HAP and VAP Flashcards
What is the definition of HAP?
pneumonia that occurs 48 hours or more after admission, which was not incubating at the time of admission, in a non ventilated patient
What is VAP?
pneumonia that arises more than 48- 72 hours after endotracheal intubation
What are the signs in VAP?
Radiology signs (2 or more serial CXR with at least one of the following
- new or progressive and persistent infiltrate
- consolidation
- cavitation
Clinical signs part 1 (at least 1) AND
- fever (temperature > 38 deg with no recognised cause)
- leukocytosis > 12 000WCC/uL or leukopenia <4000 WCC/ uL
- AMS in adults > 70 yrs with no other cause
Clinical signs part 2 (at least 2)
- new onset of purulent sputum/ changes in character of sputum/ increased respiratory secretion/ increased suctioning requirements
- new onset worsening cough/ dypsnea/ tachypnea
- rales or bronchial breath sounds
- worsening gas exchange
microbiological criteria
- positive growth in blood culture not related to another source of infection
- positive growth in culture of pleural fluid
- positive quantitative culture from BAL
- > 5% cells with intraceullar bacteria on direct microscopic examination of gram stained BAL
- histopathological evidence of pneumonia
How to prevent VAP?
- Elevation of head of bed
- Daily sedation vacations and assessment of readiness to extubate
- Daily oral decontamination w chlorhexidine
- Subglottic suctioning
- PUD and DVT prophylaxis: not definitively linked to directly to VAP, but are known Cx of ventilated pts w acute respiratory failure
- Note: early tracheotomy has not been proven to decrease VAP
How to manage HAP/ VAP?
High mortality: MRSA cover + 2 anti-pseudomonal agents of different classes
Low mortality
- High risk of pseudo: 2 anti-pseudomonal agents, 1 of which has activity against MSSA (if MRSA not covered) (e.g. pip/tazo + gentamicin)
- Low risk of pseudo: 1 anti-pseudomonal agent which has activity against MSSA (if MRSA not covered) (e.g. pip/tazo)
- MRSA cover if risk of MRSA (+ vancomycin, or linezolid)