option D.
The vascular supply of the ulna can be maintained by harvesting the distally based posterior interosseous flap with a cuff of the extensor pollicis longus muscle. In this patient who has a 2-cm segmental defect of the metacarpal, vascularized bone from the ulna is appropriate for single-stage reconstruction. Other reconstructive options include the radius, scapula, fibula, humerus, and iliac crest. The radial forearm flap may also be harvested as an osteocutaneous flap for reconstruction of the metacarpal.
To determine the cutaneous portion of the posterior interosseous flap, a line is drawn from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the ulnar head with the forearm in full pronation. The cutaneous branch of the posterior interosseous nerve, which must be incorporated in the flap, lies 1 cm distal to the midpoint of this line. The posterior interosseous artery lies deep to the deep fascia, and the septum passes between the extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digiti minimi. After the artery has been identified, the surgeon dissects distally to the supinator, taking care to identify and preserve the posterior interosseous nerve. A 5- to 7-cm segment of bone can be harvested by dissecting through of a portion of the extensor pollicis longus while leaving a cuff of muscle attached to the bone.
Although free iliac crest corticocancellous grafts can be used to reconstruct metacarpal defects, vascularized bone graft is often preferred instead if the defect is large or the soft-tissue envelope has poor quality.
The extensor carpi radialis brevis and supinator muscles do not supply perforators to the ulna.